Should I give the game a second chance...

Should I give the game a second chance? I remember really hating it when I played it for the first time but listening to the soundtrack just makes me want to give it a second chance, what do you think, Sup Forums? Should I do it or should I just leave it?

What did you hate the first time you played it? Why exactly did you stop playing it?

It's been a few years since I played it but I think the gameplay was what drew me away, it didn't help that none of the characters were likable.

>I think the gameplay was what drew me away

Sounds like you've already answered your own question.

I honestly don't get the point of the draw ability. Just seems like adding even more grinding to an rpg.

A guardian force takes from its summoner like how the summoner takes from the environment.

I think the PC version on Steam lets you instantly draw 100 magic from an enemy, instead of doing it over and over.

It's my favorite, and I know damn near everything these is to know about this game.

From strategies, starting GF abilities to learn, magic rationing, what to draw, when to refine.

>instead of grinding Ability Points to level your Materia up into the Master rank, you now just stock 100 of your favorite magic and assign them to benefit stats/elemental/status properties in a character sheet.

PC version has option for Drawing 100 instantly, skipping the pointless grind.

speaking of flawed game mechanics.... you basically cant use any of the magic you draw because you have it tied to a stat, and that stat goes down if you use the magic

They should've made it so you can get 999 of each Magic, but can only Junction a max of 100 to a stat.
That way you could have 100 junctioned, while using excess in actual battle.

It took me 3 tries to actually sit down and finish, got to near the end of disc 3 twice. Was my firsr FF though i came back a few years later and finished it ended up loving it after i really figured the game out and started breaking it with the junction system.

Yeah this was annoying for sure but magic was pretty awful outside of a few healing spells and meltdown/aura.

If you don't mind the gameplay then sure. I personally couldn't stand it, and I never gave enough of a shit about the story or characters to see how it ends.

FF8 is just unconventional.

The best way to use magic, isn't actually casting the physical spell. I don't get why you don't understand that. Casting magic is not only a waste of time, but also a waste of your resources.

I can't think of any scenario aside from Aura, Full Life, and the Meltdown spell I would ever consume a unit of.

It's not a flawed mechanic, it's a different one.

Game only gets boring when you get to the futuristic city.

The game is exciting the whole way through, and that was just another peak for me.

Squall is great up until the story kills him and replaces him with a whiny rinoa faggot lover.

i remember hating it because it was so uninteresting. i literally went around collecting cards and just playing the card game for a while before i decided to finish this easy ass game.

the plot is retarded time travel bs

The game only gets non-boring during the run from the spider bot, most of the Laguna segments, when the Master Fisherman caught a fish, but was about to be rammed by Balamb Garden and Ultimecia's castle.

It's flawed, because it funnels the combat into repeating a single action (In this case Attack or Limit Break). In other games a players can entertain themselves by varying the actions.

I'm always recommending giving second chances. I'll do so again. That being said I've given VIII three chances years apart, the last one in 2006, when I swore I would never touch it ever again, and absolutely despised it each time.

I guess. I hated grinding in this game playing legit on Playstation, but there are pre-maxed save files online and emulation perks that help facilitate stuff. Still not the best game there is, but it's a little better.

>having to draw 10x more magic than you already do

It's just so much easier to refine magic than it is to draw. I can't help but feel anyone who played this game and complains about the draw feature didn't actually pay attention to their GF abilities or something.

I usually learn the refine commands before I even learn the junction abilities.

FF8 is my favourite final fantasy.

I recently replayed FF7 and that game is such a piece of shit in comparison to FF8.

Some magic is easier to refine than others depending on the item needed for the refinement and how plentiful it is. Stuff like Curaga is fine because you can just buy tents or whatever but for a lot of magic the only practical way is to draw it from enemies.

VIII is for patricians only, stay away.

Literally EVERY magic is easier to obtain through refining, especially in a long term scenario.

Unless you're just planning on getting 300x of one spell one time, from one special boss, literally everything you could ever want is better to refine, than to draw.

PC version has a setting for Max Draws everytime. Sucks to be you playing the garbage PS1 one with polygon wobbling, texture warping and needless grind.