Why did you fuckers recommend this to me?

Why did you fuckers recommend this to me?

>spend most of the game by yourself
>objectives are confusing as fuck
>no minimap/marker to show where to go
>instead need to try 50 closed doors to find an open one

I haven't even gotten up to the Alien yet and im not sure if I want to continue

>missing the point this fucking bad
also you run into the alien in the first like 5% of the damn game

You'll figure it out eventually, when you get the motion tracker it shows the direction on where to go.

>no minimap
I don't have an anime girl smug enough for you.

I think this is for you. Came in the mail. The name reads "Gay Retard."


Wow, I guess it really is true that people who don't like this game just need their hand held all the time.

>actual survival horror

>I haven't even gotten up to the Alien yet
So you gave up like right away or what?

>spend most of the game by yourself

>spend most of the game by yourself
are you autistic? the word isolation is in the title

I just got onto the station but I was expecting more development with the crew and stuff before suddenly being alone and crawling around

Its like they wanted to save money on voice actors by just killing them off

Welcome to gaming not on treadmills.

Yeah it's a shit game but so are the points you made

its called tension and set up you ADD shit
its mimicking the atmosphere from the first movie to a t

got you senpai

get good

>This is the kind of people that populates Sup Forums

And that's why you should never listen to this place.

>no minimap/marker to show where to go
This is retarded on many levels, well done

>i haven't even gotten up to the Alien yet


>start game
>first people encounter
>unsure what I'm supposed to do
>drop game

How fucking long do you have to sit there and wait before you know the game is shit? It's not like I didn't give it a chance

just stop
this bait is so weak its fading away

Of course its a pcfag

I just want everyone to know, whenever you read someone saying "game is shit" I fucking GUARANTEE you they're this kind of idiot.

>42 minutes
>Hasn't even cleared Mission 2
This is effective bait.

>pleb: filtered

>spend most of the game by yourself
SINGLE player game
>objectives are confusing as fuck
Objective as written in clear text. Have you tried reading the objectives?
>no minimap/marker to show where to go
Check your damn motion detector.
>instead need to try 50 closed doors to find an open one
You're braindead.

Why did you fuckers recommend this to me?

>creepy skull won't leave me alone!
>lol am i playing a book? am i really supposed to read all this dialogue
>no quest compass where am i supposed to go?
>where the fuck is the tutorial?! what is this journal thing my guy keeps mentioning and how do i read it?

I haven't even left the Mortuary yet and im not sure if I want to continue

Game is shit

>Supposed to be a horror game
>At no point are you ever afraid of the Alien. It is always just a tedious annoyance like "Fuck he's in the room again now I have to wait until the table until he leaves"
>Humans are the major enemies of the game even though it makes absolutely no sense
>Robots are probably the scariest thing in the game but even they are annoying since its such a fucking head ache to kill them

This game just proves that taking the guns out of survival horror makes the game shit. It trys to evoke a 'powerless' feeling but instead evokes a feeling of irritation

Sure it's single-player, but this one seemed more like some guys developed a map to explore and forgot to put anything in it

There were objectives like change your clothes or talk to some guy but fuck knows where the locker was who who those people even were

Didnt get up to motion detector, might have to go for another slog and see if it improves

OK might have exaggerated with 50 doors but its like the game is on rails but uses closed doors instead of a quest indicator like a lot of better games


>Pleb Filter: The Game
It's obviously not made for people with shit taste.

>Complains about game being on rails while wanting a GO HERE, THIS WAY, UHU!! NOT THAT WAY, HEEEEEEERE, FOLLOW THIS ARRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow!!"#!"#!¤%"#%#"¤Q"#!¤R%¤#R"Q#A%¤RAW#ZF¤RVA"W¤TSEFRXDCSE¤Rq!#b a>yewszrhgxdfcxrxsf¤z>rawgvbw>

Everything you need to know is already put into the game.
Don't know where the areas are? Read the damn sign, because they aren't just for show.

>all these niggers taking the bait

t. another guy who barely played the game

>Humans are the major enemies of the game even though it makes absolutely no sense
What did he mean by this? It's not true

>Robots are probably the scariest thing in the game but even they are annoying since its such a fucking head ache to kill them
The robots that you can outrun and easily kill (how is it a headache?) are scarier than the alien which moves around unpredictably, you can't outrun, and you can't kill. Right

>This game just proves that taking the guns out of survival horror makes the game shit.
But there are guns

You'll get a motion tracker before finding the alien, the motion tracker has an objective marker. Also there aren't even that many closed doors and the objective is always marked on the map.

There's only like 3 occasions where it's almost impossible to tell what to do/the objective marker is bugged

lmao OP got scared

>EVERY THING is a bait

No, they are just retarded and they should be treated like such even if they did make it as bait.

can we turn the thread into variations of this post?

>spend most of the game by yourself
>Alien: Isolation

You know, I think you may be on to something, OP!

Why did you fuckers recommend this to me?

>lol these graphics am i playing a videogame or a child's drawing
>what button activates the key radar i can't figure it out
>took cover but my health isn't regenerating is this a bug?
>those green dudes that shoot the fireballs are unfair as fuck!

I haven't even gotten the red key on E1M2 yet and im not sure if I want to continue

Its nice to see Alien Isolation is now one of those games even most of Sup Forums will defend.
Its rare to see games like that.

Alien Isolation is fucking amazing
it drags a little bit but thats like its only real flaw

Sup Forums can relate to being all alone and defenseless

Its a game for a super niche crowd, games like this will always have their fans.

Why did you fuckers recommend this to me?

>game isn't actually very silent
>most of the game is spent in an apartment complex, not a hill
>there's fog. like everywhere.
>there arent even enough bullets for the main weapon

l haven't even found my wife yet and im not sure if I want to continue


Yeah that's what I'm saying. even really good games get shit on by Sup Forums but most of Sup Forums seems to like Alien Isolation.
And that's pretty rare for this board.

It's actually a shit game, but since it's somewhat hard, people who like to act like elitists defend it against those more retarded than them

Hi OP.

Maybe if they did a VR version

Whats hard? you already know ripley is going to survive

"dear diary Sup Forums wasn't shit today"

>anime pic
I get it now...

The map system was the worst part of the game

>no minimap/marker to show where to go
you should just buy Skyrim VR edition - it's really good

I wonder who could be behind this post.

>Whats hard? you already know ripley is going to survive

Fucking so? how does that change the games difficulty?

Its like the star wars prequels, you already know who lives and dies. The game has no emotional impact if you already know you can't die


Why did you fuckers recommend this to me?

>graphics are shit, what is this? 2002?
>no map/marker to show where to go
>i have to read? what the fuck?
>can't hit anything and keep dying

I haven't even gotten to Balmora yet and im not sure if i want to continue

You still haven't said how that makes the game any easier.

Where on earth are retards like you bred?

You're a fucking retard. Also the game is the best when the alien isn't around because it's comfy and atmospheric. I tried trolling the Xenomorph AI and when I was going into my vent hiding spot to laugh, he spawned there.

Needless to say I never fucking tried messing with that thing again.

There's two sides to prequel stories though, that side that you mentioned, and the other side that wants to see how the story still plays out in spite of it, seeing how it stands on its own or builds up to certain events.

>die in a different spot
>die reading a log
>die reading the second half of the log
>die randomly
>die trying to unlock door
>die finding another log
>die trying to read terminal
>die trying to read rest of terminal log
>Whoa, so much fun! I'm glad I'm autistic and have shit-tier taste and no job so I can spend all day every day honing rote memorization of video game sequences. My ability to memorize where to go instead of naturally progressing is soooo fun and shows soooo much skill!

This game is a NEET filter. Between garbage like this and Autism Simulator 2017, it's amazing most of you haven't killed yourselves already.

>I suck at games the post.

You're just shit at games desu. The game was pretty boring but you're still a shit cunt

t. Braindead

How long should you play a boring game before you know it's shit?

Or... hear me out, either don't get caught and not die or if you are an impatient fuck throw a noisemaker in the opposite direction and then do whatever you want for like 15 seconds.

the actual way to win is to use a wait high object and circle around the alien or just abuse (no he doesn't grow resistant to it if you puff as he pounces)

I gave up because you can not jump. Can't jump in a game - next. That's why I gave up on that star ship game everyone loves with Mr Sheppard.

it doesnt matter after you get the flametrower anyway
that thing makes you invincible

It's a shit game and really boring but it looks and sounds nice so Sup Forumsedditors eat that shit up