The guy on the right is the creator of Undertale

The guy on the right is the creator of Undertale.

If you met this man, what suggestions would you make for Undertale 2 or the future of the brand?

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None. Its not my place to tell an artist how to make art.


tell him to keep it up so i can end up not playing it just like i didn't play the first one.

Stay far away from Homestuck fans, Homestuck itself, or anything related to Homestuck

I would have linked the homestuck spit bucket video, but its probably been removed in the last 5 years

Do whatever you want, man. I don't care about your game.

He's cute. Would smooch

nu/v/ was a fucking mistake

Haha you really showed him

I would tell him I had fun with his game and that I hope his next game has nothing to do with undertale because unnecessary sequels are pure cancer.

Little late for that man, considering that he started off by making music for Homestuck

He looks like a jew though

kill yourself and don't make another shitty game please

There's no need for an Undertale 2 because if you keep on churning out good new IPs you get more fame than just "that guy who made Undertale"

Whwn undertale was released i saw quite praise here, was it all ironic or is it classic Sup Forums like games before it was popular than start hating it after it becoming super popular.


well then he should kys himself asap

The latter.

>homestuck spit bucket

The latter, as always.

Why do people feel the need to make retarded faces on photos?

>Film = art
>Literature = art
>music = art
>Combine them all...?

Because we're attractive no matter what face we make. Only ugly people smile

At first yes. But after a while we started seeing beneath the surface of the game. We started seeing all the ambigious genders and sexuality in the game. Once Tumblr got a hold of it, Sup Forums started hating it with a passion

So theres actually nothing wrong with it? I am not really interested on rpgs so i haven't played it. But va-11-ha11a was suffering with same fate for a while but it didn't receive as much hate

>We started seeing all the ambigious genders and sexuality in the game
How could you see something that doesn't exist? Are you schizophrenic?

the game went from "this is a cute but generic little game" to "GOTYAY OH MY GOD ITS BREAKING NEW GROUNDS" in the span of 2 weeks

it wasnt awful, but by no means did it ever warrant the amount of buzz/hype it got. for more than a month, half of the board was undertale threads. it was a problem.

Make more interesting characters, over half of the Undertale cast is fucking gay.
And add that fucking Hardmode he teased, it's good as fuck.

Is there actually sexuality and gender bullshit in it? Not talking about fanfic

Same way people see [Enemy political group] in any game. By trying hard enough to see it.

I'd kick his ass and profane his unconscious body.

>video games on the same level as any of those
that's like saying:
>kid playing with phone camera = art
>school test = art
>any noise = art

>ramen = food
>frosting = food
>ice cream = food
>combine them all...?

It's a meta rpg with a bullet hell-like combat mechanic and a story that can change notably depending on your actions. It's definitely got flaws, but most the people hating it only hate it because they think the fandom reflects the game.

There's a lesbian character. That's it.

Undertale was pure cancer so it would be fitting.

>I hate my hobby

Why tho?

Yeah this is sensible doesn't matter how good/bad a game is but half of the board filled with praising/shit talking it really become annoying.
I tried it but it was really slow paced and sprite art sucked really bad, and i only play sega and mame games

Undertale isn't bad, it's quite good.
I mean, it's nothing super special either, I wouldn't place it in my favorites. But it's certainly a notable game.

>falling for such retardedly bad bait


He's a pretty cool guy IRL.

>my hobby needs to be art to be able to enjoy it

Actually, there's a lesbian, a bisexual girl, and a transsexual robot, and that's just amongst the main cast.

I pretty much stayed off Sup Forums for that time period. Jesus it was awful.

At best, the amount of attention Undertale warranted was the same as other small but sort of entertaining cheap indie RPGs like Barkley: Shut up and Jam Gaiden.
Instead, it blew up like it was the most noteworthy game in existence.

You're literally discrediting art from being art for no other reason than to add a negative connotation to it and I don't understand why

Art people are very protective of their high and mighty "you just don't get it" act. Video games are seen as a juvenile hobby, so they need to pretend they have no merit in order to sniff their own farts just that little bit harder.

I don't. I just don't pretend it's some thing it's not.

Toby seems like the kind of person who doesn't really care for the autistic fans so I would tell him things I wouldnt want to see so he does the opposite and puts in the things I actually did want to see,

Meant for

Because he's baiting you, as is every other person you're talking to.

fuck off, I bet you're one of those faggots who think dadaïsm had any merit and consider anything to be art
even a toilet

To make it less SJW pandering bullshit.

And more interesting Daimaku patterns.

So good videogames can be art is what youre saying.

None of which are in your face or preachy in any way. Also, isn't Mettaton being transgender retarded fan-canon?

Oh god that takes me back.

Were those goalposts heavy? Want a hand next time?

he's actually just metrosexual

Ah you're one of those who puts art on a pedestal. Very well, carry on. We'll never see eye to eye on this


Lol shut the fuck up faggot

Anything human beings do that isn't strictly for the purpose of survival is art. A toilet is not art. Video games are.

But they are though. Just because you don't like the things you normally associate with the word "art" doesn't meant you get to change the definition of it.
Someone watched THAT documentary (and made no argument)

why do you want video games to be considered art anyway
all it'll do is invite more faggots shitting out pixel walking simulators

Real men don't hate on another man for their hand crafted creation becoming popular. You congratulate that man so that you yourself and possibly be on that level as well.

I want to fuck that boy

It's not a matter of wether you WANT videogames to be art or not, either they are or they don't. It doesn't matter if you don't like the people the word "art" attracts in your head.

I'm not even sure what you're trying to argue. You asked "Is there actually sexuality and gender bullshit in it?". I interpreted that as a preachy and unfitting message about sexuality and gender, which it doesn't have.

The goalposts are firmly rooted, bub.

REMINDER: Because "games are art" became a thing, videogame quality became poorer, 2deep4me movies with ocassional inputs. Heavy Rain isn't any more artsy than Dragon's Lair, but sure it's worse to play.

and you are a part of it

>lol, this guy spent actual effort on his work??? what a self-fellating asshole lol! I'll show him!

>now back to writing my speech about how an used diaper with 3 drawn on dots will change the way we as a society think about art

>ywn have people love something you created to the extent of cosplaying

Re:Creators gives me sad feels

Video games deserve every negative connotation they can get, fuck off

Video games are not art.

The man has a flawless understanding of his audience. Can't fault him for profiting from it.

I would flip the whole shit and make it super intolerant naziboo bait

Because it would be funny

By definition Art is anything created by the hand of man. Arguing what is more art than something else is frankly the behavior of the uneducated layman

Tell him to leave Undertale be and make something new. It had its moment of fame, time to let it go. That's what he wants too. I want him to be a creator of various games, not "the Undertale guy".

same, i'd just suggest to make it,
how- up to him

I would suggest porting the game to other consoles if the PS4/Vita version turns out successful, but to not make a sequel since the game's fairly well self-contained and I feel the world and characters said what they had to say in the various endings of the game. I'd rather encourage him to start work on another passion project unrelated to the Undertale universe. Maybe make some more music since it's obviously his strong suit. Hell, I wouldn't mind if he started composing soundtracks for other indie devs.

Your food analogy works against you, combining them all would still qualify as food. Maybe not good food, maybe not food to your taste, but food all the same.

Yes they are.

I didn't know tracer™ from blizzard™'s Overwatch™ developed UnderTale™!

This one?

>le art is relative meme

This is why it all went to shit, and why shitting and menstruating upon a piece of paper is considered art.

That one.

>I don't like it so it's not art
It's not a meme. Art is a ridiculously vague term.

>you missed out on the opportunity to bang Jade and Rose cosplayers

Hello Layman. let me assist you. You can argue the quality of the art, you can argue the craftsman ship or the value of the emotion it evokes or the political message it sends or the works of the artist themselves. these are all platforms for debate that will get you somewhere. But you cannot argue if it is or is not art. You may as well be saying Call of Duty isn't a video game because you personally dont like it

So where is the line drawn, you stupid shit?

Is my toilet after daily shit considered art?

My plate after the breakfast?

Where is the goddamn line drawn, you fricking, indoctrinated pseud?

He looks just like a vegetarian sperg I know who studied theology and failed because he spent all day masturbating to black booty. It's the same sickly skin and inbred facial structure.

I would say he should leave Undertale be and make something completely new. But he probably doesn't need me to tell him that, I'm almost certain that's the plan.

>So where is the line drawn, you stupid shit?
>he thinks there's a line
This is why you're not an artist.

That Redglare cosplay is hot.