Is this the most overrated franchise of all time? The games are so boring and put me to sleep. I just can't see anybody above the age of three enjoying them.
Is this the most overrated franchise of all time? The games are so boring and put me to sleep...
pic unrelated, OP meant to post Halo
it can't be overrated because l'm pretty sure no one has ever claimed kirby games were anything else than thoroughly harmless, well polished decent platformers
I wouldn't say most overrated franchise ever, but it's definitely the most overrated Nintendo franchise.
You just sound frustrated because not enough people is shitting on this franchise to your liking.
>I need guns and swear words to reinforce my fragile sense of masculinity
>Most overrated
>Anything but Zelda
It amazes me that people gave BOTW a 10/10.
Pretty much. It's for 8 year old children getting into games. Anyone who enjoys it beyond that is probably into phone games and generally doesn't play videogames.
They are not technically innovative, changing, or well done. Only hardcore nostalgia fags really love it, but rarely do they have good taste; they are merely trying to live in the past to avoid dealing with their present.
I liked Kirby. I haven't played anything after Crystal Shards on N64 though.
>Is this the most overrated franchise of all time?
Not really since Zelda and Pokemon push more merchandise. The Kirby games are just sort of there.
I know right? I'm also amazed they gave a Nintendo game the score it deserved for a change.
If Super Star isn't one of your favorite games then you're a pleb.
Well, not exactly "shitting" per se, but Kirby could stand to not have so many braindead fanboys sucking its dick all the time.
When did I ever mention guns and swear words? Kirby is flawed because of how braindead easy and noninnovative the games are. Mario, Pokémon, Sonic, and Monster Hunter for example are games that are actually a lot of fun and creative despite not having violence. Kirby is just bland and lacks substance.
>of all time
I wouldn't even call it the most overrated Nintendo franchise.
>Pokemon and Sonic
>Monster Hunter
>not having violence
Fuck off, furfag.
I really hope you see the irony in calling out some harmless baby shit like Kirby as overrated while praising Pokémon.
superstar was great, everything else is quite bland
You're right. Should be 11/10.
My problem with Kirby is that Nintendo has constantly failed to realize that the by far best Kirby game (Super Star Ultra) doesn't have a fucking gimmick. It's just Kirby. There's no fucking robots or 3d bullshit that just clog up the gameplay. If they remade KSSU and maybe tripled the content (not hard, KSSU didn't really have a lot) they would make total bank.
>implying the Robobot armor "clogs up" the gameplay
I swear, everyone who lumps it with Hypernova shit or Super Abilities hasn't played it
Played through Triple Deluxe last year, the Hypernova parts were easily the most boring in the game. It slows the gameplay down to a crawl and simply isn't fun.
I really like kirby games and I can't stand phone games.
honestly, just emulate squeak squad. I think it's a really good step for a core audience kirby fan, the gameplay / levels / inventory management is pretty superb, and 100%ing the game is a fun treat. The only gripe I have about it is the shortness of the game, they kind-of brought back ability combining, but really the only intentional combinations are (fire/ice/electricity) + sword for an elemental sword. It really feels like they meant for it to be more in depth, the way you combine items in your inventory, but coupled with the length of the game I'm willing to bet there was some sort of technical limitation or time restraint.
Honestly, anyone out there who doesn't believe that you can enjoy a kirby game as a "core gamer", just emulate squeak squad. It's a fantastic game. And I really hope that it's one of the influences for untitled kirby game.
Most overrated on Sup Forums. Fuck kirbyfags and their no bad game bullshit.
Insufferable cunts.
The Robobot armor is pretty decent though.
>No fucking cutscene that takes 5 seconds, you just hop in
>Has a mix of abilities you can use instead of just some shitty inhale puzzles
>You can just avoid it if it bothers you that much
I cannot imagine being this miserable.
aaah typical american posts
I like Kirby but this mentality of "no bad games le comfy XDDDD" is so fucking annoying.
Sounds like a you problem dude.
have they ever topped this one? I don't think so.
>Hating Kirby
You guys sure are some bitter fuckers.
did you even read the post you replied to?
It does have buddy AI. From what I've played I don't remember any of the others having that. Still, it's completely optional and using them is completely avoidable.
Odd mentality people have that one cannot enjoy simplistic video games after touching more complex titles. Kirby games are enjoyable for what they are: basic, straightforward platforming. My favorite ones are the ones I played as a kid but the new games are still solid, I think. The most recent 3DS game with the robot looks pretty cool actually. The Wii dreamland game doesn't look too interesting but Yarn looks cute.
Kirby's peak was Superstar ultra everything else after sucked
Mass Attack wasn't all that great considering the idea behind it makes it sound a lot better.
>Shitposting Kirby
I thought Euro Hour was over.
I did, but it seems I misread it.
Sorry, user.
>butthurt Paper Mario fags
Unless it's a Euro thread, kindly fuck off to your irrelevant spin off trash
It's just weird how Kirby stopped being fun and interesting after a while. Something about them is totally different in style or execution or gameplay I can still go back to the old titles and have a good time, and I was really excited for the games on 3DS but neither could sit well with me after playing them.
I agree, kirby fags are the 3rd worst fanbase on Sup Forums. These games are literally made for 5 year olds in both challenge and aesthetic and then they use the "its good because its comfy" meme
>ctrl+f paper mario
>1 result (your post)
Ah you must be one of those cancerous Evil Dead 2013 fans come to shit up Sup Forums yet again as you often do.
Ignoring that "Kirby with a robot" is a fundamentally offputting idea that was rejected as a retarded idea as far back in the 90's, the execution of it in the game wasn't fun. The point of Kirby is freedom, being able to explore the game's mechanics at your own pace in any way you want. Robobot didn't do that.
>here take this armor that you can't explore with or experiment with, we're locking you to areas we want you to take it. you can't take it anywhere or fight anyone with it we don't want you to
>have a boring corridor of targets to destroy to feel powerful, INFINITE POWER FTW!!
>we will give you the exact power you need exactly when you need it, the point is to solve simple puzzles then bid it farewell.
I'll agree with this
>2nd worst
>3rd worst
>4th worst
>5th worst
So much fucking this
>you have lived long enough to see Cuckby become one of Sup Forums's most hated franchises
Fucking best timeline. Fuck this series and fuck the cringe cancer "le comfy XDD" fanbase. This garbage is on our shit list now, deal with it.
>Sup Forums now hates Kirby
truly this is the end times for this board
may it wither and die along with the rest of this desolate and raided site
The new games aren't as good as the old ones but Kirby is not a bad series, the fanbase on Sup Forums is just really annoying, unbearably so. It's a shame because they were great in 2011.
Only Pokemon deserves to be on this list of yours. Very few video game franchises can pump out virtually the same game each or every other year and be confident that they'll make around at least 5 million back.
>wah wah fanbase
Oh, that's just an excuse to be bitter.
>Not even Kirby is safe anymore
I want nu/v/ to leave.
We need to allow offtopic shitposting so they'll stop shitposting video game threads and start shitposting in the offtopic threads. Like flies to honey.
Holy shit. Imagine being this much of a salty faggot over a simple game made for children.
It sucks that I can't discuss games that I like because the people on here who like them are such garbage.
Everyone hers is garbage. You want to have a real good talk about shit, you need to find real friends.
Mine goes
Newvegas fags
Bloodborne fags
Kirby fags
SMT fags / weeabo fags in general
melee fags
The amount of people here supporting the retarded new Yoshi game is depressing.
Have either of you touched a Pokemon game? They have some of the deepest mechanics of any turn based game, certainly the deepest of any JRPG.
>Sup Forums hates kirby now
Go to any fucking Kirby thread, rarely any shitposting at all
>People enjoying and praising things bothers me :-(
safespace fags please go.
nothing wrong with simple games. beat em ups, rhythm games and shmups are generally great and easy to pick up. kirby is shit because it's meant for babies, if you like it you're pretty much on the same plane as a MLP autist.
Only 3D Zelda is overrated. 2D Zelda is really underrated.
All videogames are meant for babies you tool.
Stop letting corporations decide what you're supposed to enjoy.
>2D Zelda is really underrated
>when ALttPfags exist
>really underrated
>ALttP on every "top 100 games of all time!" list despite being average at best
Do you kids need a hug or something? Why so salty?
>if you like it you're pretty much on the same plane as a MLP autist.
Fucking this. Why hasn't Barneyfag attacked Kirby threads? Not only do they fucking deserve it, but like you said they're literally no different from horsefucker.
>w-what do you mean i'm a manchild for playing a baby game!
>s-stop making informed decisions you d-dumb poopy cuck >:(
They're incredibly basic mechanically as far as rpgs go
Wow, so this is the power of autism.
Good bait
Do you mean yours? Agreed.
not overrated but the most mediocre HAL keeps rehashing games and their fans dont give a shit
How so?
That isn't an argument.
Nigga kirby games are fun. They also have some of the best final bosses in gaming.
Go play a real RPG like Suikoden 2 and then come back and tell me Pokemon is anywhere near as technical.
Alright, I'll say it's good because the games are good. Better for you?
Kirby canvas curse in legit one of the few 10/10 I've ever played
>Playing fun family friendly games is the same as wanting to fuck a cartoon horse
Why don't you enlighten us with your supreme taste, faggot?
Either stop being a faggot, or start being one. Either would probably help in your situation.
You really expect me to believe some single player weeb game has more depth than something with an actual PvP metagame and competitive scene?
Haha it thinks it's a person, that's great.
The fans are the bronies of Nintendo games.
>stop enjoying what I don't enioy
So when the day comes and you stop breathing, everyone else should stop too?
If suikoden 2 had multiplayer a competitive scene would have certainly existed for it. And yes, I do.
Pokemon is weeb shit too yo.
How can it be overrated? No one claims it to be some 10/10 masterpiece other than Super Star, it's just solid platforming and good music.
Sure theyre good, but Dora the Explorer is good too. Youre gonna look stupid as fuck enjoying either
Can't you guys understand that it's okay when Nintendo does it? Christ.
Nigga what I play in the comfort of my own home is nobody else's business.
Also, if you care about what strangers think of you, you're literally a child. Brb gonna eat some lucky charms
>He hasn't seen the threads where shitposters say that Kirby hasn't had a single bad game.
Name one.
So be real with me, are you actually autistic or are you just pretending?
I mean I assume you have some basic functionality if you were able to find this website but at the same time you're trying to compare two different mediums with two target different target audiences.
I'm leaning more to the you're a retard side
Samefagging of the highest degree.
But it hasn't user. The worst Kirby game Mass Attack is only mediocre, sorry if that upsets you.
Alright, who wished on the monkey's paw for more kirby discussion on Sup Forums?
youre literally delusional if you think they have different target audiences
Not that user but I thought Epic Yarn sucked complete ass. It's music is legit awful and the lack of *any* threat just made it abysmal.
I'll give shit like Rainbow Curse a pass but Epic Yarn just stuck out to me as a stinker. Only Kirby game I legit hated.