Say something nice to her.
This is a King of New-Londo
i bet ur pens is femnin
*King (female)
anything wrong m8?
>implying 4kings wouldn't be an amazing boss if they were actually female
Everyone would like such turn of events.
We wuz kweenz
That would give humanity succ definitely more sense.
>third from the left looks like she's kinda timid and tentative, I like that
>second from the left clearly asks for your dick
>right is just meh
>left - never ever
Thus, objectively patrician rating is 3>2>4>1
4cunts are shit. They are THAT BOSS that nobody wants to replay a game because of.
why are Souls games concept arts so cool and have such a strong grim vibe to them, but actual in-game shit is always cartoonishly over the top and silly (especially in DS2)? You expect a serious game full of dark themes, but instead get some anime shit trying hard to be so and only ending up being awkward.
>he doesn't like kangaroo granpa
everyone does.
Fuck off with this garbage template threads
Anime shit is the best shit there is
You are 100% correct.
>Sif, Manus, 4fags, Smough, Moonlight butterfly, Demon of Foreskin, Twin Princes, Friede
Thematically a lot of DS is really anime because its Japs that make the series. The whole western european knight theme constantly gets overwhelmed by the anime stuff and there's nothing to be done about it.
If dark souls jumps were controlled and edgy like anime they would be trash
What makes them so good is how much personality they have, when Gael jumps he doesn't look like some black haired emo going "heh, i wasn't even trying!" he looks like a blood crazed animal
The only character who does actual anime jumps is Friede who is literally trash tier
also Gwyndolin and Priscilla.
All I fucking wanted is some elaboration on Velka and what she did right before and during Gwyn's rule. AotA had some Velka lore (read: fucking nothing) and I already had doubts they'd connect the DLCs like that.
At this point my only solace would be if they did something completely out of left field, like the Ashen One going back in time to the war between the Lords and Dragons and choosing which side to fight on, giving us a fight with a real dragon or with the OG Four (I'd be okay with 3 [fuck 4fags]) Lords in their prime.
But that'd be too good so it never happened.
>real dragon
Don't tell me you missed Midir
>unironically wanting more on literally who goddess
do you watch the ashen hollow by any chance?
and Chester (inb4 Bloodborne)
fem!4kings are best 4kings, why the fuck there's no more fanart like that?!
>original design still has crossbow darts on the legs
>doesn't wield a crossbow
>what is a secondary weapon
>einhänding the Zweihänder
The old version had a complete moveset and it never used the crossbow
why did Gwyn even give 4fags a shard of his Great Soul?
Remember when they promised to cut 4fags from the game when Prepare to Die edition got announced? Classic-fucking-From didn't deliver of course.
Thank god someone else thinks Friede is trash. NPC's-as-bosses will never not be trash. Only justification is Halflight, because he's the stand-in for a player if for some reason you can't connect.
And yeah. Gael was the only acceptable Artorias-alike because he was a berserking maniac. Abyss Watchers completely missed the point with their ridiculous greatsword ninja flips despite being normal undead with no monstrous power like the Abyss or the Dark Soul behind them
Apparently New Londo was a prosperous city and they were known for wise rule. He thought he could trust them, and it seemed he could until totes-secretly-the-good-guy Kaathe showed up yet again to ruin fucking everything
>normal undead with no monstrous power like the Abyss or the Dark Soul behind them
>or Dark Soul
ALL of the "normal" undead have the power of the Dark Soul in them which gives them inhuman sytrength and vigor. This is why in the game (you) are able to be cuhrayzeelee ninjaflipping while double-wielding twin Ultragreatswords.
>Kaathe showed up yet again to ruin fucking everything
he literally did nothing wrong, it was 4shits who are to blame for fucking everything up because they were gullible self-assured faggots. Fuck 4shits.
>Abyss Watchers completely missed the point
Wrrong, abyss watchers work perfectly because they're literally trying their hardest to be like Artorias so they have to use weird techniques shit because they can't move like him
>Encouraged Oolacile to dig up Manus and mess with his Dark Soul
>After seeing how bad this fucked up, goes to New Londo and teaches them a weaponized form of fucking with peoples' Dark Souls
>Acts like it's other people's fault that every time he intervenes it results in disaster and cities falling to darkness
>Still wants to bring about the Age of Dark even though his actions led to the Abyss lurking in the dark and waiting to rise up as soon as the First Flame fades.
The coalesced and concentrated power of the Dark Soul, rather than just the small piece that every human carries. It's the power of souls, though, that lets normal undead attain inhuman strength, intelligence, faith, whatever (considering that fluff indicates human baseline stats are high-single to low-double digits and as "low" as 19 STR is "Inhuman). Undeath just enables people to harness the power of souls. There's no real indication that the Abyss Watchers spent a significant amount of time building up their strength and dexterity in order to even be capable of using their swords, whereas Gael and Artorias had such a mass of Dark power behind them that it didn't matter (and Artorias was a semi-divine Knight to boot)
Fair point, though that begs the question of why whacky sword-flipping has gone down in legend next to Artorias' name when, as far as we know, exactly one non-abyss-riddled person (the Chosen Undead) fought him like that, whereas all the legends surrounding him involved him using his signature sword and shield. The Abyss Watchers mock Hawkwood for using a shield when a shield should by synonymous with Artorias
They mock hawkwood for the shield because they can't KURAAAAAAAAZEY SPIN with shields
It's all thanks to the dagger
>Artorias had such a mass of Dark power behind
No, because he was not a human.
>tfw no MGQ-style Dark Souls eroge
life hurts.
shut your smelly whore mouth 4fags-sucker, and kill yourself.
Manus tore him 6-12 new assholes and corrupted him. He literally draws on dark power to buff himself during the fight.
>tfw Manus gave Arty such a mean dick he can barely stand on his legs and is leaking abyssal cum out every orifice
Anyway memes aside:
>Manus tore him 6-12 new assholes and corrupted him.
He NEVER actually made it to Manus; he got fucked by the abyss and went mad long before.
Did he? Could've sworn he took on Manus and lost. Granted, his arm was mangled and his shield lost by that point, but I was sure he actually fought him
>being so pathetic that you can't even reach manus and get corrupted
>his arm was mangled
abyssal corruption just ate on his arm and eroded it; he was literally one-armed at the point with just an empty gauntlet on the place of his other arm.
>his shield lost by that point
He gave it to protect his dog.
Honestly what a faggot he was. He went to fight Manus knowing that this was the stupidest idea ever AND took Sif with him which got BOTH of them in trouble. So not only he fucked up his "quest of honor" but also put the life of his companion to rick. And retarded fandom still praises him and sucks his dick as if he's some sort of a heroic figure.
Personally that's what makes Artorias so good
He's not some edgy twelve year old bait hero that his autistic fanboys make him out to be, he's a guy that tried and just empowered his enemy in the process
God Artorias fanboys made me hate this kickass boss
>tfw still can't beat the Demon Prince
If the phantom NPC AI wasn't so shit I'd have killed it 10 attempts ago.
Pretty much this. Like all characters in DS, he has his flaws and failures. They're what makes the characters feel real despite being, you know, mythical lightning-slinging demigods or what-have-you. The people who miss all that and jump to "WOW ARTORIAS IS SUCH A BADASS BECAUSE HIS FIGHT IS HARD" completely miss the point
Shiyet. I'd offer to help but I just went into a new NG cycle with my main and none of my characters are close
And then those fanboys drank wolf blood and made a whole fan club about it.
And it's not even THAT fucking hard. Stop exaggerating everything goddamit.
>you will never eat the whole DaS universe for your lady
Forget the rest of them, dem mouths are enough to get a boner to
Well yeah, he wasn't even the hardest fight in that DLC alone, and other bosses like Gael and Nameless have eclipsed him in terms of health and damage potential, but in Artorias' case....I honestly don't know.
Like, if the fanboys were just attracted to the "badassness" of the fluff around them, Ornstein was a successful dragonslayer who we later learned served alongside the Firstborn, Nito's the god of death and doesn't have any of the associated hypocrisy of the other gods, Seath became immortal and invented sorcery in the process, yadda yadda yadda, while Artorias' only known feat was fighting the abyss and losing. It honestly perplexes me why he has so many autistic fanboys. Is the wolf motif really that much of a draw?
>thematically anime
Artorias of the Abyss is extremely conventional medieval fantasy tale where a nameless adventurer enters the magical land of legends, defeats a corrupt knight and a dragon, and saves the princess from a mad sorcerer. You even have the blind old mentor and enchanted woods.
...and there exists a shitton of anime with the exact same premise.
But ds is different because the nameless adventurer isn't twelve
may as well be depending on the age slider.
That fight lasted for around 13 minutes when I finally took him down solo. Just make sure you kill a specific demon in the first phase which makes the second easier.
Artstyle is not a theme, you dunce. Artorias of the Abyss does not look like anime, unless you are using a bizarre definition that nobody has ever heard of.
Your character still can't be a shoen autistic kid in ds
I want to fuck one of the 4 Queens of New-Londo.
Hi there.
I like how the artist actually gave them personalities.
>imagine them as a boss that actually is 4 queens with different interesting personalities and full-fledged character and not some lazily copypasted excuse of a "boss" with shit design and barely working fight mechanics
That's how most of Souls bosses are, and Gwyndolin and Friede aren't even the best examples.
He is legitimately harder with help than solo. There is nothing about him that's all that difficult as long as you kill the correct one first, though. That meteor attack the other one does is plain bullshit.
One of the NPC summons is really good for this fight, though... the other is terrible.
what's wrong? You a homo?
Because Artorias is pretty much the Darth Vader of Dark Souls. A dark knight with cool aesthetic and moveset. Not to mention he screamed Guts
Why would they? Kings is a great boss.
If they promised to remove Bed, I would understand, because fuck that shit
>Kings is a great boss
Post YFW
>Kings is a great boss
if it was like it would be.
As for now it sure is fucking not.
>Final battle of the entire series is a shoe-horned clone of Sengoku Basara's Oda Nobunaga
>he thinks Papa Gael was inspired by his weeaboo trash and not Guts
>A somewhat interesting gank boss with a twist
>Old Monk 2.0 (or is it 3)
>A dragon with WAY, WAY too much health
>Literally Guts
Was the DLC worth it? I enjoyed it
This fucking invisible nipples meme needs to die and never return. It's not sexy in the slightest, I'd rather have fully clothed tits than this crap. Look the the girl on the far left for fuck sake
>WAY too much health
You are literally pathetic
the fuck is this, a fossilized taurus/asylum demon fusion?
It's an Asylum demon from DS3. Thanks to the Chaos Flame dying out, poor bastard is just fragile rock now
It's what happens when you throw water on demons
>he makes female dark souls characters
No on both accounts. First of all fuck the 4fags, Magic spamming, hard to roll out of the way of the life drains, and giant magic nuke that does 3/4's of your health (if you're new game+5) You can only win by tanking the shit out of them and having GMB. Also fuck Broom-Hands and her falling floors. Just fuck you Broom-Hands, fuck you to Vegas and back
I don't like using this term, but Git Gud. It's entirely possible to dodge everything that the Kings do just by rolling. Tanking is completely optional
But I do agree about BOC. Nothing ruins Hardcore runs like that cunt