I'd still fuck it. My weakness is Asari.

Lel, /r/gaming IN DA' HOUSE


Are you mad your studio got shut down?

I missed these threads

>game is so terrible EA and Bioshit are trying to distance themselves from it


The inclusive shit isn't even what killed the franchise tho.
The bugs, god-awful faces and the even worse animations did that all by itself.

That's the point. Bioware's whole shtick was being INCLUSIVE, and they bought into their fan's circlejerking bullshit. So instead of being critical of themselves, constantly striving to improve and evolve, they figured "the tumblr LGBTQLNOP crowd loves us so we good".

And then this shit happened.

I'm still pissed that this game got (rightfully) shat on, laughed at, and hated for its duhversity, ugly faces and terrible animations, but sony ponies lap up horizon zero dawn which is just as bad, if not worse.

Suvi a cute
Andromeda is one of my favorite games
stop bully

Horizon is a new thing not an old/loved franchise, so it had a lot less to live up to. So the disappointment doesn't hit as hard.

I don't think that was the main error still. Letting idiots do the animations was the bigger issue.

you're retarded bruv.

She's shit and her accent is shit.
Best waifu coming through

OHhhh Some people got real problems

dis nigga


How are turians consistently the best characters in Mass Effect?

>inb4 "filthy degenerates fucking aliens"
don't tell me you wouldn't fuck a space raptor amazonian

Turians are honorary humans. Everything else is shit.

The franchise turned to shit when the white guys fled and they started hiring diversity, don't kid your self faggot.

When you put it like that, it sounds way worse than it should

While Horizon was also a bunch of stupid shit I don't think anything can surpass Andromeda, especially considering the amount of money and time they put into it.

I want to protect Sara

>wake up
>no space rock raptor bird xeno gf
Why are we still here? Just to suffer?

What a worthless game. Too bad Bioware will not suffer. Let's hear it for Manveer Heir the racist superfag.

what a gay thread

Seeing this Asari made me realize how badly I need to fear my developing nasolabial folds

Is there a way to slow them down or smooth them over? Will weight loss make it worse?

To tell you to get better taste.

thats a man baby



Dat eczema

I'd still fuck PeeBee. There's easily a lot worse in the game you could do.

I bothered pirating and playing DA2 but not this. And I always liked ME over DA

>it's almost like breaking up with an so
literally me

am I mentally ill

Yes, that is an unhealthy way to handle a video game you didn't create or work on in any way.



>no more ME games

How does it feel Sup Forums?


i don't care

>space raptor amazonian
>sounds worse

What are you some kind of normie pussy?

>ywn wake up with light scratches and scrapes from sleeping with your qt turian gf
>ywn feel her metallic-smelling breath hitting you as fall asleep together
>ywn hear that sexy turian voice purring as she wraps you in her arms

Why even live?

Good. The first was neat for something different I guess but then the rest were unneeded. Bioware really needs to improve or just go away.



I've only played the first Mass Effect, and for the life of me, I'll never get what about this character's face brings out the shitposting.

I wanna hate fuck this blue bitch so bad.

Eh, the gameplay is still decent, they even added "vintage" heat sink mods that turns every gun ammo system in to the one from mass effect 1.

At least on the gameplay part, you could see that some poor bastards tried making a honest effort, shame the rest of the game and the story killed it all.

Shepard was also a big part of mass effect success, Ryder, the mc of Andromeda, has trouble filling shepard shoes in a lot of way, maybe they were trying to show ryder growing into a experienced soldier like shepard, but most of the time it just felt annoying not being able to tell people to fuck off or outright kill them like shepard did.

There was some real magic in reaching the citadel for the first time in me1, all races were unique and interesting, but in andromeda both angara and kett are so awful, they are the kind of race the reapers would just nuke from orbit and then move on to harvest actual decent races.

I want to play with her mandibles

I just wanna know what the fuck is up with the stripe

How come I can play broken ass games like Postal and have fun but this is just utter shit?
Bioware thought they were hot shit that they gave ME to a B team made of females and incompetents so they could get PC points and circlejerk with the LGBT degenerates.

This is corporate responsibility in the current year

I wonder what was the thought process making this scene


'Le quirky XD'


I think they just wanted to maker her straight up retarded

The fucking hands keep shaking. Quality animation. Fucking retards.

Oh and here's Peebee without face paint. Almost as if slapping that shit on her face was a bad idea to begin with



about fucking time it stopped.

There hasn't been another Mass Effect game for 10 years anyway.

The only good thing in the game

and that's why he is the best husbando of all

Drak was also decent.
But that was basically the only highlights of the game.

SOMEBODY post Cora's ass


RIP autistic sarah ryder

what the fuck are they for? is it to help you hold food near your face in case you gotta do something with your hands?

do we ever see those aliens holding onto stuff with their face?

SJWs think this is quirky, they think quirky is a replacement for personality.


The call that destroyed mass effect

Artists probably just threw them there for aesthetic. I bet you can torture a turian pretty easily by threatening to remove one of those with a military-grade knife, though.
race war now

Bioware are finally actually dead. The Division of Destiny game they're making shows EA has finally turned them them into just another sweatshop developer.

It won't be more than a few years before EA retires Bioware by taking it out back and shooting it. I can't waif for Bioware to be gone forever.

The only thing worth mourning in regards to ME is there'll never be another time to laugh at how hilariously shit the games are like with ME3 and Androgynous.

Holy shit she actually looks half decent without it, and without making stupid faces

does anyone have the big tit edits of the blonde girl and sara?

still the best thing that came from andromeda

It hurts to say goodbye, even if it's for the best.

What went wrong?

you're taste is shit

it really is sad
i remember when we all used to praise bioware even with their faults we still liked what they made
the same can even be saud for ubisoft and we all know how bad that is
god damn blizzard too what the fuck is happening

after ME3 its more of a biter sweet victory
im glad bioware got whats coming to them but at the same time im unhappy that they blew the chance to redeem their failures

Good. I hope they burn

Don't forget Square-Enix


I never bought anything from Sony in my life until I bought a PS4 and Horizon. It's the only game I've gotten all the trophies in so far and It's much better than ME:A.

fuck it hurts
what is there to turn to everyone is killing everything

No, YOU are taste is shit.

lol no
SE still has a long way to go until their in that tier

I'm only human, after all
[Now you too, are a part of Andromeda]

Was it kino?

but...she's a qt

Why did people even like this shit franchise again? It was boring as all hell.

watch any cutscene and everyone is twitching constantly, bad mocap i guess

Only Square Enix RPG I played was TWEWY so I don't know about their decay

>"you're like, totally not even worth killing gorgul strux, like, oh em geeeeeee"

Fuck, the things that make me burst out laughing never come with a warning.

I liked 2. 1 was OK, 3 was mediocre.

Bioware seriously thought a mainstream audience was going to buy a game where you can fuck that.

There was no reason for this to suck other than incompetence. It could've been even better than the original trilogy if people who actually gave a fuck about attention to detail and storytelling were involved. Everyone in Andromeda was just unlikable and stupid as hell. The original trilogy felt like a real universe that happened to have an interesting cast of characters, for the most part. There was no reason for this series to die, but if nobody with any real passion cares enough to do it right then it needs to stay buried. They could always start over in another new galaxy again if they wan to do another soft reboot and just stick with a "exploring new galaxies" theme instead of sticking to numbers. Do these games really need to always be trilogies anyway?
