How do we stop this, Sup Forums?

How do we stop this, Sup Forums?

she ugly

By ignoring and not paying attention to it.


kill it with fire

That's a really unfortunate pair of tits

dem tits must be so hard them crushing DICK

Those milkers don't look like they are attached to her body. Freaky

tits are awesome and OP is gay

Buy her an upgrade to Infinite Warfare.

Those tits are not awesome. They look fucking comical

by popping her tits with a needle

You can't. There will always be a very large number of sad betas. Been that way forever. Just be thankful you aren't one of them.

Remember, you don't have to be Chad, just don't be the guys that watch/pay for shit like this.

more like silicone and pus

Source is Kristi Lovett, she's done porn

You sound like my feminist friends.

by not making threads

>feminist friends

are you their castrated beta male pet?

is she even any good at the game?

Fake tits? no idea how you stop women or trannies from having them.

The only way to stop this is to stop thirsty betas. If you have a solution to large quantities of young men being unable to find relationships or contact with the opposite sex, I'm all ears.

is there one of these whores that play retro games?

Yeah, I'm one to. Actually voted for the feminist party last election.
Been here for almost a decade, preaching equality for all you faggots.

Yeah. They put a collar on me and walk around with me outside like a dog. It's actually pretty hot.

Kristi still streams? If so where

She was way cuter when she didn't have the giga-tits. She sucks a mean dick though.

>mfw her vids pre implants
she had amazing normal tiddies, now she looks like a circus freak

By not making threads now fuck off you ugly cunt

no different from streamers who scream and overreact for viewers
they are just sad boring people who need excitement in their lives

same with a big pair of tits

atleast the woman you might trust what she says because its plain as day whats going on, like a hooker

with streamers, they are all psycho levels of manipulative sociopath you cant trust a single fu cking thing they say, as its just to get ahead and get money from people


Which cod is that?

>white "men"

Why do you care? Just don't watch it you fucking imbecile.