ITT: FUCK YOU, I liked it

ITT: FUCK YOU, I liked it

Seriously, it's no dmc 3, but it's fun, I payed a few bucks on a sale and I had fun.

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Fucking little emo. This faggot is so annoying. Get it out of my sight. Reported.

que te jodan!




but that´s a good game, user

I don't give a shit about "MUH HIGH SCHOOL!"

This was a great game and would have been better had the class system not been so retarded

Hold the fuck up, are there people who didn't like Undying?

This looks crazy. Alpha Protocol, right? Are those scenes due to player choice or just how the story goes?

yes and it is amazing, everything you do counts and changes the gameplay, you can do whatever the fuck you like, join or turn on any and every agency, there are no bad choices, you gain xp not for making THIS or THAT decision, you gain xp for making A decision



you say its a great game, but all you do is list things wrong with it in your post

Don't think anyone else played it anyways, it was more or less Sands of Time remastered.

I've read some posts saying good things about this game, it looks cool, should I get it on the sale?

Look at this fucking moron. You probably meant jericho?

it is definitely fun, the story is cool and engaging, and the atmosphere is goddamn amazing

How's the gameplay, besides the cutscenes? Is it QTE heavy? Any customization to character / weapons, etc.

Chrono Cross.

I replay it once a year the first week of November.

Well, what I did like about it was the new classes it brought to the series (even if some of them were segemented from the original game like the Commandos) and the segmented maps which brought better balances between the classes (Scouts were broken in the first game. You know it and I know it).

Plus I thought the melee classes were pretty cool.

He's literally not even emo, like he doesn't act or looks slightly emo. Dante actually has a more emoish look than donte.

Literally nobody dislikes this, it had great critical and popular reception, it just didnt sell well.

It's pretty fucking fun and has some great mechanics, sadly there will never be a sequel

this was fun but too short

Thats cool.What do you think of the new one? I haven't had a chance to pop it in yet.

the controls are a little clunky at the beginning, but its nothing terrible and it pays off immensely
the only QTE there are in dialogs, you get a limited time to react,like 'cheeky' 'proffesional' etc, Fahrenheit style
you can pick from several skills, a weapon type, pistols, smgs, shotguns, rifles, unarmed, sneaking, hacking, and such, and you develop it gaining new skills for each level

id say its definitely worth at least looking into and finding more info if youre interested

Big time

it has some seriously weak points, but theres just something about it


The new one is pretty interesting. I ended up grabbing it for Vita since it ran pretty well on it (from what I saw on Youtube).

From little I've played so far (still on Chapter 1), I think it's alright.

I liked the Definitive Edition, made it into a pretty solid action game

it has everything i eve wanted

I've always had fun playing this.

i bought eafront for 10 bucks and its fun

Didn't know Sup Forums hated this game so much. Last good Halo game IMO.

I thought it was alright, but yhen again it is the only dmc game I have ever played.

go away, Randy


Wii version was better. Played like a traditional PoP game. The HD versions were too combat heavy.


Thank you, will do.

It was honestly a very good looking game with a better plot then ass creed. Characters were neat and was well acted. Alot of the guns felt very satisfying.

It just needed to be expanded on, less QTE, and longer. I feel they could have a great thing going if they added more game with the story.

>somebody who liked HR says this game is shit
>find out they didn't play it
every time

Denuvo is powerful tool.

>Dishonored 2 came out
>finish it the day it came out
>literally GOTY
>Sup Forums is full of threads that it's "awful and it runs like shit"
>it gets cracked
>Sup Forums has shitload of threads praising the game

This board is just bunch of underage poorfags.

Beware your devastation, kido.