Dont mind me, just being the best zone in all of the game
Dont mind me, just being the best zone in all of the game
Other urls found in this thread:
>check out this shiny piece of corn in a gigantic turd
lol, you have never played a golden age MMO, have you?
us oldfags, amirite xD
stay mad, enjoy your dead thread
is that the zone that has the very big elevator?
The elevator is between this zone and Howling Fjord if I remember correctly.
Everyone always goes on about Grizzly Hills, which I too absolutely loved.
But nothing takes the cake for me like Howling Fjord did.
Arriving at Valgarde by ship as an Alliance was the best fucking thing by far
Howling Fjord had such a distinct feel to it, with aesthetics and music, no other zone managed to grasp.
Not only that, it was very diverse in it's quests and themes
>arriving at Valgarde, defending agains the Vrykul, slowly undermining them in the entire region to get a better foothold
>hunting the local wildlife to resupply the meager warehouses of Westguard
>the Yogg Sauron foreshadowing at the fjord near Westguard
>titan foreshadowing with the explorer's league
>all the fun quests at Scalawag Point
You only actually start to get in contact with the 'real' zombie scourge by the time you reach Fort Wildervar.
Howling Fjord simply had it all and showed how diverse a single zone could be, and the expansion with it.
holy shit early to mid Wrath of the Lich King was good
but wotlk was the best expansion, dumbass
jesus christ lmao it's just a mmorpg map
As much as I loved both of these, The Hinterlands takes it for me.
Taking that long ass troll questline as a mage was long and painful but I enjoyed every bit of it
i have the same feeling, but for Borean Tundra instead(i guess im the only one actually loving this zone, i was surprised that most people hated it)
Nothing beats arriving in Northrend, and in particular, Valliance keep as alliance for the first time
i wish blizz would release wowedit to the public
Being unable to express enjoyment things is a sign of autism.
i express enjoyment for things that matter, like getting a raise at work, you useless unemployed NEET
Alright, autist.
I wasn't the guy that made the post about Howling Fjord, by the way.
Best raid
Pure kino.
the older it is the better it is, such is the way of Sup Forums shitposting
Borean always felt a bit like a mish-mash of things to me, but I guess that's also especially thanks to the blue dragonflight prescense there.
That said, it did have great quests.
100% agree.
but NAGRAND was no doubt the best zone
whats wowedit?
Giving me replies is a sign of autism.
valiance keep was so much better than that horde shit, and I mained horde since tbc
I feel like I'm the only person who enjoyed Vashj'ir
you are
Be careful what you wish for.
Next expansion might be running player made dungeons and doing player made leveling zones.
Vashj'ir and a few other zones like new Silverpine/Hillsbrad are the only thinks I liked about Cata. Still to this day I haven't finished question in Hyjal, but I love Vashj'ir.
I liked the zones aesthetic, but being underwater the whole time fucking sucks, even with the fast walking.
It's just too annoying finding quest items/NPCs on a 3D plane when they don't need to also have a foot path.
you know, like the editors released in all their golden era games.
With player made classes and spells? sounds worth
yeah, i agree, its my favorite zone ingame, but i think the blue dragonflight zones were the shittiest part of it.
otherwise, i loved that mish-mash aspect, that zone has such a diversity, that it always feels like you are in other mini-zone.
from the classic farshire/valliance keep human vs scourge feeling, to comfy gnomes vs robbots, to tuskars fighting vrykul, to the pure fun murloc and D.E.T.H.A quests
For it will always be Ashenvale. Bes music, best atmosphere, best spontaneous world pvp
>you know, like the editors released in all their golden era games.
like that shit that all the usemaps for war3 were made?
didnt know theres one for WoW, this actually sounds amazing if the right people can take a hold of it
Blizz apparently doesnt give a fuck about WoW anymore, i can imagine the community can do magic with this instead of wasting time on scripting private servers
>wrath shit
>shitposting isn't stead of rebutting with what you think is better.
>anything i disagree with is "shitposting" because i am unable to form my own opinions or arguments
lmao autist
That's not the Loch
>not The Barrens
Wrath was the best expansion lore-wise. It had one good raid (the best one), though, so BC is the best game.
You're the user posting Pepe and going REEEEE and you're calling that user autistic?
dont mind me just posting a game so difficult that nobody on Sup Forums except me could ever get anywhere in it
>having a job
pick one
i have only one post in this thread and it is , look at the post ID before you reply next time you fucking newfag
>literally barren
the only reason people like it is that you spent 10 levels there are and it's where 3/4ths of the factions for the horde met there, so the chat was lively. Alliance don't really meet anywhere.
>believing the myth that you can prove samefagging
i love nelfs, i paly pretty much exclusively nelf since vanilla and i love the setting, but imo, all the nelf zones are boring as fuck(teldrassil is the shittiest starting location, darkshore is fucking HORRIBLE, feralas and felwood are meh, winterspring is the only exception, if it counts as a night elf zone)
>he doesn't know about the greasemonkey script that is 12 years old now
holy shit, you are autistic
find my posts then
>all this shit taste in here
duskwood is best
newgrounds flash games are not real games grandpa, go away
>Only 10
If you do a bit of Stonetalon in the gaps, you can stay in the Barrens for 15 or so levels. It's honestly a huge zone. It's probably not as efficient as some Alliance areas because you have to walk so much, but it's just so comfy.
okay, found them
good job, bud. you proved us all wrong
i did what you asked, Anonymous (ID: UmZ2l0Q2)
and where might my posts be?
why are you asking me where your posts are, do you have alzheimers and already forgot?
Anyone hyped for Northcraft?
Seems like its going to be pretty decent and id love to replay the whole wotlk experience from start to finish again(the current big wotlk servers like warmane are all on ICC already so its fucking hard to gear as a new player, not to mention that warmane is fucking dogshit server anyway)
Teldrassil's location is shit, but i'd say it was one of the better leveling zones in vanilla, especially for leather workers and herbalists and people who leveled cooking while leveling.
thanks for proving yourself wrong. im gonna go work out
>begging to be spoonfed this hard
maybe if you improve your google-fu you can get your own copy someday.... nah who am i kiddin' redditors are dumb.
WoTLK had some great shit but it's where the worst, most damaging shit was also added. I'm good with TBC but will probably give Northcraft a nostalgia go.
borean, dragonblight, zuldrak
hellfire, netherstorm, shadowmoon
barrens, tanaris, desolace
stv, hillsbrad, tirisfal
fucking awful
highmountain, forest zone, suramar
why the fuck do fags like nagrand so much? easily one of the worst zones in wow.
>draenei architecture
>nigger orc sand huts
>ogre caves
>green everywhere
>tfw you will never roll a wow character for the first time again
>tfw you will never experience Barrens chat again
>tfw you will never make friends with a bunch if crazy characters across the world all playing the same game
>tfw you will never stumble through ragefire chasm with a group of other noobs agsin
>tfw you will never dance on a mailbox for the first time again
>tfw you will never ever get stuck behi d that table in orgimmar again
>tfw you will never spend hours on YouTube watching Oxhorn and Nihms WoW music videos agaib
>tfw you will never watch the South park make love not Warcraft episode for the first time again
>you will never spend hours browsing the web for information about the new expansion again
>tfw you will never browse thottbot again
>tfw you will never install nude mods and uninstall them every time you finish playing so your brother doesn't see them
>you will never enter the portal to the Outlands again
>you will never ride the zeppelin or boat to a new continent for the first time again
>you will never race home from school to play WoW again
>tfw the most magical gaming experience of your entire life is over and nothing will bring it back
yeah, wotlk is my favorite expansion but i realize that blizzard started becoming cancer during it with the rdf, killing world pvp and making steamroll classes like DK
still, people forget that this whole process begun in TBC with the badges system, removing honor, fly mounths, resiliance, etc so people tend to give way more credit to TBC than its due imo.
Also, i fucking hated the TBC setting, all this pink and purple, gay-ass belfs, fucking SPACESHIP TENTICE AYYLIUMS, DUDE KAEL THAS AGAIN AND AGAIN, etc
Loved playing TBC but i dont think i have the nerves to replay it so i think ill just wait for Northcraft.
Will still check Gummy tho, but prolly wont stick around
maybe its good for min/maxers, but it has such a bullshit boring quests, holy shit
its like you have shit taste on purpose
TBC didnt have a single great zone and thats a fact, all were mediocre at best.
Nagrand fags need no apply, its a shity STV but with boring environment
well, fuck
Reminder that these are the best songs from every point in WoW's life so far
you spelled Vash'jir wrong
and so did I
off yourself my man
>music is somehow bad past a certain point
Off yourself, even WoD had a top tier cinematic it didnt live up to
Zones that only you like?
To this day, im baffled why everyone hates it
It has easy-ish quests, comfy hub town, and that perma-sunset environment was soothing as fuck.
It also had great atmosphere and feeling of something grand happening around your
Sometimes it feels like I'm the only one who liked Hellfire Peninsula.
I remember back before 1.9(?) when the entire zone was barren. Creepy as fuck, and had a real aura of mystery to it.
you most definitely are
what did you even do in that shitass venture bay
I think I spent five seconds there overall.
WoW's music has never had a drop in quality. WoD had one of the best soundtracks to a video I've ever heard.
video game*
Best music.
But that is all it has going for it really.
Maybe best WotLK zone sure.
this is an amazing instrument whatever it is
it's like it's purpose is to make music that sounds like nostalgia
Yeah, Duskwood is usually where I go to ERP with another druid, usually both of us in cat form.
Its a nyckelharpa
its like you hate your eyes, user
>song so good they revisited it for part of the Druid stuff
theres a quest to kill other faction's mobs/players iirc but thats it
I NEVER played everquest
I NEVER played world of warcraft
I NEVER played ultima online
all because I was too poor at the time to afford the games, atleast I played 3000 hours of warcraft 3
I had NONE of these character-building experiences, barting with people, guild drama. I tried world of warcraft on a private server back in the legion days to see what I was missing out on and got to level 70 and got bored.
I wish I had experienced this era of gaming like you lads had. It gives me nostalgie just to see yours ;_;
>all because I was too poor
nigga, i was poor too(well, not really, but i was 12 when WoW came out and my family, despite being relatively wealthy thought that giving money for a game each month is retarded)so i played only private servers and its still my favorite gaming experience ever
why the fuck didnt you?
>I tried world of warcraft on a private server back in the legion days to see what I was missing out on and got to level 70 and got bored.
It just didn't feel as "real" as i guess it would have back when it was fresh, you know? I mean we can go play ultima online still but why would you? or was the server I was on just shitty
Where does this play at? Jesus fuck.
Question for Cataclysm players and above.
I've been playing for an hour or so in a private server as a Troll. The isles stuff was fun as shit for a beginner quest chain, but the rest is just the same as the old quest with the centaurs, except instead of them there is now Alliance soldiers.
When does the content upgrade from Vanilla to Cataclysm is more noticiable? Next zone (lvl 15-25?) or should I just go ahead and make a Goblin and go from there to see more new content.
I'm a Vanilla+TBC+Wrath player.
i said i played private servers back then, not now
there were private vanilla servers when vanilla was the retail version, when tbc was, etc
ive played a little cata on release, so iirc, different zones have different level of changes
for example, the night elf zone was basically the same as it was in vanilla with some changed quests, while the human starting zone was quite changed
but in general, 10+ zones(darkshore, westfal, barrens, etc) are completely new
The new content was more noticeable in the Eastern Kingdoms. Silverpine Forest and Hillsbrad Foothills were 100% redone.
depends on the zone, some are literally the same shit.
thousand needles changed a lot, stonetalon and desolace got some changes too.