Remember when Penny Arcade was kind of okay?
Remember when Penny Arcade was kind of okay?
No, I never found Penis Arcade funny. I don't get the jokes, they're just a bunch of text, and I keep looking the art for some visual cues because comics are supposed to be visual medium, but there's nothing. Just two guys, saying bunch of stuff, and that's it. I don't get it.
i remember when i was young enough to think penny arcade was okay
not the only thing i turned out to be completely wrong about
I only got the jokes half the time back then. Nowadays they're alright, but don't get anything more than a smirk or a snort from me.
What I wanna know is how did they get so fucking big?
Was it just the privilege of being the first of its kind?
A lot of people don't have any talent. Most success stories is all about timing. Nowadays it's much harder to become big with a webcomic because everyone has a webcomic now.
I legit don't get this. The blue guy is the retarded one, right?
>get lose.
I think it's an edit. I remember that comic being about final fantasy, not mega man.
It's not an edit, but a mistake. Jerry said as much in the news post the next day when everyone in the world told him X was a different series from Megaman (also this comic was before the release of MM9)
If I remembered that, I'd also remember how many years have passed since then and since the relentlessly linear march of time disturbs me, I choose not to remember
I can't see anything Witcher-related without thinking about Grim Shado and giggling like a madman.
"Lord of the God Kings" is one of my favorite names ever. It's so perfect.
Grim Shado was about Tim Buckley's creative bankruptcy
Again, how the fuck did CAD get so fucking big
Right place, right time, steady update schedule and just humorous enough to capture the imaginations of a whole generation of internet using tweens who didn't know better
Dickwolves and the follow up apology strip are fucking hilarious, I don't care what anybody says.
And then it spiralled out of control into an absurd shitshow where they had to actually apologize for it
t. kurtz
most autistic post today
they were funny because le no games XDD
Was Dickwolvesthe first real SJW backlash around games? I cant think of anything that predates it.
The apology that signaled a dark, dark age.
Bet they're regretting this one.
Remember when newfriends didn't ask for sauce when Oglaf panels were posted?
I also remember when Piglike's art wasn't dogshit. Usually people get better at their craft the more they've been at it, but somehow he has managed to get worse over time. And you can tell that he puts more effort into the art now, it just looks worse overall. It's like he's trying to make it look like shit
I doubt it, 2003 was a very different time.
>I haff tvelve metchsteek
Gets me every time
You know they're outsourcing it, right? They're too lazy to even make their own comic anymore.
The only good one.
They were prophets.
Is it bad that "Lord of the God-Kings" doesn't even sound that outlandish of a fantasy novel title? I can't really think of any one that's worse off the top of my head, but it sounds right at home otherwise.
>They were prophets.
Yeah, they were completely wrong and talking out of their asses.
I... wanna fuck that skeleton.
Save me
That's actually funny
Save yourself.
too bad the art went to shit the same time as the humor
Right around the PS3/360/Wii era it started to get kind of shitty. Them being parents didn't really help shit either
Original > glorious golden > pale grey > stitches > blonde
Too girly
Remember when PA did sexual innuendo?
means you're heavily desensitized to garbage
I miss the pedophile jokes
Oh here we go
The kid was Hitler, wasn't he?
I'd suck both of those monster cocks
user I'm pretty sure you're the real, non-Sup Forums-buzzword kind of autistic. Are your hobbies counting things and organizing by shape and color?
What the fuck
Third page made it a bit too obvious, not awful though - basically Red Alert if Einstein's plan actually worked
Annarchy was mai waifu years ago.
What's the deal with the blog posts anyways? They're this rambling mess of text and words that end up making absolutely no sense.
I remember trying to read them for more context about the comic, only for them to make it even more confusing.
Hilariously, their taste in literature is much better than vidya.
Can anyone tell us what the guy is saying?
I think it's "This is justice..." but I can't make out the second part.
Tycho think's he's Charles fucking Dickens but types like a dictionary with ADD
"Forgive Me"
I think.
I do like how they supply the key here to deciphering the time traveller's speech in
Fuck me, that's deep.
I don't know, I enjoyed Stormlight Archive. The real thing of note though is that it's exactly the kind of book Tycho would write too. It exactly in the vein of that young rangers thing they're enamored with doing every so often, only less pretentious and with more actual story. They're point isn't wrong here, though. Sanderson never seems to have met a drug fueled, trivial world building point he didn't like.
I think it's hilarious how he draws his wife like a quirky teenager when she's really a 40-year-old whale who looks 60.
>Sanderson never seems to have met a drug fueled, trivial world building point he didn't like.
Ha. He is little baby compared to Mielville.
>time travel
>kid gets shot
>"Addie, Addie"
Was it that obvious?
Not for me. Took the Jew screwing her over and the Airship, the classic indicator of AUs, to make me realize.
Why is he speaking English? If whoever set this up had the technology for fuck mothering time travel, why couldn't they have found out what language little Hitler spoke and simply used that?
Is this the best edit ever made?
I fucking love airships in alternate universes.
Because it was an English speaker. Why would you have someone who spoke fluent German? They were never meant to talk to anyone, the time traveler is obviously talking out loud not for the girls benefit but to try and ease his own conscious at killing a kid playing with his sister.
Honestly the real question is why not just kill him while he's not being watched by any one? Was there really a necessity to let some kid see you timewalk in and kill her brother?
It's a pretty good one. That red head sure is cute.
>WWII never happened
>LESS antisemitism
I still cant make sense of it, I cant mach any of the words of the time traveler to the tv.