How's that Youtube Channel going Sup Forums?
How's that Youtube Channel going Sup Forums?
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I don't have one because I'm not a fag
i just record any cool stuff that happens in my vida and edit it if i deem it meme worthy, no gay commentary or let's plays.
my other shit
after i become a wizard
Everyone edits the game the same way.
Not video games. Literal shill threads can fuck off.
I won't post mine because I don't want to shill but I'm at 368 subscribers and 116K views which is pretty good seeing as how I'm still growing from tutorial videos from back in September/October that I put out.
My last upload was 3 weeks ago. I keep saying I'm going to upload more but I'm lazy. When I get the cord I need for my mic I might try streaming but I doubt it.
>have too much vidoes to chose to upload
how do i chose and how often should i upload? once a week with a few vids?
Made a guide on how to get all the Blue Magic in FF5 because I wanted one for a recent playthrough and there wasn't a decent one.
Reviewed Jade Cocoon for a friend last Friday, working on GrimGrimoire review for next Friday. Then I have to play Mafia 2, and Wolfenstein: The New Order because my friends suggested them.
Smooth sailin', baby.
Don't do 'Lets Plays'.
You'll go nowhere.
Is it worth starting up now or is it too late? I'm looking for an after work hobby but who even wants to see an Australian neckbeard get drunk and play video games
don't even bother mate, oversaturated market and a waste of time
I don't do lets plays. I just play the games, capture footage, and then make a review. My friends were raving about Wolfenstein: The New Order so I'm going to play it as my next game. My other friend also really likes Mafia 2 so I'm doing that as well.
I was also going to make some modding videos because I'm gonna make some controller adapters, but I'll probably put that on my other channel.
If you're funny, people WILL tell their friends about you. If you're not, you will never become popular.
My amazing Alex Jones impression while ranting about how King DeDeDe is behind the Cuban embargo is going to be a thing. Screenshot this. Game Conspiracies.
but i play good and older games and dont do commentary
Pretty good, just hit 56 mil
Personality or Practicality. I went with practicality because I honestly don't care to make money off my channel I enjoy just putting videos up online.
You either need to have the personality to hook people in or you need to be practical (i.e. playthroughs, gameplay, tutorials, how to, tips, etc).
Practicality is a bit of a hit and miss because it depends on two factors: other people being shit at something and you having to be great at whatever it is you're shit at. But if you are good and you're putting out tutorials and tips/strats before anybody else does then you'll be raking in views and growing fast.
Personality is basically just acting like a faggot or a condescending piece of shit. Or just being a cringy fuck. (i.e. CynicalFaggot, Pewdiepie, CringeyIsHere). It's harder to grow via personality but if you manage to do it, it's easier to remain relevant if people actually like you + it's easier to branch out into other things like MUH VLOGS and other gay shit.
heres a (you) for trying this hard
Shill my channel Felix. Spread the love.
pics or it didnt happen
Here's my channel
I let's play obscure games that are weird or spooky, among other stuff like Yume Nikki Fangames or exploration.
Here's a video
$5-$7 @30k views a day. The extra $200 a month just for playing games is pretty nice. I'd be rich if I could get that up to 1m views a day.
Which is exactly why you will fail
>which is why i'll fail
i dont want to be super famous i just want to create some content without some fag moutbreather giving his shit commentary over everything, i'd rather be in a niche than some wide audience shit
I see the same faggots in every thread linking their videos and leaving.
What's the point in shilling to the same people over and over again?
Literally no one will watch it though *unless you make it stand ount*.
It's been done before, and not many people will search for it. You won't get a niche audience unless you spend dozens of hours on it.
>What's the point in shilling to the same people over and over again?
There isn't any.
Occasionally these threads result in a small spike in viewership, but often if the cahntent is bad, people just immediately click off.
These threads to me were always a way to get advice, tips, and vent about the struggles of youtube. Unfortunately, it's just turned into channel shilling, which is usually done by the same core few.
I started one to mostly make a bunch of vs lets plays with a friend and fully don't expect anything from it. It's just something to do since when we hang out it's a lot of us just playing variable quality fighting games and finding janky combos and hitboxes anyway so we thought why not record it so we can play some of this shit back.
Seriously considering just plagiarizing videos because it worked for that fat faggot weegee.
stop shilling your shit here no one cares
>OP asks
>i respond
>waaah stop
also you cared :^)
The saddest thing is the guys who shill their channels are always the worst ones.
What's your channel?
Hit 1K like a month ago.
Did a large collab video about the PS2.
I also stream every day. So yeah, good times I guess.
but how can you compare them to the guys who don't shill their channels? It's illogical to call them the worst ones without comparision
It's the same core few who consistently shill. You can tell because their responses are copy pasted as fuck,
true but doesn't answer my question, you got yourself cornered fuckboi
If you're too scared to share, you don't deserve the views and criticism.
If you're shilling constantly, you deserve the pushback you'll receive for your shit content.
Got ~3k subs on youtube and I funneled my YT subs to my Twitch channel, got Twitch Affiliated and earning more money with Twitch subs/donations than whatever chunk change Ad money youtube was paying out.
Unless you're already big on YT, its just easier to earn money on Twitch
Yeah but on twitch you have to stream with commentary and shieet, kinda hard being a slav with broken english pronunciation and accent
anyways good luck user!!!!
I've fooled around with the idea of playing recordings of games while just shitposting and talking to chat on Sup Forums.
Gameplay commentary is honestly not required lol. All you gotta do is interact with your chat, and be a cute grill who doesnt actually suck at games ;)
Could be better, I guess.
As a viewer my problem with Twitch is that it's an inherently lower quality content than Youtube. I've seen several youtubers turn streamers whose show just became unwatchable after they migrated to Twitch. Also I often don't have time to watch a multi-hour stream of slower games full of chat interaction and filler content where a 20-30 min highlights video did the same job more effectively. It's a shame streaming is currently more profitable.
This is the problem. Youtube lets plays got flak for being shitty lazy content, and now we have Twitch, which is shitty lazy content, with the addition of donation pop ups and responding to retarded comments in real time.
I think twitch is totally different from youtube, and i guess it all depends on the kind of games you play. I play mostly fps stuff, so there's action most of the time on stream. And if something really interesting happens, I can hit record on shadowplay and save the clip for a youtube video. Basically you can do both twitch livestream and youtube edited videos, and stay profitable through twitch.
This guy gets it.
>Uploaded a song from a game and got 350k+ views
>Made memes sometimes
>Reddit discovered
>Blew up to 10k+ on one or two
>Haven't made videos in years
Sick channel please like comment and subscribe for more content bros.
Show us.
I just finished recording gameplay for crash 3 in the remaster, gonna go back to get footage from 1 and 2, and then play the old ones.
Pretty big project for a first video, but it's fun.