What Went Wrong?
Nothing really. It's not as big as dota or lol but it has it's medium sized playerbase thanks to blizzard's brilliant marketing team
It's a dead game, and I bet it has a lower player base than fucking Smite.
Honestly I think it was just late to the party. People had already either stopped playing mobas for fun, or became totally entrenched behind Dota 2 or League by the time it came out, and nothing can dig those autists out.
If it came out a year or two earlier, I think it might have been an actual contender.
Also, I might just suck, but it seemed like there was some balance issues early on, which Blizzard is kind of infamous for, which could have scared people off.
If anything, the fact that it's even alive at all at this point in time means they did something right.
The amount of dead assfaggots LoL and Dota left in their wake is staggering
Tried to do Pay2Win MTX when everyone already invested in League of Losers.
They nerfed all my favorite character into the ground then introduced characters who do what they do better or hard countered them
Literally how
>Same model
Why do people even post when they know nothing of the products.
keep telling that to yourslef user
im sure blizzard will die this year hehe
In a supreme bout of irony, they were late to the party, just like all the competitors to WoW were.
Good thing is it's blizzard, they got a rabid fanbase willing to buy anything, and blizzard threw money at it to keep it afloat. Seems to be doing fine, and I honestly see it becoming number 1 at some point. Either independently or through overwatch.
It's also fun, which is good. And it lets me play as my waifu Valla
Mobas are dying a very slow death
The numbers aren't really saying that
still no kel'thuzad or mephisto
>competitive game
>personal matchmaking rating
Hasn't worked
Will never work
I'm not getting paid to do your homework for you, NeoBlizz. The bluehaired gender studies PhD you hired is. Figure it out if you want me to play.
>competitive game
>personal matchmaking rating
Do you mean "team competitive game?"
Nothing? Game's fun, seems decently healthy, gets cool regular updates.
It was never going to get Dota 2 or LoL big.
Yeah sure whatever I'm drunk and I still can identify the fundamental flaw of ASSFAGGOTS even if I leave a word out.
>It's a dead game
No it's not lol
That word is the key to the fundamental flaw though
They need to buff the XP gain. The leveling past level six on characters becomes so slow and miserable that you really lose all your motivation to play, especially now that it has a tangible reward attached to it.
I know it's lazy to say this but the game is kind of boring. I need to make like 20 minute pauses between matches.
This is to stop encouraging "but i main muh _____" one trick ponies.
My fellow Tychus player
not as mechanically complex as dota or purely fun as LoL.
Hah, good one, goy. Here, have another overwatch hero no one cares about
Nothing if you just want to play something for fun.
HoTS is the casual MOBA where map variety and wierd playstyles exists, it completely invalidates LoL.
for me it's more that they fundamentally changed a bunch of characters, Nazeebo Valla and ETC in particular. Naz and Valla are still pretty good but they play so differently I just hate touching them,.
Fucking this.
I am simply not playing any co-op game that rates how good you are at it by how well your retarded weedsmoking teemmates perform. Dunning-Kruger syndrome only excuses a shitty game system so far.
Name one fucking team-based competitive game that doesn't base your ranking on win/loss aka: your team.
I dunno for sure but CS maybe.
I think no gear plays a part.
For the higher-level crowd, this doesn't matter. The different level choices offer more than enough variability for upper level reactive play.
For normies, however, gear is a big deal. It lets them believe they have choice. In Dota or League, you can turn any character into a (shitty) tank by buying a ton of defensive items, thus making the standard random pub gamer feel "awesome" or "special" for his carry Jakiro or tanky Annie. No competitive player is going to do this, but the normie who is here to get drunk with his bros and play some vidya gaems who make the playerbase numbers impressive is absolutely going to do this.
There's not much room for that kind of fucking around in HotS. That might serve to keep your team less likely to flounder on account of some retard and his meme build, but it also means a nomadic normie isn't going to stick around here when he can arm a giant spider with six swords and laugh about it in another game.
Blizzard screwed Korea with SC2
Korea choose LoL
Europe chooses DotA 2 because Valve doesn't care about betting
No one left for HotS.
>It's a dead game
I get into QM games faster in this then Overwatch.
Game is getting a constant stream of updates.
Playerbase got a large boost from the Nexus Challenge.
And most important of all: it's more fun than any other Moba trash.
I dont think there is something wrong with it. It is 3 moba after dota and lol. It has pretty big playerbase, and many people watch tournaments on twitch. My only complaint is intentially shitty balance, done to sell new heroes
Man fuck gear. One of the reasons I hate MOBAs is having to memorize builds for a dozen different characters and then re-memorize new ones every week when shit gets rebalanced.
I love how I can play HOTS without looking up any builds and just wing it with most characters no problem.
I played lol 2k, dota 600 and smite around 200 hours
Hots is great, and smite is amazing in arena mode
Nothing went wrong, hots is amazing
those map gimmicks are fucking retarded
it's even more retarded that it's random
Fucking this. When they were doing that Nexus 2.0 challenge shit I started playing HOTS just to get Overwatch stuff but wound up staying in HOTS because it was so fun and matchmaking didn't take 10 minutes for a 5 minute match that half the room will get salty and abandon afterwards.
Back to farming for 20 minutes Lol/dotababy
only a few of the recent new heroes have actually been any good.
Back to not understanding how to play LoL and Dota blizzdrone
as in which map you get? I kind of agree there, a map banning/selection system would be nice for ranked. that way they can tell how many people actually ban hanamura and others and delete it from the game already.
For the swaaaaarm
I mean, farming's farming, whether you are farming creeps or doubloons.
>Lets make a hero thats really weak
>but he has an 8 second respawn time, even at end game when everyone else has to wait 70+s
>and hes only worth 1/4th the XP from a normal hero kill
>but then lets give him a really high damage melee AoE with no cooldown.
>an even HIGHER damage range AoE
>An invulnerable paladin bubble escape
>Two ults that are stronger versions of other heros ults
>and at lvl 20 lets give him a talent that gives him more HP then most other characters
Blizzard balance at its best.
Ban pick phase would take forever
Why would anyone want to put in work to play or understand garbage?
HOTS is the only good MOBA because it's the only one that doesn't require autism to play.
How's bronze
Murky is not that great senpai.
The Moba gametype is generally trash and should only be enjoyed in a casual, non-serious environment like HotS.
not if every player bans/picks a mapand then it just randomizes or some shit, or if the selection was automatically cut down randomly from the start.
The murk has been and will be shit for the entirety of this game's existence.
>Everyone is doing it so it's RIGHT
>playing this game competitive
What rank are you in Mario Party?
Talents are fine but so many of the reworks are shitty and boring where you have a damage tier, a movement tier, a W tier, and so on and so forth. And there are still a lot of talents that are so vital to a way the character plays that they should just be part of that character by default.
Like Kerrigan probably shouldn't need 2 talent tiers just to make her shield not totally garbage and maybe instead of having 4 talents so she doesn't have to go back to base after every single combo they should make her mana costs more reasonable. Stitches shouldn't need 3-4 talents to make slam worth casting at all. And how is it fair that all the new characters can dash halfway across the map but Illidan and ETC need to sacrifice an entire tier to do nothing but cross over walls?
Not in QM hes not.
Teammates never kill the pufferfish.
Literally nothing
it's more fun than LoL and Dota combined because it doesn't pretend like it's anything more than a shitty version of an RTS game
Fucking thiiiiiiis
Every rating is a joke
You can not carry a team by yourself, its literally the genre defining thing
>Stitches shouldn't need 3-4 talents to make slam worth casting at all.
Literally this. His right clicks deal more damage then untalented slam.
>how is it fair that all the new characters can dash halfway across the map but Illidan and ETC need to sacrifice an entire tier to do nothing but cross over walls?
Illidan went from god tier melee DPS to absolute trash, not because of nerfs, but just by how much better the new heros are.
Why doesn't the site client work for me? Whether I download it through steam or the main site it says "checking for updates" but never moves.
I'd like to give smite a go
Even bronze knows to avoid Murky
>normalfags have autism
>Why would anyone want to put in work to play or understand garbage?
You're literally telling me "I don't like it."
So what?
literal amateur devs
Doesn't help that Alarak gets to do everything Kerrigan does better plus his ultimates aren't steaming hot garbage.
Also I like that Fat Illidan somehow is more viable than Illidan in the current game despite being a massive joke of a character.
I'm pretty sure if I played this first I would probably love the game. But I had 2 years invested in DOTA 2 before HOTS, and HOTS just feels too simple for me.
It's marketed towards casuals looking to just have fun. They shit the bed by making it esports centic.
It's the ultimate identity crisis game. Tries to please everyone and pleases no one.
Sounds like Overwatch in a nutshell. Trying to have the fuck-around freindliness of TF2 but trying to run it like an e-sports only game is retarded.
Dead game because there are enough mobas.
also, is only being played because of OW quests.
Anyone else hate how they over monitized the game?
Instead of gold and real money for things, you have gems/gold/chips for the same things.
And dont get me started on loot crates.
No because prior to this system it was cash only and nothing is behind a pure paywall now other than one stupid mount.
it's the best moba
should have had a competitive mode with one 3 lane map like all MOBAs
It was cash and gold numbnuts. I used to like being able to pay 4.99 to get a hero instantly, instead of converting gems to chips for the samething.
Or having to buy a lootcrate and pray to RNGesus.
I understand your complaint, but it doesn't really hold much merit before when nearly everything was locked behind a paywall before and now almost nothing is.
True, I guess I'm salty about not being able to just use money to get what I want.
But your right I can get anything I want for free if I put in the time.
>before: can to get nothing for free but heroes
>now: can get literally everything for free bar a few select items
Why couldnt they keep the cash buy option?
Dudes like me hate having to convert currencies.
People considered it DOA when anounced while DOTA 2 was alreadly there. Blizz did all the damage control to affect DOTA 2 and thr game only grew. Then they said it would be a diferent pace, turned out to be bland.
>For the higher-level crowd, this doesn't matter. The different level choices offer more than enough variability for upper level reactive play.
I disagree. the talent trees in the meta are pretty rigid, especially for certain characters (TLV, tass for right now), and items offer more variety; not just in games, but also in how the character can be played as patches go on. In HOTS, if a character falls out of the meta, you don't have much room to change their build and salvage them. for example, TLV have become much worse over time because their one good talent build makes them split-soakers/pushers, which heroes like dehaka or the recent overwatch heros can capitalize on. In dota, when a character falls out of meta, players can change their item builds to compensate.
The game came out too late. It's the most casual MOBA out there and all the casuals are already playing League of Legends.
The game is good fanservice for anyone who has played Blizzard games but I can't honestly be interested in investing hundreds of hours to this game when it's only 20% of the game that DotA is. It's too shallow for me.
For what it is I like it. Its an extremely casual game starring all your favorite Blizzard characters and games last like 15 minutes
Playing as Gul'dan and Kaelthas is fucking cool and they used their original designs
playing since alpha, even tho i dislike the game greatly, no new online games to get into
what went wrong:
* r e d d i t
* made after dota2 and lol
* devs make cashgrab skins and horses instead of the game
* bad matchmaking system
* horrible reconnect system. the only tweak they made for it in 2 years was purely visual
* horrible starcraft 2 engine
* retarded silence system
* too casual game
* despite being too casual the players are so fucking bad in hero league
* bad rank distribution
* no voice chat
* blizzard dont know what they want for the balance
* a lot of maps unplayable in competitive
* no ingame wiki, no info on hero stats besides in game like AA speed, AA damage, damage increase from talents. a lot of abilities and talents have poor descriptions
* devs are retards. they said leoric rework like 6 months ago? still no rework.
Add powercreep to that. Most of the old heroes are absolute trash now, since there is an overwatch character that fills their role 3x as good, dabbles in someone else's role, and is easier to play to boot.