Game series artstyle worsens over time

>game series artstyle worsens over time

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how do you go from this....


>that left arm

Both are great in their own way you fuck

Right is better than left as it suits the style of the arc more

Also post your fightin mains and their themes


He learned the human male anatomy.


Literally Jotaro 2.0

Metrosexuals aren't human

this reminds me of all the retarded faggot ass fucks on Sup Forums that freaked out about Naruto vs Pain being poorly animated when it was actually fantastic

you underage fucks have the shittiest taste ever I swear

>inb4 "narutofag saying someone has shit taste top kek #based"

I used to be 13, same as all of you are now

Why again did Araki make a 180 switch from manly men to girly fuccbois

>game series artstyle makes a character intentionally smaller than the others

he must be like 5'10

>manlet character infects two minor villains with his dwarfism
the anime didn't make it very noticeable

hands are XBOX HUGE

Saints row

Fire Emblem

JoJo's art style always goes through ups and down. It always looks worse when Araki is transitioning form one style to another, like in early Part 4 and early Part 7.

Also, I hope ArcSys gets to make a JoJo game after they're done with Dragonball, but I know it will never happen.

It's a unique style, sure, but it's still hilarious to me.

JoJolion should be at the midway point or even past it, this list needs updating

I really like SBR's style.

late part 3 was great

Nah, Joushuu still has to have a beetle fight with the beaner, and that'll be at least twenty chapters. We still have a long way to go.

Both look like shit, as most of JoJo´s designs do.

The artist peaked with Stardust Crusaders as far as his art goes. It just looks like mutants now.



JJL looks great though. My only criticism of the art in it is that he often does a couple of excellent panels for the important stuff but the inbetween panels look kind of rushed and lacking detail.

Monster girl quest

The real reason why part 5 is never getting animated is because part 5 is when the art gets good, so they see no reason to animate it. Try and deny this.

It will get animated, though.


Isn't part 5 the most popular one in nipland?

I unironically think this is the peak of Araki's style. I just LOVE his style half way through part 4.

it's also my favourite part.

yoshi's island in a nutshell

I just want the part 5 anime to happen so the italian obsessed japs will help funding the best part
Part 7 would be dope too, but I'm not very keen on CGI horses

>mfw I'm in Tokyo the week after the movie is released...

I can't wait to see it guys, it premiered in swiss and apparently it's pretty good.

It will be announced on JoJo's 30th anniversary

But Part 6 would take away funding from the best part

I'm sorry is this the videogames board?

I think 3 just barely beats it out in Japan. 5 is more popular overall though, it was big enough in France and Italy to get official releases in those languages. There's no way it won't get animated, but there's no guarantee that they'll animate it well. Part 5 is when stands start having really crazy effects that'll be considerably more expensive to animate than anything in the first four parts.

That movie actually looks amazing but I don't think they can really have that much in it when Part 4 puts so much importance on "filler".

>people complain about new part's art style
>people screaming David fucked it up
>people don't realize that this is what became of Araki's art-style
It peaked around 4 and 5.

>they will never animate Purple Haze Feedback

>part 6
>best part

part 3 is

>jojo isn't vidya

>gets good
Is this bait? Part 5 looks even worse than Phantom Blood.

>implying v was ever videogames
this board is /trash/ 2

>game series artstyle improves over time
7 > 8 > 4 > 2 > 5 > 3 > 1 > 6

If this chart implies Joseph is best Jojo, you're right. If not you are full of shit.

look at every video game in this post

I will never understand people who praise part 7 so much. It's cool and all, but if it wasn't for Diego it would feel ball-less as hell. Johnny is a whiny creep and most of the non-major mooks are on par below forgettable trash like that sea captain in SC. Ringo isn't quite as trash, but he's still mediocre by the franchise's standards.

Part 4, 5 and 6 were really awkward because Araki had dropped the HnK knockoff style but struggled to find his own.

SBR was gorgeous though, and worth that awkward phase. Not sure what the fuck is going on now though, JoJolion looks like it's slipping back into awkward again.

>Araki will never recognize PHF in-canon
Fucking Jorge Joestar got translated before golden heart golden wind
It hurts

...cum over Lord Dio, you swine!!

God, old Josuke was so fucking ugly. You have to have brain damage to believe it was better.

>SBR looked good
Oh, those emotionless samefaces?