This game wouldn't have flopped if it wasn't called "Prey"

This game wouldn't have flopped if it wasn't called "Prey".

It flopped? Sad!
What should it have been called?


There's nothing wrong with the name, the 5 prey fans who boycotted it don't matter.


It was stupid to call it Prey. That name has no positive recognition at all, and actually lots of negative connotations.

>b-but muh sjw Injun bounty hunter gaem

it needed more marketing

bethesda sabotages yet another game

the game is really quite good and Sup Forums hates it for no reason

I have a reason to dislike (not hate) it though, it's boring. But everyone else seemed to enjoy dishonored?

Whatever. Idiots can miss out on it if they want.

I really enjoyed it. Nothing amazing but it was fun.

Arkane was originally going to call it "Typhon" before Bethesda threw Prey at them and made their game take the fall with the title.

I'm one of those 3 Prey fans who boycotted this based on Bethesda's horrible PR. That and the game had a bunch of descriptions and long essays on what you were fighting, yet those elements were used as a crutch because of the lack of charm the original monsters had from the first Prey.

the game has literally nothing to do with prey beyond having the name foisted on it by bethesda's tremendously incompetent marketing department

Critical praise, in this case, is the only thing that matters. People liked it, even if it didn't make normie-numbers.

i seriously hope you're not suggesting that videogame critics are people

No one would have cared either.

it didnt flop

It sold under the inflated projections zenimax had for it but its making profit.

And i honestly blame advertisment more than anything. this was a game only those who were following prey 2's development were paying attention to and all the commercials i saw did a terrible job of representing it

It wouldn't have flopped if it were good.

Let's be real, most normies would encounter the first flame phantom in the trauma center, get fucked, rage quit, and never play it again.

I don't engage with trogs like you

I like this game really much, but i never give money to Bethesda again. I wish they focused on retro-futurism more.

It's a good game

>I wish they focused on retro-futurism more.

oh you're absolutly right

But there is a market out there for slowpaced -shock type games and all the advertisments for Prey 2017 made it look like a very generic garbage fest.

If it had decent marketing accurately depicting the game it would have done better.

Plus again it was a game a lot of people never even heard of something that with the current hype culture in videogames is rare so those shitty tv and web spots were all the exposure most people had of to the game

Lol nigger what?
The game panders to normalfags in every way possible

you really think that? this is clearly a niche interest game and it's much harder than most of its contemporaries too

so hard in fact that its kind of bad as a console game, console players have trouble aiming fast enough

It didn't flop though.

they're looking at about 1.2 million units sold total at this point, is my best guess, extrapolating from available data

prey will be a "long tail" game, sell-through is important to games like this now. this game will be a cult classic in no time and Sup Forums will love it next year mark my words.

i dont think it made back a significant return on its budget, but it will. it'll do better than Rage did, which makes me sad

RAGE was so good I didn't finish it. Couldn't stand to witness the rushed ending. I'mma pretend my adventures never ended.

The worst thing about RAGE is that it's kinda shitty. It's not a fantastic game. When it works, though, it's fucking amazing - and it's got a stupid amount of potential. FPS + racing = video game kino.

I recently played through rage again and the DLC they put out for it is really nice. That and going to the dead city felt really cool. Such a shame about the ending.

Not really. Normals don't have the proper amount of autism to minmax all the resources the game throws at you.

From Space Odyssey, Blade Runner and Troika games. All flops.

the dlc is on a higher level than the game and doesnt have blurry close megatextures which was peoples #1 complaint

i emailed back and forth with carmack about this game. some things
1. they didn't do standard multiplayer because fuck you, basically. they wanted it to be a different experience. they got one that nobody played and it probably killed 2/3 of the games potential sales.
2. the mod tools were going to be released for mapping etc, making this the last id software game with mod tools. i believe he even said "soon" or something of that nature. they never materialized, i think they just realized it would be too much work for people to work with the map. the source map used 14TB of high res textures or something like that.

It was genuinely mediocre.

I wonder if during production anyone ever said "Hey guys, do you think we should fix this input lag?"

I'm glad it failed.

I'm still mad about Prey 2.

On my death bed, when I'm asked if there is anything I wish I would have done, I'll respond with "play Prey 2"