Have you ever modded a console?

have you ever modded a console?

No but I have posted on Sup Forums

Yeah man. I've modded a few. Hardest one was the original Xbox. Most time-consuming was 3DS. Easiest is the Wii.
If you're talking hardware mods, I pulled out the plastic tabs in my SNES so I could play import games.

why does he turn into a cyclops

No but I'd like to mod an N64 controller at some point

No but I just refresh for lol threads anymore

Is this the new Dobson thread?

Haha I have no idea what you are talking about, mods would delete such a thread

Why have the mods been even bigger massive faggots lately, especially on all boards?

When they started hitting trash I figured something was going on.

>I pulled out the plastic tabs in my SNES so I could play import games.
Is it really that easy?

>Dobson was too afraid to go farther than the frontpage for his screenshot


in terms of hardmodding the most I've done is replace an og xbox hard drive and take out the clock capacitor. At the moment I have a ps2, ps3, xbox, wii, wii u, and 3ds all softmodded.

I literally and figuratively don't get it

Soldered Xeno on GC and Wii.
Cut the GC case so it would fit DVDs. The custom cases were 2 expensive.
Removed that pin from a chip on a NES so it stopped blinking (and could run out of region games kek)
PS3 fan mod with a potentiometer.
Replaced a PSP screen and analog for a better one.

Which furry is your favorite? I like krystal

Rez had a vibrator peripheral


>Find girl enjoying something sexually
>Have to take a shower to wash off the disgust

Define mod? I swapped the top of a PS2 for one of those flip up ones and I snipped the taps off a snes

I thought it was a dude

Sure, wanted to play ps1 imports. Bought a shitty mod chip from a fucking flea market. Was bretty cool.

So did he think no one would notice if he ripped off Marasupalami? I know it was never Disney's most famous character but he had a show. People saw it.

>The name is jade
>Wearing pink panties
I mean, I get you're trying to say he has an ugly art style, but still.

thanks, I probably should have looked at the comic for more than a second before posting it's still not funny though


I'd fuck that boipussy if that was a dude. Convincing trap


Well whoever. I don't care who made him and that's not the point

This can't be real.

What's worse is that it looks like a costume rather than anthro, which makes everything x100000 times creepier.

It's frustrating how easy it was to mod the Wii U and get free games, dlc, updates, and online but my dumbass managed to brick my 3ds within 15 minutes of attempting to do shit

We posting dobson?

Your fault for expecting funny in a lol thread

Reads like a Kotaku headline

Aw Yiss

Post the edit

Damn... it really... made.. me think....

Thanks for reminding me André Franquin existed.

What happened to Penny Arcade?

Dobsons very existence makes me fly into a seething rage
I fucking hate the smug white knight faggot fuck
The only person on Earth I'd want to bash his brains out with a bat

I don't have it.

yes, my new 3ds xl and a psp 1000

my vita will be next


Never been the same after the rape jokes comic.

Jesus Christ. He's a midget.

Reminder he said if red hair mattered for Mary Jane than she isn't a character anyway.


You mean Dickwolves? Dickwolves wasn't even a rape joke, that's the whole reason that controversy is fucking stupid.


>implying red hair isn't a character trait

this guy

Always makes me laugh/mad


Johto Referee??1?

My 2DS and Wii U.
Completly worth it.

Does this guy fit in with anybody that he doesn't completely alienate himself from and strawman?

Honest question

>that dislike thumb


>Things I can't do
>except it's not an actual bit of self criticism, it's actually just things I will never understand pt. 2

I feel nothing but the purest form of hatred towards this fucking guy.

>every night, we are raped by the dickwolves
look, I think the retarded censorship is ridiculous too, but don't go denying actual fact



A quick look over his art should tell you that anatomy isn't dobson's forte.

Or colors. Or composition. Or foreshortening. Or humor.

>yfw when you realize dobson will die in your lifetime



>tfw you realize you are not dobson

>Coming from a guy who constantly whines about Links and Samus' hair
The irony is overwhelming.


>Ensign Kim

Every time i look at this i hate him more.


thanks for making google this, leading me to find out that there's a Geek Feminism wiki with 1200 entries

what is happening in this comic


Mate, the joke isn't "hurr durr rape" the joke is you go into save people, but you only save the arbitrary number, it's going "what about the rest of them?" it's the same fucking "apply real world logic to video games" joke that every video game comic does. Twin brother of the "apply video game logic to real life" joke.

The joke is you don't think about what's happening to these """people""", you don't give a fuck, you're just doing your fetch quest. It could have been any horrible thing happening to them any night, it's just that they happened to choose rape, it being a horrible thing, and by wolves no less, that people got up in arms about it.

Jesus Christ.

i was in a screencap once. BEFORE it was cancer and full of reactions.

I'm readying my shitpost of the century for that day, I hope it comes soon

well it does. Its not like anyone wants to be possessed. They also dont want to be fucking murdered either. So its moot anyway.


yes i have a modded xbox 360. i put plexiglass ontop of the xbox so i can see threw it. i put a fan on top of the. i switched the back fan. i haven['t played it for a while. i really haven['t been playing video games.


>unironic t-shirt
>hate mayo
Let me guess, this faggot doesn't know how to make a mayo.

I would actually pay to see him in his last moments on his deathbed. The look on his face when he finally realizes he's done absolutely nothing with his life and he's now dying as an unaccomplished and unloved shell of an already broken and pathetic excuse for a man would be priceless. He's already in his forties and he's still a minimum wagecuck loser living at his parents house. He doesn't have long left, I'd be surprised if he doesn't just kill himself.


PSP - Modded a bunch of these pre pandora battery.
DS - Did a bunch of flashme installs before we had slot1 cards
Gamecube - PSO game loading and the gecko memory card thing
XBOX - hdd swap trick dozens of times. I've done the splinter cell method once
PS2 - installed some modchips but mostly did fmcboot
wii - twilight princess and later banner bomb
3ds - about a dozen hard mods for people on craigslist. modded mine when it was on 9.2 with rxtools.
vita - did a mobo swap to mod a 3g one (it had been updated got it in a trade) have a henkaku'd slim too
360 - couple jtags and countless flashed dvd drives
wii u - just a web browser exploit like henkaku + coldboothax
dreamcast - sd card adapter
ps1 - couple modchips using that open source firmware and some off the shelf microcontroller
saturn - shitty modchip that only worked for a year because the saturn cd drive took a shit

Much like Sup Forums he has a terrible fear of intimacy which is why we do battle on the same grounds


i've been looking for this edit for a long time

Softmod yes, hardmod no.

>all those action lines





He is 40 years old? His retardism and ego reminds me alot of randy pitchford...he is both annoying and fascinating someone you want to know more about for the wrong reason like biting into a really sour lemon

god this is painfully unfunny
I could make it miles better. give me like fifteen minutes


If you flipped the two top panels it would still make sense AND be loss


Like, I understand what literally happened, but I don't understand anything about what's going on.

Where is the set up? Why did he do what he did? What the fuck?

>arbitrary needs
What did he mean by this?


>no one cares about comic construction
john blyth barrymore would like to have a word with you