Games that aged well

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>PS2 version.



Not the PS2 version though.



Devil May Cry 3
DOOM 1/2/Final

Oh, I get it! It's a troll thread.

I've played RE4 for the first time recently and it really has aged well. It's an instant favorite. I wished I would've played it when it first came out. Now I know what the hype was about

rts games

flatout 2

gta 4


Sims 3

Turds tend to age well because they're not really able to get much worse.


Probably the worst example you could have posted next to System Shock 2.



Found the infant


>system shock 2 aged badly
What did user mean with this?

Dungeon Keeper

What's wrong with the ps2 version? I recently picked up a copy and the game has been alright so far.

Pre-rendered cutscenes and low res textures.

It plays fine though and features extras not on the GC version, but Wii/UHD versions are the best versions

lol no

Found the argument.

It's a pretty simple statement.

I've got half a dozen copies of this game (not literally, I have two solid and one digital) and I replay it every few years. It's lost its edge and isn't scary at all, but God damn if it's not satisfying to gun through the game in a weekend

>tfw trying to play this game with my ADHD-addled millennial brain
Feels bad man

Frictional Games keeps making A+ horror games that don't age. How do they keep doing it?

it's not hard for a game to age well enough graphically, but few games can age well gameplay wise. That's the real feat.

hell yeah

hell nah


Specifically licensed games

This was the golden era of movie games

Should I play Black Mesa or the original Half-Life?

Jesus Christ, no...

OG Half Life

Are you fucking retarded? 99% of games before the 10s have much superior gameplay to the laughably easy and boring shit released nowadays.

>SW: Republic Commando
>aged badly
Yeah, kys


>PS2 version
>shitty american cover
are you literally baiting?

literally the PC UHD version with THIS exists

Not him, but it has. FPS is the genre that ages the worse.

Maybe from ps1 era. I remember that RC was ahead of it's time though.

RC is pretty much unplayable by today's standard.

shouldn't you be in if you have nostalgia goggles on this tight?

Rome did not age well at all. I loved that game and tried to play it again a few months ago but the battles were aids

Take that back. Now.



Can we stop trolling? It wasn't even good at the time. A mistake of early 3D games.

pretty much an sprite based fighter during the 90s and early 00s.

Sakura is THICC!!


I'd enjoy this game more if I didn't have to move around with the d-pad.

>tfw played the game first time a year ago and it's fantastic

My ADHD-addled millennial brain didn't stop me

Its pretty great actually, feels really good to play once you get used to the controls.


Games don't age well or poorly. If they were quality X years ago, they're quality now. Your expectations are what is changing and that's different for each and every person. Not counting things that literally do change drastically like an MMO.

>lost its edge
The game never had edge. It was a giddy, 90s style action flick in the guise of a horror.

Unrelated, but anyone who denies the quality of this game is a fucking idiot.

Well no shit. Every mainline game used it as a template up untill 6.




>today's standard.
Kill yourself. Also, hardly anyone is making squad based single player shooters anymore. What standard?

Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion is the only Elder Scrolls game that's aged well.

Morrowind had solid writing but shit graphics and gameplay and Skyrim had shit everything.

You should stop aging. As in you should commit sudoku. As in you should hang yourself, on the wall, but from the ceiling. As in you should ingest cyanide. As in you should should slit your wrists in a hot bathtub. As in you should kill yourself. As in ens your life. As in stop existing.


Just watched gameplay. It did not age well. All the naysayers are correct.

Hey, I just beat this. I wasn't crazy about the first game, but I really liked the sequel.

2 fixed the two biggest flaws with 1's combat. Those being the attack speed and the atrocious lock-on.

I agree for the most part, but there are some games where the technology of the time holds them back a lot and that can be a bit more difficult to tolerate today than it was at the time of their release. Generally speaking though, I think if a game was good when it came out, it's still good today.

I'm calling bullshit on the basis that it runs like diarrhea on high end hardware

Go burn in a bonfire, nigger.


That's not a nice thing to say, user. :(

I apologise. Next time we hang out, KFC and watermelons are on me. I mean good will :)