Why is Halo dead?

Why is Halo dead?

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It's on the worst platform of this gen

You know the answer, user.
All we have left is remember the good ol' days.

-Blam!- on Foundry

Cod and bf had more innovative things going on and overtook halo in popularity

The babby squeakers from 3's prime are adults now and getting married and going to college and all that. The teenagers and adults from 3's prime are long gone. Console FPS doesn't retain people like that, it's not like Smash or something.

Your reasoning is completely wrong, however the outcome is correct.
HW2 was cool though. And The Flood are making a comeback.

No Bungie, no Halo. and 343 is not Bungie.

It's not, the books have been great the past few years, and Halo 5 has great MP and the best forge in the series.

The better question is Why do faggots like OP keep making bait shitpost threads

>the books have been great the past few years
Any recommendations? Last actual book I read was Ghosts of Onyx, though I did try those new comics out. The ones relating to the S4s were ass, but the one with Cutter's son was alright.

Reach, Halo 4, and MCC.

>The flood are making a comeback

Good job master chief, no one cares


343 murdered it

anyone saying Halo 5 is great is a troll/shill

But now we get to actually play as them, apparently.


It went all-in on the competitive gamer meme and destroyed the setting.

is there any good covenant porn out there?

Do you like gays and/or furries?

No. But wasn't there that one guy who has all of his shit locked behind patreon?

sangheili revenge but it depends if you mean male elite on female human or male human on female elite

Eh. I think Creepy Chimera has some Elite stuff in his older work, though you may have to dig around a little for it.


I'm assuming you read all the books prior to ghosts onyx for the purposes of this post. I'm going through each book as they released, essentially:

Contact Harvest came out after ghosts of onyx, covers the intial encounter between the humanity and the covenant, and Sergent johnson is the main protaginist. It's written by Joe Staten, who was the lead wrtier for CE, 2, ODST, and did work on 3 and reach as well, and basically, in conjuction with nylund, who wrote fall of reach/first strike/ghosts of onyx, made the foundation of Halo Lore. It's really good, one of my favorites, pretty much a must read.

Cole Protocol came out after that, and sort of takes place during the middle of fall of reach timeline wise, but follows captain keys and Thel (IE, the arbiter from Halo 2 and 3) and what they were doing then, and focuses on a colony where Innsurectionists and some Jackals lived and worked together outside of both the eyes of the UNSC and the Covenant. I didn't really like it that much, it's not as interesting as it sounds, but I also haven't read it in forever and it's not actually bad, just sort of eh.

Evolutions is a short story anthology that has a variety of different stuff from different authors, and was published between then. Pretty much all of them are good to great, so I recommend it. The thing is, there was a re-rlease that split it up into two volumes with extra content, and there are also animated motion comic adapations of a few, so you have to pick and choose how you wanna go about reading them.

As long as you've played the main original triology of games, and read all the books up till Ghosts of Onyx (though even that is really just bonus) you should pretty much have all the context you need for the above, though playing ODST and Reach and Wars will also help, but aren't needed


>wah anybody who disagrees with me is a shill

5 objectively has the best forge by a huge margin, webm related

When it stopped becoming "Bungie makes a good product" and started becoming "Hired contractor churns out sequels"

I need more like this

This guy walks up and slaps your gf's ass off of High Charity. What do you do?

What the fuck did you just say?

Can you show me any proof?

Cont. with book recommendations:

The forerunner and kilo 5 trilogies came out next, with the first forerunner novel, then the first kilo 5 book, and vis versa, and Halo 4 released about halfway through, and both triologies tie into it.

The forerunner trilogy (Cryptum,Primordium, and SIlentium) are polarizing, but IMO are the best written halo novels by a huge mile. They reveal a lot of stuff about the forerunners and flood that ruin the mystery for some people, but it's so well done I don't mind. The author was an actual classic sci-fi author and it shows, the writing style is more flowery and dense, and the amount of detail and effort that goes into describing forerunner technology and society is super mindblowing.The flood is also legimately fucking terrifying, and over the course of the trilogy it basically spirals down from this super detailed, worldbuilding heavy look at forerunner society into really fucking well done cosmic horror as stuff goes to shit and entire star systems fall to the flood. Just be aware they are different from the other halo novels and can be a bit of a dense read.

The Kilo 5 books (Glasslands, Thursday War, Mortal dictata) pick up where Ghosts of Onyx leaves off in terms of narrative threads, with BLUE team stuck in the onyx dyson sphere, and also follow new characters, after the end of the human covenant war, working for ONI trying to destablize the elites to prevent them from attacking humanity with the shakey alliance against the covenant loyalists over while the UNSC is weak, a la what the US goverment did to fund speratrists in the middle east a few decades ago. It covers a lot about elite society, which is neat, and explores themes of if the SPARTAN program was justified, but drops the ball on that point HARD, especially in the last book. You need to read glasslands at least to progress into the other novels past this, but only read the other 2 if you want to follow the new characters


Holy fuck hungry hungry hippos? I need to get back into it

Anymore female brute art?

Lack of splitscreen in 5 and an overall move toward becoming a genre follower instead of a leader. Basically, Halo isn't as Halo as it should be.

Flood are coming back in HW2, with a Flood leader rumored to be coming a bit after the expansion drops. Nobody knows if it's true (hence the "apparently") since all that's been confirmed are a handful of Flood units.

Broken Circle is a look at how the covenant was founded between the elites and prophets, and then timeskips halfway through to focus on an isolated elite colony as the great schism is breaking out and the covenant splits apart. There is no humans/unsc involved. It's pretty great, i'd say on par with ghosts of onyx.

Last Light is sort of a murder myster set on a innsurectionist sympathtizing planet that takes place during Halo 4/right after it, and follows blue team after the events of glasslands. The planet's goverment suspects the UNSC of sending spartans out to commit the murders, essentially. It's, like broken circle, pretty great, and like it I also highly reccomend it.

Hunters in the Dark follows the elites players 3 and 4 played as in Halo 3 co-op and some UNSC troops (Including Vale, who is the red spartan in locke's team in halo 5) on a mission back to the ark. It's decent, but not spectacular. Vale can be a bit mary-sueish. It's not a must read nor do I highly reccomend it, but it's not bad.

New Blood is a novella that follows the squad from ODST after the human covenant war, and like how Hunters in the Dark built up Vale prior to Halo 5, it builds up Buck for Halo 5. It's got issues, I'd just read a summary.

Shadow of Intent is a novella written by joe staten, and follows Half Jaw (the elite shipmaster from 2 and 3) after the end of Halo 3 as he attempts to escape assassination attempts. It's really good, go read it.

Saints Testimoney is a novella that follows the AI BLACK team had in their comics as she's about to be killed due to being over 7 years old and her launching a legal attempt to be recoongized as a person to get AI legal rights. It's alriight. if it was a full book i'm not sure i'd reccomend it but since it's short I'd say give it a go.

There's been other ones since then, like Fractures, Smokey and Shadow, and 1-2 more, but I haven't read them yet, but i've heard nothing but good things.


If the flood will be playable i will buy the shit out of this game

No Martin O'Donnell either. Just isn't the same without his music. Then again I never played beyond 4. Did they at least try to imitate his compositions in 5?


Reach introduced class based game. Split the community. MCC was dead on arrival. Halo 5 "innovations" made it feel like it wasn't halo. Sorry if bad english.

5 included an actually really good adaption of the main Halo theme along with a few others mixed into it (youtube.com/watch?v=HAYPkVeWjXM), but aside from that the soundtrack was only meh.

I actually really apperciated 4's soundtrack replaying the game, though. It's no marty, for sure, but it's very atmospheric and actually does the same sort of tone setting stuff CE's soundtrack did in a lot of ways, almost executed even better, as far as using synths for forerunener ruins to give a sense of mystery and stuff.

They did like ONE (hey this is still Halo eheheh) song; Trials, it's not too bad but it sounds like generic orchestra and sounds kind of mediocre. The thing with Marty was that when he he did old songs in newer games like Heretic Hero to a Walk in the Woods, he would always make them sound different. Rest of the OST is just new shit, every Halo game has had a Walk in the Woods remix and a Under Cover of Night but 4 and 5 don't. The Halo 4 composer was so bad they had to bring over some famous dude from Japan to make the only good songs and they still sound like shit.

It's more likely than you think. For all the shit they get, 343 knows what kind of things people want to play with (SPNKR, Grenade Launcher, Brutes popping up again, more Hunter stuff), and HW2 so far is having a lot of updates (Johnson, Colony, The Arbiter/Jerome) with some good content. Playable Flood have been a thing people have wanted since CE, and they might be able to pull it off with something like Halo Wars.

Post more of this.

Most people who played halo 1-3 back then only played them because they were the best shooters available on console.
Now that we've all got PC's there's no real reason to want to play these games and they aren't even released on PC anyway.

Not really. Sure I believe UT and Quake had more competitive, skill based MP but there singleplayers were mediocre. Also they get quite old. Only one playstyle the whole match, run and gun. Halo offers so much more variety, and it's map design is far better. Halo is like the fine inbetween of slow paced military cover shooters, and skill based arena shooters.

>female elites
>BUFF female elites, no less
just draw gay porn at this point

>Not wanting a buff muscular alien girl who you can wrestle with nightly before closesly embracing in the sweet, sweet bliss of sex
No wonder you're askin' people to draw gay porn, ya fag.

>i want to do this thing that barafags like but let's slap some eyelashes and tits on it so it's not gay

>He likes delicate, fragile woman


>Not knowing how buff is too buff
All I said is that she was muscular, not that she was a meatwall.

i like muscular men
that's basically a buff dude but with tits and eyelashes

>i like muscular men
So you admit to being a fag?

Lack of actual innovation while staying true to traditional gameplay.

I'd argue Halo 5 did just this, actually.

The Halo 3 Legendary Ending was a mistake and the story should have ended at 3. Prequels and midquels would be fine but there never should have been any sequels continuing on from 3. The game was marketed with the line "Finish The Fight" for fucks sake. Yet the fight wasn't really finished, as we've seen with Halo 4 and 5.

How could Halo gameplay be adapted to PC?

It can't

>Mirin is being a fag
Ok sticc boi

You guys act like the PC ports of CE, 2, 5, and halo online don't exist.

The only problems that exist in adapting halo to PC is handling weapon balance where the amount of aim assist on a given gun is part of the balance, such as the sniper.

Precision weapons typically feel like shit on PC. There's a reason almost every PC game either doesn't provide any benefit for headshots, or makes them kill in 1 or 2 bullet max.

That's a brute

Halo 5 forge is a fucking godsend

No more Bungie, nowhere left for the series to combat evolve.
Reach Anniversary when?

If they re-release halo 2 as backwards compatible with re-opened servers (since they said OG xbox will have backwards compatible games) i think halo will have a chance again.

As of right now, however, halo 5 is flaming fucking garbage.

I'm just waiting for them to make a build-a-shooter out of Halo. Give us infinite options with no standards. 343 has shown that they are incapable of following the standards. Might as well do away with them.

even more disgusting then
they're a very masculine race

343i is a team composed of people who enjoy the concept and style of Halo, but have no knack for actual game design or development so they just copy whats popular

They're so desperate for something more than a mediocre title that they are doing anything for a change, now with the Forge team leading for Halo 6, and most of their major members gone besides Frankie and Bonnie Ross. I wish Joseph Staten would just come back, I know he wants to help out other MS Studios projects like Recore but he has so little input there, If he was at 343i no matter what happens we'd at least have a somewhat decent story i'd bet

Halo Wars 2 is getting an expansion where you play as the Banished and fight the flood, they'd be stupid to not add flood leaders as it'd just be a huge waste of assets

PC ports are shit and Halo Online/El Dewrito is shit

If you have a PC shooter that doesn't play something like Quake and ARMA, or doesn't have a Blizzard Entertainment logo on the boxart then you're doing it wrong