This was really great

This was really great.
I hope the next one is like 7 too.

Other urls found in this thread:

classic or bust

How is the story and gameplay?

Ahh nostalgiafaggot cancer - when you hate things that are good just because they are new. How can anyone take these drooling retards seriously?

The story is pretty good but it's self contained, so not much relation to others RE episodes.

I found the gameplay to be very good and enjoyable, you're kinda limited in your movements and agility which add a good touch.

What if you were to give this game to, say, twenty... intelligent people i mean, what would that do? Let's face it what would it do?

What the fuck did he meant by this?

Really, that's interesting.

is it possible for you to not be triggered by anons having different opinions? you immediately start labeling and name calling. how can anyone take you seriously?

The story is shit, as to be expected when the writer is connected to FEAR. Nothing happens and it rips off Silent Hill 2 at the surface level but doesn't have the wife die or already be dead. It also feels more like a Revelations game than an actual Resi game
Gameplay is shit in comparison to previous Resis. Generic restricted first person gameplay that doesn't move the series forward in any way.

Your opinion is irrelevant.

Chris Dlc never ever, Capcom milked this with paid DLC and that's it bois.


>and it rips off Silent Hill 2 at the surface level
you're an idiot

7 was pretty fun, except for the rushed ending

This game was a complete trianwreck, how the fuck can anyone enjoy this pile of shit.

I just meant that it rips off the premise of SH2, which is that some no-name gets a mysterious letter from a wife that is most likely dead that he hasn't seen in 3 years. You're the retard for not understanding what surface level means

>liked 5 and 6
opinion discarded

A trilogy of still camera games
A trilogy of over the shoulder games
A trilogy of first person games

seems good.

After you get past the early Leon chapters, it's fun, the Chris and Jake campaigns are great with the only really bad one being the extra Ada campaign
It also has a ton of really fun extra content, the best gameplay in the series, and it had more than just the main story on release unlike a certain game that came out this year

>the best gameplay in the series
opinion discarded

Really, that's incredible

oh wow, what a unique premise, donut steal!

>melee attacks
>semi-parry system
>quickest item select
Those are all things 6 added and they play a major role in actually getting good at the game, and all of them work great and flow well, because by that point, Resi was an action series. I prefer the slower gameplay of the originals, as I find all of them with the exception of 0 and some of the PS2 games to be weaker than 6, but 1-3, CVX and REmake are the Top 5

Why the fuck did you think when I said surface level. I'm mostly just burned on the fact that they didn't kill Mia off, seeing as she is objectively worst RE girl, right next to Zoe


what are the chances of a GOTY version of this game? I've put off buying it as heard it's only 8 hours long so all DLC is a massive bonus

are the DLC even worth it?


Hold out until they release the game with all the DLC included or wait until the price for the DLC and the game drops down. Capcom usually does a Halloween sale every year on the RE franchise.

more =/= better

Except they were actually fun and varied. You had Mercs, Agent Hunt, the DLC that now comes with every version of the game. All of them are a good time.
Meanwhile VII only has the main story, which takes about 5, maybe 6 hours on your first run and then one extra difficulty. And before you say 'muh collectibles', previous Resi games had those actually do something, in VII, they're just there to exist

> GOTY editions for most games
> none of which won a GOTY award

Have you just got into video games or what?

Maybe if AI in 6 was worth a damn I would notice these. Shooting swarms of boring enemies just sucked ass. Some nice bosses though, I'll give it that.

>says [x] amount of games get goty editions despite never having won a goty award
>doesn't know that resi games do gold edition, alternative edition or platinum edition
Have you just gotten into Resi or what?

They'll most likely split it off into it's own spinoff series. Resident Evils or some shit.

wtf is Resi?

Wesker spinoff game, or all the RE extramodes put into one game for PC, PS4 and xbone

Another way of saying RE

>tfw claire and leon never ever
w h y

What you mean? REmake 2 is kill?

I meant that Capcom will force Leon to fuck Ada leaving Claire eternally cucked

Why aren't you guys scared of this game? The soundscape is so good, you can hear the dripping of water from the next room.

agree with you OP, was fantastic, especially with headset. Jesus so many not ok moments in it.


Because an attractive man and attractive woman can work together without sex being involved.

What you should be asking is why Chris never banged Becky. Or why Josh friendzoned Sheva.

The novelizations teased me so hard man
I just want Ada to get die in the next game

Gameplay is pretty good, story starts off neat and then the ending kills both story/gameplay.

>likes 5 and 6 over 4

Me too. Just without the forced VR gimmicks. The game would have been much better without it.

But the VR was amazing for RE7.
I think the only ones who say it was bad haven't played it in VR.

I would permaban you if I was mod

That sounds stupid as fuck

I want another game like RE7 so fucking badly.
I haven't loved a game this much in a very long time.
It was everything I loved about classic RE all I want is a sequel that's longer and bigger then 7 that expands on what 7 did.
Please for fucks sakes Capcom this is the best game you guys have made in years don't fuck up the next one.

yeah but is there any good mods?

t. reddit



What does this mean

WOAH MAMA, what if you where to give this post to say.... twent anons what would taht do? let's face it what would it do?

They nailed the horror/comedy tone and first person, so I'm excited to see RE8 take everything good about 7 while fixing the problems like weak endgame and shitty enemies.

When RE7 is at its best you truly understand why they went the direction it did, shame it can't keep it up for the entire game.

"Reddit" is the only way an entire generation of new kids on Sup Forums knows how to express disagreement.


Just to refresh nu-fans on the timeline
RE Timeline:
>1/REmake/Director's Cut (partial canon)*
>Caliban Cove (novel canon)
>3 (first half)
>Outbreak 1/2
>Biohazard 4D Executer
>3(second half)
>Underworld(novel canon)
>Code Veronica/CVX (Rockfort - Claire half)
>Survivor 2 Code Veronica (dream)
>Code Veronica/CVX (the rest)
>Dead Aim
>5 Lost in Nightmares(DLC)
>5 main game
>5 Desperate Escape(DLC)
>Heavenly Island(manga)
>Revelations 2(Claire half, then Barry half)
>Biohazard the Stage(live show)
>Marhawa Desire(manga)
>Revelations 2 (epilogue)
>Umbrella Corps
>Resident Evil VII (Daughter DLC)
>VII main game

>Why aren't you guys scared of this game?

Because we're tough guys on the internet who don't get scared by pussy baby reddit shit.

Holy fuck just stop being wrong about everything.

>over an hour later
>y-you're wrong
Piss off shill

>tfw you always keep forgetting Umbrella Corps exist and is actually canon.

It's cute how Capcom actually thought anybody wanted that game.

>no RE:O re-release for PC with online

>This kills the soul.

>think Its the same guy
Wrong as always,also:
>Muh shill

>y-you're wrong!

>RE threads die quickly
what went wrong? what are some good mods for RE 4/5?

>It another Sup Forums pretends RE7 wasn't mediocre and forgettable and the only good thing about the game was Jack, thread.

There's a True HD mod for 4, but it's incomplete for the shit parts of the game.
There's also a DMC3 mod for 4.
For RE5, I don't really get into the modding scene but there are a lot of reskin mods
Here's some other RE modding boards to check out

thanks Joe Rogan experience

I hope it's better than 7. 7 was good, but I want an outbreak story again. Take us to the streets in first person survival horror like they did with RE2.

I'd beat the fuck out of you if you were near me.

>i'd beat the fuck out of you for having different opinions

Then you'll like VII.

Its another actioncuck buttblasted that more People in general enjoys RE7 episode

Mind = Blown


Opinion truly disregarded

>he's never been in a resi thread


Actually I hated RE5 and 6. RE7 was meh. Just like RE3 was. Very much like RE3 the only thing memorable was the antagonist.


hello, reddit!

>Reddit spacing
Hello, Reddit!

>can't think of any comeback
>muh reddit boogeyman!
Fuck off nu-fan

Not A Hero literally never.

I'm hoping desperately that they're adding back in the family dog or something. There's no excuse why it's taking so fucking long otherwise.

>exclamation point

hola reddit

its objectively true though, waifu faggots are a cancer

I hope the RE2 remake will be in first person

They outsourced it to a Chinese company, and weren't pleased with the results.

I think they're starting from scratch (with the original dev studio), instead of fixing it like they said they would.

Shut up.

You sound like you have incredibly high standards if you don't even like 3.

As long as its a good horror game fine by me.
I'm not so autistic that a camera perspective ruins things for me.

Fucking this.
RE7 is the only mainline RE game without any dog enemies.
I'm pissed they scrapped the dog from 7 could of been such a cool stalker enemy.
Maybe even have it mutate the more you kill it becoming less dog like and more monster like.


RE3 was just a cash grab. Took them one year to make and all the enemies are shittier. Also the thing they added like making ammo and dodging didn't do really anything positive and just made the game easier.