Why do so many people think this game is hard?

Why do so many people think this game is hard?

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because it's quite hard

because the game punishes you for mistakes

Because it actually is hard.

i think people just don't like losing souls

play assassins creed, far cry, cod and fifa all your life.

then play dark souls

Because they started gaming with the 7th generation consoles where games are easy.

Because people go in trying to spam hitstrings like God of War and didn't expect to get raped until they started taking their time

i think people got used to the fact that the player is a one man army

Because people said Demon's Souls was hard. So they made Dark Souls' advertising "THIS GAME IS HARD." Then game journalists told us the game was hard. Now people associate any form of challenge with "this game is hard."

Because the games difficulty is entirely based on luck during your first play through unless you read a guide. It is shit as simple as knowing weapon upgrades are more important than levels at the start. So save souls so you can buy shards

If you go to the depth/blight town without making your weapon +5 ,a and don't notice the weapon upgrade kit, the next few hours are literal bullshit.

OP here, lure 1 enemy, dodge attack, then attack till its dead. Repeat till game is done

Because Namco pushed that really hard in the marketing campaign.

>super orn/smo
>the swamp in general
>fucking sins fortress
Xdd guys this game isn't hard git gud xddd

>It is shit as simple as knowing weapon upgrades are more important than levels at the start
>notice upgrading your weapon causes more damage than leveling up
Wow so hard to notice. I really needed a guide on that one.

this guy is not wrong. the difference between an upgraded weapon and unupgraded weapon is huge.

Because it's very hard at first, and gets easier as you learn the games rules and how to play it. It's made to be like that - ultimately anyone can beat it as long as they keep trying.

Alright, gonna stop you right there, Quelaag is not hard. I can reasonable understand the rest, but Quelaag is not hard.

As long as you have enought stamina to stunlock to death, you're ok to go

It is hard to know that if you don't upgrade then and there, you won't see another blacksmith for thee zones. And you better start grinding before moving on.
I remember buying the weapon upgrade kit since it seemed useful. But what if you do not have souls at the time, so you decide you will just come back and get it later?

Orn and smough are easy as shit, I've seriously never been killed by them despite playing the game through loads of times. You fucking kite them around the pillars.

Quelaag is not a challenge under any circumstances.

Blighttown sucks in only the respect to toxin blowdarters.

Sens fortress is easy

You are a cunt who hasn't played the game, a shitter, or are only trying to stir the pot

I just grinded once I got to the chapel. The enemies there drop a lot of shards and other useful stuff. The game lets you play it how you want.

because they didnt bruteforce through the cemetery to get the nitos gravesword

The game is very hard first time unless you played Demons Souls and /or used a guide, my first time I did all of catacombs and went to blighttown before discovering undead settlement as a fucking CLERIC.

What does the fact that you were a cleric have to do anything with this post? If anything it made what you did easier because you had extra heals.



idk, man. I suck at videogames, but I still feel like I'm above average. Still, when I come to Sup Forums and see shit like

>Dark Souls is so hard you need need a guide for it

I feel like a fucking pro. Still have never beat a ninja gaiden game or castlevania 3 though.

Wow look at this PRO holy shit you did Smough and Ornstein first try, or are you a lying shit trying to impress? My gut tells me the second option.

Because some people like to not use summons for bosses, for some reason.

Not sure why. It's a pretty big part of the game.

>A game that's 6 years old, has been played longer than humans have existed, and has had every nook, cranny and crevice of it explored and written about hundreds of times isn't hard anymore.

Gee user I wonder why.

Because muh epeen

Because summons literally break the game. The AI is not smart enough to handle more than 1 player.

OP here, I never used summons...

You see, I get this.
I even get this.
and even this, I suppose.

What gets me is those people who will instantly denounce anyone who ever uses summons as "scrubs" and "shitters" or whatever. It's a huge part of the game that you're missing out on, and to be honest, a pretty fun one. I ended up fighting the bosses a LOT more because I was helping other players, as well as just doing my own run.

Very low endurance and the clerics starting mace gives you "stagger" if you miss a attack. But now I realize cleric is one of the best because you can get Astora ss and kill pinwheel ez if you know what you're doing.

They didn't play King's field, they didn't know how FROMSOFT designs videogames, and were constantly caught offguard by their tricks
You young'uns are just lucky they aren't allowed to pull shit like the passage of death anymore

You haven't actually experienced the boss if all you've done is sat there and watched the boss aggro on a friend and you hit its back. Also, the amount of people that summon and then just let their summons fight the boss is truly astounding.

>You haven't actually experienced the boss if
You can stop there, actually. Because aside from the fact that I don't do anything of these things, it's a false value judgement. So, let me try one:

>you haven't actually experienced the boss if you're fighting with more than 1 hp

oh, that was fun. let me try one more:

>you haven't actually experienced the boss if you're not using fists.

>get through the hallway with all the spear traps that has the chest at the end
>get hit several times, eat some grass
>have to go back through all the spear traps to get back and gained nothing
>haven't saved in 20 minutes

losing your souls is a fucking slap on the wrist compared to progression loss

Probably because they didn't play with the wiki open or have someone tell them everything about the game before they played like you, OP.

I was making a blanket statement about people that summon in general, not you you fucking mong. Go ahead, get summoned yourself and see how much the summoner actually fights the boss.

user, you don't have to pretend to be some sorta badass. We'll never love you regardless.

Just like your parents.

You don't get cool guy points for saying that a hard game isn't hard, it just make you a twat.

My first playthrough I died on Quelaag quite alot, the lava limits your movement and her big AoE magic bubble attack can really fuck you up if you aren't prepared.

Quelag tho?

I've taken on nearly every boss alone at one point or another, but summons are just fun. NPC summons tend to be a reward for doing story related stuff, player summons are a nice way to see other builds and you never know if a player will carry you or die instantly and leave you with a boss that's just harder to kill. Crowd bosses are probably the most fun place to summon, just so it feels like a party clearing out a room full of assholes.

I can understand the rest giving you some trouble, but fucking Quelagg? 90% of the time she attacks you it doesn't connect, even when you're standing on top of her.

Really? (Don't wanna seem like a dick), I found her really easy, the lava limiting your movement is avoided by the Rusted Iron Ring or just not being in it, and the AoE did get me a bit but I found it pretty easy to avoid.

Yeah, that's what user ignores. She's not hard ONCE YOU KNOW HER, but before you do, she can do some shit that can just fuck your day up. Her AoE in particular is proceeded by her human half slumping over, the first instinct from most people is to attack, thinking she's stunned.

Each game is progressively easier because all of us get used to the tricks and tells, but every normal person had a few tough moments in whatever their first souls game was, unless they just bullshitted by watching videos before handling any area.

Yeah the AOE is dangerous at first but thats her only dangerous move and you should learn to avoid it after 5 tries at most.

I think this is a big reason cause I used to be the same way but as someone that has now played Demon's, Bloodborne and DS1-3 I can't recall the last time I got upset over lost souls. It is frustrating though when you're first starting out and you're still learning the mechanics and lose a bunch.

The difficultly of Dark Souls is almost entirely dependent on how well you optimized your character.

The first time I played the game, I made a "balanced" character, which was stupid in hindsight. I put almost equal points into Vit, End, Att, Str, Dex, Int, Fth. As a result, the game was pretty damn challenging, though I did eventually beat it.

On my 2nd playthrough (new character), I put all my points in Vit, End, Str and Dex, and ignored all other stats. The game was wayyy fucking easier. I beat every boss (solo) on my first or second try. Even all the supposed hard bosses - Ornstein/Smough, Manus, Artorias, Capra Demon, Four Kings, Gwyn - all went down fairly easily. The only one that was tough was Kalameet (took like 7 attempts).

So do I feel like I was a better/more skilled player my 2nd playthrough? Not really. But I knew how to optimize my character, which weapons to upgrade, what stat scaling meant, etc. First time players may not know that stuff, so it's not a surprise they'd find the game extremely challenging. No reason to look down on them for that.

Her AoE attack can one-shot you depending on your build

>standing on top of her
That's the entire issue though. Hugging her body makes almost all of her attacks miss, but an inexperienced player would be afraid to get that close so he'll stay at a medium distance and get fucked by lava all the time
Similar case with Gaping Dragon, if you stay too far back it will stomp you to hell

Because it is.
but it got popular so it's cool to hate it and call it easy because you played it so much you forgot your initial struggles or used a guide for your first play through in 2015 or so after the hype was gone

I'm not sure I understand the question. People say the game is hard because they struggled with it, hence why they think it's hard.

You might not THINK yourself the game is hard because you didn't struggle as much than with other games you beat that you had more trouble with, but surely you can UNDERSTAND why people who are simply not as good as you at the game might think it's hard. It's like being an accomplished artist and wondering why other people can't draw a simple human face.

This board has this weird tendency to self-deprecation, where the game is never as hard as people make it out to be, not simply because they are better at video games than most people (although I do agree that a lot of people tend to overstate the difficulty of Souls games).

Because it is harder and more punishing than most games. Difficulty is relative, vidya as a whole is the easiest hobby in existence which is why it is associated with effeminate beta males. But in the context of vidya it is on the "harder" end of the spectrum, even if the only factor is lack of savescumming

shit game

I think you're wrong. First off, equipment matters way more than stats. Secondly, the actual difficulty spike is from having to learn to be patient and not rushing into combos and stuff. Most players won't struggle because they didn't pump STR enough and therefore do 120 instead of 130 damage to a boss, they'll struggle because they keep getting greedy trying to get one more hit in.
Obviously we should exclude magic from that discussion though, beginner players need no skill to nuke bosses with Crystal Soul Spear or Dark Orb

>He thinks shovelware trial and error games are hard

Bug Souls sucks.

If you lose your souls is because you died twice in a row. Meaning you died and did the same mistake again. When you loose souls you deserve it

You're pretty dumb.
Sure a better skilled char helps but you are too dumb to realise how much easier the game becomes when you played it once.
Finishing it once makes you good enough to steamroll the first half of the game, especially as an optimised character.
Knowing boss patterns alone is what makes SL1 runs even possible.

This, basically. The "community" for these games is horrible, and consists of people on NG+7 calling new players shit for not having the experience they do.

It's like calling a toddler shit for learning to walk because "i've been walking like 15 years now dawg!"

OP here. I didnt had help, i just dodge the first attack and stunlock the enemy and repeat till i'm done with game

It wasn't hard when it came out either dumbass
No difficulty setting so everyone who played games on the lowest difficulty setting found it difficult.

I'm not part of that elitist community, I did like 3 playthroughs and barely touched the PvP
I still think it's silly when people die like 20+ times to O&S (or any boss, really)

>The difficultly of Dark Souls is almost entirely dependent on how well you optimized your character.
My first character was so "balanced" I tried to get the stats to use nearly EVERYTHING I picked up. I had miracles, sorcery and pyromancy. It was unoptimized as all fuck, and I didn't know Resistance was useless. I think I also thought upgrade materials were doing to be super limited, so I was holding out on upgrading much due to assuming I'd find a better weapon later. That character died and went hollow. My next character was way more focused, and I beat the game.

Op here, I don't want to look good, I suck at games but i have normal reactions to dodge attacks.... And you can just fail like 10 times since you have so many healing items

Because it's possible to die. No one has played through without accumulating a lot of deaths or getting tripped up by the odd boss and standards have fallen so low that a game is now considered difficult if you didn't finish it in one life. Just look at some of the replies ITT.
>Hurrr I bet u didn't beat X on your first go
If that's your argument then you need to shut your retarded mouth because you have no idea what difficulty is.

>rolling around on the ground like a hedgehog to win a fight
Disgusting scrub tactics.

I sometimes wonder whether there's people saying the game is too hard because they died 5 times to a boss
Everyone playing vidya should be required by law to finish at least one Ys game

>Because it's possible to die.

It isn't. Infinite continues.

Most deaths I went through were deaths because of bullshit. Other than that, it was 90% engage an enemy, attack them, pull shield up when they attack, let shield down when they don't attack to recover stamina faster and repeat.

People saying in forums and YouTube comments that they died like 40 times in a boss fight makes me question their intelligence or how long they've been actually gaming. I could understand it if they never touched an rpg in their entire life before.

Finally, I would say that some other mainstream games are much harder than the DS series, for example shit like Halo 2 on legendary, even though the genre is completely different.

Maybe you were lucky or had (intentionally or not) a super optimised builds with good weapons.

On my first play through I used a fire mail breaker and leveled resistance. Of course I had a hard time.
When you pick up the claymore,balder side sword or a bk weapon and happen to level up optimally your fiest play through will be a lot easier.
Let alone play magic/pyro.

when i finally beat the game it was with a pure STRONKS character

i got a lucky parry on gwyn early on in the fight and that was pretty much that

Fucking this. My first character was a pyro and I spend my grinding into uprgrading the flame.
Game was piss easy.

OP, Din't say i did that. You can see the attacks a mile away...

Fair point, I did only pick the game up years later so I luckily knew not to go into it like a fucking DMC game and also knew that resistance was a troll stat
The first time I played, I just tanked through everything with a greatshield + halberd

>finally have a PC that isn't trash
>used to play Souls series on Xbox
>go to buy Dark Souls on steam summer sale
>...it's not on sale


That's why. I knew you'd post like a sissy fag and told valve beforehand.
Maybe next year when you finally stop posting like a newfag.

>Fuck around with OP
I didn't know you were actually fucking autistic, dude. My bad.

Get Dark Souls 2 instead. You're not missing much with the first game

Because they want you to buy Scholar of the First Sin.

not sure, maybe it's an oversight. But it goes on sale pretty regularly so just be patient and wait a month or two. Then again it's well worth 20 bux if you don't wanna wait.

>playing a game where armor does nothing, rolling makes you invisible, the FPS drops to 10 at random and where all the voice actors sound like they're reading a shopping list into a wind tunnel


Because they play a strength build and waste points on Endurance for midroll.
I'm doing such a run (300+hrs btw) and I'm finding the slow movement and lack of finesse hard, and holding my anger harder.

OP, It was just a responce... But if that makes me autistic, ok

I finished my first playthrough at like 10 VIT and 40 END, turtling a best

OP, I don't agree but this made me laught

>Difficulty list

Ornstein and Smough
Four Kings
Sanctuary Guardian
Bed of Chaos
Stray Demon
Demon Firesage
Iron Golem
Centipede Demon
Capra Demon
Gaping Dragon
Taurus Demon
Asylum Demon
Moonlight Butterfly
Ceaseless Discharge

Assuming first playthrough, doesn't know any cheeses (Iron Golem, Gwyn, Gargoyles) etc

Gee it's almost like video games in general have been trending toward "easy, cinematic experience" over time and Dark Souls comes out of nowhere and bucked the trend by existing as a game that doesn't handhold. Therefore "OMFG THIS GAME IS THE HARDEST GAME EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Really shows you how fucking easy video games have become in general. Look at the remake of the Crash Bandicoot games and how modern gamers are fucking struggling like shit to beat the most basic levels


>harming best waifu gwyndolin

>Bed of Chaos not on top simply because of how fucking nonsensical and uninformative the fight is
Literally the worst boss in the entire series.

Half the bosses in the game are harder with coop partners because of the added health.
>being slow and wasting time

it is fairly challenging.
if you claim you haven't died a shitload on your first playthrough, you are a liar and your pants are obviously on fire.

How is Ceaseless Discharge easier than Pinwheel? I died about three times because his fucking arm clips through rocks and has a hitbox 5 times its width

>three glowing orbs tell you what to hit


s h o c k w a v e

probably becuase ceaseless only has one attack