Why does Sup Forums suck at video games?
Why does Sup Forums suck at video games?
Jackson Diaz
Charles Collins
Because I have slow processing speed and shitty hand-eye coordination
Benjamin Kelly
>V is one person
every fucking time
David Brooks
Because most people spend more time shitposting here than actually playing games.
Elijah Wilson
Nathaniel Wilson
because i constantly download/buy/start new games/replay old games/resume last years games
Christian Walker
Because people here only play shitty Anime rpgs and dark souls
Luis Hughes
Because games are boring now but even as shitty as this place is I can't find another site that holds my interest
John Lewis
>playing multiplayer games
I like to be challenged on my own. I don't need xXxSephirothxXx being a faggot and being a shitty player that cant hold his own weight
Alexander Long
You suck at video games. Stop trying to act cool.