>have a bunch of normie friends to play vidya with
>"hey user you gonna buy [INSERT EARLY ACCESS TITLE #295], right? we all already did. join the TS"
Have a bunch of normie friends to play vidya with
I mean, early access may be dumb and shitty, but if your friends are playing it and you're going to have fun with them and strengthen your relationship, it's dumb not to join them.
Fuck off to /r9k/
i kinda agree with this, any normie game can be a little fun with a group of friends in my experience
>Fuck off to /r9k/
>strengthen your relationship
dumb frogposter
>implying spending time with friends doesn't deepen that bond
>implying him getting all huffy about every game they invite him to play that he takes some issue with isn't going to get them sick of him fast
turbofags like you are the reason why shit like unknown battleshit is blocking the steamcharts
go fishing u nerd
Turbofags like you are the reason you're bitter, hateful, and lonely. You blow everything out of proportion, go down with every ideological ship, and you annoy everyone you come in contact with because you are an insufferable loser. You sacrifice any hope of real companionship and meaning in your life so that you can sit on your imaginary moral high horse. I guess pretending you're a superior human being must be some small comfort with that crushing loneliness.
lol get over yourself when my friends come at me with early access trash I tell them to save their money (because I actually care about them and don't yolo into every bad decision life throws at me)
>friend tells me to buy a flavor of the month game
>tell him that im not interested unless he buys it for me
>he gifts me the game
>he lose interest in the game after a week while I saved money
Read the OP. His friends have ALREADY bought it and are literally about to play it. They're not going to go refund it just because he makes some speech about the evils of early access. They're just going to roll their eyes and play without him, and wonder what they're doing bothering with him in the first place.
It's one thing if someone comes to you asking for an opinion about a game. It's another thing if a group of friends you play with are trying to include you in something fun that they've already committed to and you give them the finger.
>he bought the game for you
sounds like a good guy, user. stay in touch with him.
In that case I am finding new friends who are less retarded
>anyone who buys an early access game is retarded and not worthy of my friendship
Exactly why no one likes people like you.
Don't get me wrong, PUBG does look like a decent game, early access meme aside. But everytime someone backs it up, playing with friends is always mentioned. It really is like you guys have no proper argument for the actual game itself and just rely on ad hominem whenever the game is criticised
lol u just dont like it cause u a bitter virgin with no friends
Also the fact that it's fun. Fuck that though, it doesn't have waifus, amirite?
No you won't, because people instinctively don't like you, and you don't have the social skills to make up for it.
I have plenty of non-retarded friends to spend time with
>download teamspeak
>oh we're using mumble now
>download mumble
>we're using discord now lmao do you live under a rock or
t. hurt because I implied he is dumb
u dont have to download discord at least