It's locked

>It's locked.
What do you do?

Other urls found in this thread:

pry open the chest with my superior strength

Tiny bombs.

[take] lock
[use] chest

I'm going to fuck that lock.


Ask the people on after this thread is archived, then compare results

Unlock it.

place magic beans instide the key hole and then pour water on it, causes the seeds to grow and break the lock apart

>Pick up the box
>Appraise it according to box quality, size, symbols etc
>Spice up the potential reward to increase sell price, come up with a story etc
>Sell both the box and the item at a "discounted price"
>Buy a nice item that isn't hidden behind the box


use lock pick
snap lock pick
walk away

vibrate incredibly fast and phase my hand through it and just take what's inside.

>Find a cliff with jagged rocks.
>Throw off
>Procure contents if breaks, do again if not
>break the lock with a torch and hammer

Bust the pins on the back of the lid

Kick the box.

If it's a mimic I'm not getting snatched.

Fear not, fellows.
I have the right tool righth here.
So where is the next chess with a key?

make a map using local landmarks and then bury it

pick the lock

>Use [chest] with … ?

Flirt with it.

I'd actually love to see that.

burn it

anything left over is the only things worth selling

Let me guess, you forgot level up the INT.

Check for traps.

why would femboys hide in waiting around a box for someone to open it?

Diamond dozen grammer Nazi over here

What if it's full of paper currency or bearer bonds?

Intimidate the lock

not worth selling

>putting paper in a locked box buried under the ground
>typically buried in or near sand which is highly permiable to water
>implying itll be usable when its dug up

[Unlock 100 on touch for 1 second]

Cut it open

>walk over chest
>chest added to inventory
>you are over encumbered
>open inventory
>select chest
>open chest
>chest is locked
>drop chest
>walk away
Every fucking time.

Give it a kick just in case it's a mimick. Then find the key, and open it.

Pick it up and get it back to spawn

It's dime a dozen

lock it further
someone was clearly trying to protect something important to them

Buy more Mann co keys for 99 cents to unlock it like a good shill

Im gonna play double's advocate here and say I think diamond dozen makes more sense

>be pirate
>burry treasure years and years ago
time passes
>suddenly fall into debt
>dig up treasure, glad i planned ahead for this
>15 fucking locks on it
>there are locks locking other locks from being opened

k + direction of chest.

cast "Knock"

[Persuade] I am just a poor wizard who needs your treasure so that I can buy 100 copies of Skyrim: Enhanced Edition

Tickle the Mimic until it opens up.
Although why you'd want to open the mouth of a Mimic is beyond me.

>go to the nearest town
>fill a purse with bolts and hang it loosely from my side
>hang around the market all day and wait for a thief to snatch it
>chase them down and tell them there's no coins in there
>offer them a few coins to point me in the direction of the local thieves' guild
>make my way to their ramshackle headquarters and convince them to train me
>level up lockpicking and grind the training locks until they break
>find my way back to the treasure chest to find another user beat me to it
damn it