Is this game actually good or is it all shills?

Is this game actually good or is it all shills?

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Good, but nothing special.

all shills

It's literally one guy who hates the game for some reason. He's trying to become the next barneyfag by spamming a few threads. I'm guessing that guy is you.

It's slightly above average but there's enough wrong to keep it from being great.
>very few good bosses
>game is filled with backer OCs
>most upgrade are useless
>true ending requires tons of backtracking

Considering it's 10 bucks right now I consider it bretty gud.

I wouldn't consider it God's gift to gaming or anything. It's competently done but you better have a stomach for backtracking.

could you tell me more about the upgrades? I played 116 mins of the game and I'm literally considering if I should refund this pos or not.

Also, what backer OCs? Sounds disgusting

This is the best gaming experience I've had in years. Would recommend.

Its great

It's good

see, it's people like these that make me super suspicious. From what I've seen so far, the level design in the game seems really bad. The combat is super boring, enemies look uninteresting in general because they all follow a similar concept.

What makes it great? Why is it the "best" gaming experience? like, wtf man

>very few good bosses

>game is filled with backer OCs
not its isnt, there´s only 1 complete optional area about them

>most upgrade are useless
objectively false

>true ending requires tons of backtracking
Nothing wrong with that

>Also, what backer OCs? Sounds disgusting
that user is high. the only backers 'ocs' are ghosts that have two lines of dialogue and are all located in a cemetery, that you can avoid since it doesn't contain anything of importance
The level design is great

It's pretty good, but like nier (the other overhyped game atm here) it's not without flaws.
Like it's a good game and I love it but some of the huge flaws are such a fucking annoyance. Like backtracking in hollow knight being atrocious at times and the first 30mins-1hr of the game being so goddamn slow.

dont buy it then, literally nobody cares

how does it play with kbm? or do you need a controller?

It is by far the best Metroidvania I've ever played. State of the game was total trash on release with constant freezing though, hope they fixed that


You can soldier it with kbm but you will have to rebind a few stuff

This game is totally sick! It's like, dare I say it, the dark souls of metroidvanias!

Enemies are about as uninteresting as the shit you'd fight in Symphony of the Night; you may like or dislike the art and the repeated sprites but how they behave as part of the gameplay is functional and fluid.

Combat is literally castlevania (not metroid, I'll save you the essay I've written on this), its not your 3.5E D&D level of complexity and variation.

Just pirate it, its a single player game.

Just bashed hornet and proceeding to the mantis area. I can find that it does look pretty good in a few aspects such as the atmosphere, the different bug design coupled with dark themes (last time i saw a bug based game was... Uhmm bug's life for the psx) and the lovely OST. Common enemies are ok, nothing too great. The gameplay handles well but i've yet to grab most abilites. It's a bit barebones but i imagine it'll be more diverse. The boss battles till now are great and makes me beg for more and i really like some of the npc designs and subtle touchs they make with a few of the corpses littered through the levels. It's overall above what i've played and for the price, i won't bother with the flaws like it's level design and what i can see of backtracking everywhere to 100%. Also lack of more potential death scenes makes me question the theme it proposes.

not those guys. I am enjoying the game because it plays like a giant love letter to CV and Metroid. Part of that is nostalgia since this was my favorite type of game as a kid, but the game is genuinely good. The game isn't perfect, I've had some game bugs that i have to relaunch to fix. If you like metroidvanias then you will probably enjoy HK, if you don't then the game isn't gonna change anything.
Honestly just play it for 2 hours and return it if you don't like it. Too many people complain about schills or question others about if they will enjoy something when they can find out easily for themselves.

>the dark souls of metroidvanias!

>not its isnt, there´s only 1 complete optional area about them
>only backers 'ocs' are ghosts that have two lines of dialogue and are all located in a cemetery

Every ghost (excluding ones like the maggot and Soul Tyrant) is a backer OC, regardless of location. Even ones like the singer in the pleasure house.
All the Dream Warriors are backer OCs.
Cloth is a backer OC.
Possibly others, but those are the ones I'm aware of.

It's a bit like Undertale's Muffet vs. I'm Sorry. One is a backer-submitted design that's fun and really fits the game, the other is someone's furry porn OC. One of them is right in the main path, unavoidable, and the other is tucked away in a secret room where you need to adjust your computer's time and date to fight it.

Its ok.

If you like castlevania id recommend it. Pick up Rogue Legacy too if you like the genre.

Just torrent it for 10 minutes and purchase if you enjoy it. You aren't going to get a good answer because your indecisive. Just play the game.

Its a good game. Not the best game ever, but its pretty damn good for what it is.
Its comfy as fuck too
Wasn't there going to be a major update that adds a ton of content or was that going to be dlc?

I've been playing it this week and it's pretty fun. Only non-nitpicking complaint is that some areas look very samey, made it hard to navigate, but nothing that bad. If you hate backtracking then you might be turned off, but it's fine for me. Always looking to go back to previously inaccessible areas.

Would be nice if you could drop a pin on the map to show where you need to come back later, but this can be said for most every metroidvania out there. Took forever to make my way back to where Hornet leads you to the city area after I got the wall jump, forgot about that room entirely.

So why don't you fucking play it, and find out?
It's $10 on Steam surely you'll found out if you dislike it within 2 hours to refund it.
Or better yet pirate it, and found it, fuck off with this "I just wanna know if people are shilling".

Lots of enemy types
Over 10hrs of gameplay
Diverse attacks, power ups, abilities

Bland samey art style that gets dull after 8hrs
Wonkey hit boxes for both you and enemies
Floaty gameplay
You feel the drag of repetition before you finish the game
Padded length time
Tries to be DEEP

It's a 5/10, if Ori is a 6/10, Order of Ecclesia a 8/10 and Super Metroid a 10/10. For $10, this, Ori and Sub Nautica are the best things you can buy, barring much older hit titles.

I already played 116 minutes. It's not bad but honestly it isn't worth 10 bucks at all imo. I'm asking because some games have a slow start. Maybe the upgrades will make the gameplay better, that's why I was asking about the upgrades.

Is Dead Cells any better

Honestly, it's probably one of my favorite Metroidvanias. Simply because it has a world that I'm interested in learning about; honestly, I think the whole deal with Metroid and Castlevania being a long-running series kills there appeal. I'm not interested in what no-good scheme Dracula or the Space Pirates are up to this week, but exploring a completely original setting is much more engaging.

I felt similarly about La-Mulana; it's just more fun to explore something new.

You gotta remember a lot of the people on this board are lonely as all fck and complaining and baiting others into a reaction is the only way they know how to communicate. They know they could buy it and refund it or just pirate it, but that doesn't get them attention.

Does anyone happen to have the OST?

To be fair, it does borrow from pretty much every other Metroidvania (and Dark Souls). You probably won't mind though, because exploring the world is addictive and the combat is tight as hell.

The biggest turn off I see that might turn lots of casual players off is that you can explore more than half the map without finding any new exploration abilities, only to find out they where in areas that forgot to check it out hours ago. I don't hate it, but I found the super dash, swim on poisonous water and ground pound in succession after exhausting almost every other accessible area in the map before.

Since I've never heard of it, and my word is law around here. No.

>explore entire area before moving on to next
>make note of areas with not mapped exits to another area
>oh I can't access those now I'll just come back when I get something new
>get new ability
>remember place I couldn't get through and why
>go back
>get stuff

so hard

I do user, whats up?

Its pretty solid if you dont mind procedurally genn'd stuff.

I think that can be a positive or a negative. To me, I was still enjoying it, even though I went like 5 hours without any movement upgrades, because I was still unlocking Stagway Stations, finding charms, and gaining money.

I will say that towards the end backtracking to the Ancient Basin got REALLY old. There should really be a Stagway station nearby the lower tram. I groaned every time I realized I needed to go all the way down to the basin. The fastest way I found was to get there from the King's Station, head left through the City of Tears, then head down that shaft with the broken elevator at the bottom.

Also, this game might be the longest Metroidvania I've ever played (and I've 100%ed La-Mulana).

Would you be so kind as to share it user? It's a bitch to find and I like the music.

I'm about 20 hours in, and had the intention to beat this game 100%. However, I just got the delicate flower that you have to deliver to the other side of the map without getting hit and I've pretty much lost all motivation to continue.

>but I found the super dash, swim on poisonous water and ground pound in succession after exhausting almost every other accessible area in the map before.

I hate it too, at times. Not just with this game, but a lot of metroidvanias. Do you have the right power NOW? Are you using that new power the right way? Are you overlooking something?

How do you know? You simply don't and have to go back with each power up and try it each and every single time. Metroid alleviated this by having color coded doors, matching the right powers. Some games do this right, some games go full retard with it.

Example of doing it right:
>Dust An Elysian Tale
Doing it wrong:
>Shantae 1/2 Genie Hero

Did that today. EZmode is just kill all the enemies on the path from the grave to the start point, don't rest on bench, and reverse course.Then you only have to deal with trash enemies like flies and flying moss. I still died on a thorn in the room before the goal one time.

Suggest to me a way how and i'll see what I can do.

Clear a route beforehand. Just make sure not to sit on any benches if you do.

>see, it's people like these that make me super suspicious.
Why don't you stop being a fucking faggot and try the fucking game.

Jesus Christ do you need people to tell you how to hold your dick when you piss, or even to hold it for you?

It's not that tough. It took me only two tries, and the first one was just because I forgot those fuckers in the Queen's Gardens have spikes stick out of them after you kill them.

Just look at the map and figure out a route, then go along that route before you deliver the flower and take note of the types of enemies you'll be facing and where the trickier ones are.

You could upload a zip file to mega? That's easiest imo

I never said it was hard, just a turn off.

I like it, it's just the feeling of "I'm pretty sure I should already have the ground pound by now, I wonder what did I miss"

Or just buy it on Steam, spend < 2 hours on it and decide if you like it or not. Refund it if you aren't enjoying it.

Two hours is not enough time for something like an RPG that starts with a 30 minute cutscene, but it's plenty of time for a game like this.

>or even to hold it for you?

I enjoyed it.
Very solid metroidvania with real nice music and visuals. In terms of gameplay it is pretty normal, but it's art direction makes it very memorable.

This so much.

ITs uploading user. I had to remove FLAC because of size issues but it has all the mp3 files still. Just gonna take a min since I have fuck all for upload.

I felt HK had a more lasting effect on me than Salt and Sanctuary.

I think S&S level design is top notch but story and music is extremely minimal.

HK basically copies some of the concepts in S&S but enhances them and makes them better (Still Palace -> White Palace for example) and gives each area its own unique atmosphere and perfectly fitting music.

Kingdom's Edge really made me feel how tragic the King's life was. Meanwhile S&S just has this monotonous rock theme in 90% of the game.

it's the best metroidvania of 2017


One of the better games I've played in the past few years. It has its charm and I'm excited for the Hornet update.

I really appreciate it user, thanks a ton

That's the casual filter for those who want to 100% it. It really isn't hard at all if you know the mechanics of the game. Like everyone else is saying, don't rest on a bench.

Pirate it and find out for yourself?

But yes, it's great.

Ok, fine. "Metroid-like."

This game will be run at SGDQ on Tuesday morning.

>when you hear Cornifer humming in the distance

Do you have a throwaway email user? Mega is throwing off a gateway error and im not sure when itll be back up and itll take me another 30min to upload elsewhere.

I even gave it to another character, it's easy when you clear a path

Pretty sure every boss fight in Salt has the same track too. Which is a shame because environmental music is a huge part of Metroidvanias and HK nails this aspect.

Thank God. There wasn't even any humming pre-patch.

Combat is much better and more varied, but the gameplay loop is completely different. In HK, you've got a massive world to explore. Dead Cells is more about unlocking/leveling items for future runs. It's also in early access.

I've been playing both, and I'm enjoying both for different reasons.

i liked it at first, but now i'm almost at the final bosses and i'm getting kind of tired of it. traversing across the map to different areas takes forever and there are some bosses that are straight up bullshit.
also, getting 100% takes absolutely forever and is extremely exhausting.

in the end, i don't really know if i liked it or not, but i had played ori and the blind forest previously and i feel like that was a much better experience for being such a similar game

The news posts about the update make it sound like the Dream Nail will be used in some means of transportation/movement? I really wish the stag stations were more frequent and better placed.

Also, Infected Crossroads is bullshit with how some paths are sealed off. I haven't explored the entire place post-infection,
but it seems annoying so far.


Probably the best game released in the last 2 years

If I end up doing the non-100% ending am I locked out of the actual ending? I want to finish it but I don't feel like fighting all those bullshit dream bosses until later.

Sounds like the nitro in Castlevania 64. No fucking thank you, I had enough of that shit.

I've had a few friends who played it. They were fairly satisfied.

I mean its 10 dollars, not 40 like some games.

It isn't worth $30 and $20 for a 2D game is already pushing it.

i just beat mantis lords, took me like 10 times

feels good man

Pretty sure the game just starts you off your last save point after you fight the final boss. I think you can get all the endings that way.

lackluster "game feel", but worth checking out

Yeah, the first time I found a blocked path I was expecting to circle around and find some kind of infection source to destroy and reopen the way. Completely blocking off paths for no reason is dumb, especially since they don't really use infected crossroads for anything meaningful.

Also, I'm annoyed that I only learned about quitting and reloading after 100%ing the game. If reloading the game is going to work like that, they might as well just give you a "recall to bench" item.

>Can't stop dying in steel soul mode to Bell Gargoyles 3.0 in city of tears

I did that on my first try. Just used Grubberfly's elegy and killed everything from a distance. I think the whole thing takes like 10 minutes, so even if you fucked up it wouldn't be a big deal.

Lewds when?

I don't remember very well, but I think you can take the train-like thing. It doesn't break like riding the bug

I've beaten and enjoyed most castlevanias and original lamulana, did not personally enjoy this game

>>Diverse attacks, power ups, abilities
I disagree with the diverse attacks bit, you really only have 4-5 abilities and most of the time it's much better to just swing the nail.
I would add "long freeze after getting hit" to cons


Yeah I kind of wish the freeze was at low health. I get it's so you can analyze what happened but it threw me off a lot in the really fast fights like the dream rematches.

When I watched the trailer seeing some of their fight sold me on it. I actually fought them and it's some of the funnest I've had with the game so far (I'm only 20 hours in admittedly). Felt fucking cool manhandling two of them at both and slicing downwards while jumping.

solid 7/10 its okay
definitely not a timeless masterpiece by any means

Dreamer Zote boss fight soon

This is my favorite game in years. I actually want to play video games again.

It didn't occur to me until I was 13 hours in that the pages littered around maps are a trail that leads to Connifer.

It used to be that he had no humming or paper trail to track him.


It took me a few tries but is really very easy.

What's with the blue gem gate? Do I have to collect all the health buffs and go there? That sounds like a bitch.

Well I've beaten the game and had no idea what those things were. Now I feel retarded