Did you buy anything from the steam summer sale?
Have you managed too snag a switch?
Will you be getting an xbone x?
Comfy Idort thread
>Don't have any time to build a new PC because of work
>can't find a switch because they're sold out
>ps4 still not worth it
gaming is suffering
>buying a switch when there's only 1 game worth playing and it's a port
>buying an xbone at all
>"Will you be getting an xbone x?"
>got a switch on launch
>just built a new pc
>too poor for ps4 now
it's alright
You can leave now poorfag
>got a switch at launch
man, I shouldn't have waited seeing as how they are impossible to get now
Love seeing this damage control by idiots
Just keep an eye on places like Walmart
What's the point of getting an xbox when most of the good exclusives are also on Windows 10?
Got every other console this gen though.
What damage control? You said what you wanted to say now leave.
>Did you buy anything from the steam summer sale?
>Have you managed too snag a switch?
Nintendo is too expensive in Europe.
>Will you be getting an xbone x?
No, I already have a PS4.
Because windows 10 is shit. Also bc can be good. But the one x ain't worth 499$. I'm gonna buy a used when they come down to
haha, I do. they're always sold out
got one at launch
>What damage control?
>you must be poor if you don't blindly buy every system
It's the go-to when people's purchases are brought into question and they need to reassure themselves.
I didn't say you're a poorfag because you didn't buy the consoles I said you're a poorfag because That's what you are
And you came to this conclusion because I criticized your purchases and literally nothing else.
Nope. The only people who reply in idort threads other than idorts are poorfags. Now leave
Did you even read the OP retard?
I bought Alien: Isolation on the sale.
I picked up a Switch a while back.
I already have an Xbone. I don't need a more powerful one with just as few games.
And the only people who reply in Nintendo threads are Nintendo fans.
>Now leave
Calm the autism m80
bought tales of berseria on steam. will play it when i finish Lost Odyssey on my xboner. just got to disc 3, and i fucking love it so far. My switch hasn't seen much use lately (i skipped ARMS) but Splatoon 2 is soon so i'll be getting that for sure. I beat Persona 5 on my PS4 a month ago and didn't use it since. i have gravity rush remastered downloaded on it though, gotta start that sometime.
If you have time to play 4 platforms, you are a loser NEET
I actually have a life so I only picked 1 platform this gen
The Playstation 4
Nigga this is the last reply you're getting. Take you toxicity and go to the hundred other console war and hate threads in Sup Forums
and you chose the wrong one
and boy did you pick the wrong one
Now this is an actual idort. Hope you keep enjoying your games mate
Hey, not starting a console war, just stating facts.
Fact is, you're retarded to have bought a Switch for a Wii U port and retarded to even consider an xbone x
Ok I'm retarded. You win. Now leave
>Implying I picked the wrong platform
Nice memes bruh
60 million and going strong
What is the Ataribox?
Thought I wasn't getting another reply :^)
>Currently playing HZD, Crash, and Destiny on PS4
>Picked up DB Xenoverse 2 on steam sale
>Picked up Chronos, and Edge of Nowhere on Oculus sale
>My Swich continues to collect dust until MARIO
>My Xbone hasn't been turned on since last September
What's an idort?
Will Idorts defend the ataribox?
>Did you buy anything from the steam summer sale?
Yeah, bought tons of stuff. Currently enjoying Just Cause 3 at 60 fps. Much better than playing it on my PS4.
>Have you managed too snag a switch?
Nope. I'd like to get one for BoTW though.
>Will you be getting an xbone x?
Nah, not until there's some real reason to get one. I've already got a 1070 in my computer and most Xbone exclusives get ported to PC now. I wish they'd put out more exclusives, my Xbone is getting kinda dusty.
I'm also enjoying the N-Sane trilogy. Beat 1&2, about to start up Warped now.
Give it back jamal
why does Sup Forums hate idorts
It's harder to argue them out of their multiplat lifestyle
>100% true idorting ever since the seventh gen
There's always a lemon of a console that's redundant or nearly so if you have a PC. True idort is a waste of money.
PC, 3DS, WiiU, Vita was the previous best choice for catching as many of the great games coming out as possible. WiiU is done now and the Vita's probably effectively done as well (It'll never truly end I dont think, the lack of a replacement means it'll be getting support in some form for years yet) but the Switch and PS4 aren't at all worth purchasing yet (The dual PC Vita combo really takes the wind out of the sails of the PS4 library) so I'm just catching up on games I didn't beat this gen/weird half a gen/I dont know what to call it anymore and leaving my PC and 3DS to play any upcoming titles for the time being.
Because modern day Sup Forums is unable to function without performing some kind of conflict.
I don't know why anyone would ever buy every console. I'm only planning on building a new PC and getting a switch. Maybe a ps4 if they announce some new interesting games. That's it
because by not buying exclusively playstation products, you are literally contributing to the death of the games industry. you are encouraging microshit to keep on jewing and allow their attempts to make Japan leave the video game industry. you are encouraging nintendo to keep shitting out weak, gimmicky consoles for faaaar too much money, with games releasing for 60 dollars that should be 20. and you are encouraging the ultimate jews, valve, to have their monopoly on pc gaming and introduce things like paid mods and sales that get worse every year. Sony does none of that and supports the japanese game industry the most. consider selling your xbones, shitchs. and petition machines for a ps4 and playstation exclusive games
the xbone is for laptop/tablet-only normies that don't want to build a $750 desktop computer
having windows 10 makes you an honorary idort since that counts as an xbone
Is this copypasta? I fucking hate underage kids. Please stop browsing.
this is probably pasta and even if it does make some good points, this is an idort thread so please leave
>It's pasta because I don't like it
It's not first off, but even if it was it wouldn't change the validity of fucking anything said.
not disagreeing. you make some good points but this is an idort thread so fuck off