How come Killzone never got as big as Halo despite Sony's constant shilling?

How come Killzone never got as big as Halo despite Sony's constant shilling?

cause it was shit.
gameplay was "heavy"
weapons were shit.
story was shit.

It wasn't fun to play.

It's an overall below mediocre series with only one good game (KZ2) everything else ranges from average to awful.

No local multiplayer or LAN party shit

It was shitposted to death by Halofags. It never had a chance.

Besides what some people think, I actually enjoyed the combat. It felt tactical and felt grounded with the heavy feel of the weapons. While the in-game stories are borderline trash(except KZ2), the lore of the series is actually surprisingly kino.

Would suggest reading up on it. I hope they at least do one crack at it after Horizon.

The first game feels like you're playing some sort of budget FPS you'd find in a bargain bin for $20 for the PS2. Levels are enormous with nothing really in them, the suppressed pistol thing is the best gun because everything else barring Rico's minigun is a super soaker at best, and you don't particularly care about anything. To me it felt like I bought a Medal of Honor game made on a major budget and was not a good first impression so that's probably what put people off.

With 2 they definitely got themselves together and reworked everything. Guns felt way better and you felt much heavier, the cover system was fluid and great, the levels barring Radec's level were enjoyable to run though, and the sounds for pretty much everything was top notch. Everything after was just improving on the formula as a whole.

I'm betting that first game just really brought everyone's opinions on the thing down and they already had Halo so they didn't really care. I just want to see them do more of Mercenaries/Shadow Fall with multiple ways to tackle things and more space stuff. The empty ship in Shadow Fall was the best part of the entire game.

It's ok to play, but the whole idea of it just doesn't "grab" you like halo does.

Halo has no problem presenting itself as a plasma and aliens sci-fi setting. Killzone can't fucking commit - it bills itself sci-fi, but it presents itself as WWII.

Never played any of the series but recently but Shadow fall for £6 on the PSN store and it good. Not great. Good.

The Xbox and Xbox 360 got all the customers who wanted a console FPS.

The PS4 is the first time Sony really managed to capture that market but by then Killzone was basically ded.

I bought the new one because it was dirt cheap on PSN and it's a pretty poor game.

>labeled itself as a "Halo killer"
>4 games of playing as the one side that no one really gave a shit about
>keeping that piece of shit Rico around
>glassing the entire planet of Helghan because lolz.
Like Resistance the potential was there but reality is that the shit was dead from the start, at least they fell themselves before becoming a walking corpse being put on the endless parade like Halo.

I thought it was a mediocre CoD clone, very reliant on big cinematic set pieces and not much opportunity for fun organic firefights.

They don't let you play as Helghast.

Everyone loves the Helghans. The helmets are iconic as fuck.

>enjoy being a bald space marine nigger

The first Killzone had some decent levels but it's a complete slog to play through for technical reasons. Honestly I don't think there was ever a single FPS game on PS2 that didn't feel sluggish to play. Also you needed some stupid adapter to play your PS2 online and most people didn't even know about it.

The best Killzone game was on a dead portable in the west.

Very boring to play. The heavy weapons feel was just slow an unresponsive. Took all fun out of multiplayer.

It's a shame that Cloak was the best thing to use in the main story than any of their other items. Really wish Shadow Fall had customization since you can tell they took the multiple area choices thing from Mercenaries but left everything else by the wayside.

Who wants to play as the bad guys the entire game for 4 games?

Helgens were very obviously the good guys

I mean

Imagine playing as a nazi for 4 games and killing Jews? Who would want that ?

Helghans aren't good guys, they're just easier to sympathize with because their list of crimes are much shorter than the ISA's.

>you will never play Killzone 2 Online at its peak ever again

Feels bad, man.

Really unique online. Don't think anything else has come close.

I was about to laugh at you for suggesting Liberation was anywhere close to being the best but then I remembered there was indeed that Mercenary game on the vita, which I never actually played therefore have no opinion on.

I've been meaning to try Shadow Fall but I've only heard bad things about it. Is it worth picking up from the bargain bin?

I paid $20 for it and it was worth it though I haven't touched the multiplayer since I don't really pay for PS+. Really, its faults are you are stuck with the gimmick railgun for whatever reason throughout the whole game so you can only have one extra gun on you at all times, even the hardest difficulty feels like a "Normal" playthrough (Killzone 2 was far far harder for example), the OWL ranges from worthless to alright since it's mainly meant to drag attention more than anything, the story is there but you just don't care about anything you're really doing, and the best levels are the ones where you are able to go into zero-g since they usually have varied areas and good environments.

and I know you didn't ask, but Mercenaries was pretty fun too, open level design with tons of ways to go about things, lots of customization, and the story was much more fun to see unfold than Shadow Fall. Kind of amazed that it was on the Vita of all things.

Sony tried 4 times to make a halo killer and halo ended up killing itself. Shame.

No Killzone Liberation love in here? I'm still fucking mad Sony won't allow us to play Chapter 5 (the literal ending to the game) on Vita.

have you ever played it? It ran at dogshit fps and had so much input delay that aiming took so much more effort than it did in halo.

because the first game simply wasn't as good as halo, and every sequel got worse.