Why did MMOs die?

Why did MMOs die?

Other urls found in this thread:

mud.co.uk/richard/The Decline of MMOs.pdf

Imagine a Nintendo mmo

They haven't. Legion and FF:XIV are the best mmos have ever been.

MOBA's like overwatch

look at this faggot

FF14 seems like it's doing really well now.

By design. MMOs are built around having as many people playing as possible, meaning MMOs are built around appealing to as wide an audience as possible. You know the rest. It was a genre that could have only been good at its offset before settling into a comfortable consumer meta.

it would be simple but fun and refined like nearly every nintendo game compared to another title

I just want combat in mmo to feel good, like you're actually hitting enemies.

>this is what nintenbros actually believe

the only reason why mmos were fun was the community. WoW decided to make mmos for a different audience, and almost every game since then has copied that, totally alienating the people that made them good

then :

>old dnd and /tg/ types, actual roleplayers
>bunch of bright eyed kids looking for adventure
>bored housewives preying on said kids
>benevolent autists

now it's

>burnouts with nothing else to do in life
>gambling addicts
>girl gamers
>the same autists driven bitter and insane by time and watching their favorite games die over and over

Because there's two options.
F2P microtransasction shit with a paywall or P2P subscription shit with a paywall.
Both core design philosophies lead to slowing the game down to ensure that the player pays more, and no one wants to anymore.

They were all mindless grinding, with a subscription fee on top of the grinding. Fans got tired of paying extra money after buying the game, to grind the same mobs for weeks, months and years at a time.

>burnouts with nothing else to do in life
Literally summed up the first 4 in one line, congrats.

>The novelty wore off
>Internet culture became subversive
>Hundreds of online grind simulators flooded the market.

people realize it's not a good idea to invest 8% of your life to a fake world

If that were true there wouldn't be tens of thousands of people wanting to go back.

I never understood this edit. The point of the reddened eyes and the "JUST" hair is too make someone look despondent or "cucked." but they gave him a fucking cone head and now he just looks like a monster or an alien. I mean, it looks funny, sure, but it still seems like a big fat failure of an image.

they aren't fun

Because they weren't allowed to be creative anymore. WoW took over after Everquest and just kept increasing the content while homogenizing and dumbing everything down. And it eventually got to the point where there were too many "expected features" in a new MMO to the point where it literally became:

>Make game with "expected features"
>Has unique premise
>Can't afford to make even half of WoW's content
>So just have to copy most of WoW or you won't get enough players to make your money back

It got so bad, but there are smaller MMOs that do okay, but usually only in regions outside of the West, where WoW didn't dominate. In the West, MMOs aren't coming back unless WoW somehow disappears. Can't risk making a completely new style of MMO and incur those insane costs only to have not enough players to even cut even.

>the "JUST" hair is too make someone look despondent or "cucked."
Since when?

That hair cut is for sexy dentists and the red eyes are from his alimony payments.

World of Warcraft bringing in millions of people who don't even like MMOs.

i made that edit
my photoshop skills are shit

You can basically put all the blame on World of Warcraft.

People played them for social reasons. Than they made MOBAs and TF2-likes which also had socializing.

It would be fun as shit but you can only use canned chat and you have to know someones player code to friend them


oldschool runescape is an extremely fun, thriving sandbox mmo
come play today its good fun, it has vertical gear progression like you idiots always harp on about and almost nobody reaches the max level

After Everquest MMOs were really dead. I mean, even when WoW came out the damage was already done.

SeePeople starting to just see it as a new way to socialize with your friends. They treat it like the mall so they don't have to drive to see each other. Really online gaming in general has done this. Most online experiences have become this and don't favor good gameplay or "the experience" anymore. So naturally they just all become homogenized shit.

All in all, most people just quit paying for the more expensive ones (unless it's WoW) because it's a really expensive way to hang out with friends, so they just moved to the cheaper MOBA market where you can just play shit for cheap or free.

I'm sorry, user.
If it's any consolation, I started warming up to it as I was typing that post.

Why is it so hard to create a mmo where your required to have a party to get through the game and have diverse members? Just make a majority of the content unbeatable solo and don't lock half the shit behind a subscription

slay lvl

Lol/Dota and WoW happened

It's such a terrible edit but that's what makes it so hilarious.

Remember when Matpat said that mobile MMO's (Game of War, etc.) was the future of the MMO.
I do
in laughter

>Why is it so hard to create a mmo where your required to have a party to get through the game and have diverse members

I played a group based game, but a lot of people are assholes who discriminate your non-Optimal class or you didn't whale enough money to get beast gear

Because SOE were a pack of cunts and ruined the best MMO of all time SWG

I've got some hope for December 2018, as far as MMO's go. Ashes of Creation has made some really bold promises, and I'm hoping they can deliver.

No one wanted to innovate after WoW and those who did made some really poor fucking choices. MTX had a hand in killing it but the biggest killer was focusing on the theme-park treadmill route while neglecting the social aspects of an mmo. Want to know the secret to all those decade olds mmos still up? The community. If you can make a game is a good community and don't fuck them over then they'll be with you through your fuck-ups.

Oh that actually looks kind of cool.

Every time I see a just edit where the hair is warped, it makes them look like they have a peanut head.

>Let's make the game enjoyable
>People have a good time, run out of things to do, then move on
>MMO dies

>Let's make the game unenjoyable so that we can retain players
>People spend a ton of time grinding
>People realize the game is a second job
>MMO dies

There's no way to make an immortal MMORPG.

Ashes of creation will not deliver but until the day it inevitibly fails I still have a smidgen of hope.

Hw Everquest killed mmos? normally people blame WoW

I still don't see what is supposed to be so great about AoC. It looks like a generic MMO to me.

I like it due to the importance on skilling since it's usually the last thing people think about and fuck up immensely. It's their selling point. The problem is that it uses a lot of buzzwords like "dynamic world" and had a successful kickstarter so it's going to die in development or on release.

PvP that has an impact on the world is the major major selling point. Of course it's probably going to finally come out at the same time as Camelot Unchained and Crowfall and no-one will know what to play so all three will die but whatever.

late response but 87

>Get 4 friends who all want to play at the same time
>Deal with randos while your 5th member has shit to do
>join randos when everyone else has shit to do
>If one person wants to start a new character, then all of you are
>Try to get into a group for 6 hours because you don't have the gear from the dungeon you are trying to do to make you better able to handle the dungeon you are trying to do
>That Guy reads all of his quest descriptions, slowing everyone else down
>That Guy doesn't read his quest descriptions, so runs off and dies on his own
>4 people waiting while a guy grinds up his secondary skill, followed by a trade off for another character
No, shit sounds great.

>Shitty WoW knockoffs
>Shitty WoW not-knockoff
>Shitty Korean grind simulators
>Shitty Japanese "excuse to build a house and put your waifu in it, disguised as an actual game" simulators
>Shitty "It's free so you can't complain" webshit

This picture makes me feel super uncomfortable.

>just blame WoW

It's not that simple.
is closer to the truth.

The timing of WoW probably had as much influence on it's legacy than the actual game. The narrative that most people would like to believe is
>WoW releases and grows huge through wrath
>suddenly every other company wants a piece of the pie
>they all copy aspects of WoW with varying degrees
>MMO playerbase gets jaded of clone after clone and the declining state of WoW
>Devs pull out of the MMO market in favor of ASSFAGGOTS/Teamshooters/etc.
>MMO playerbase is left choosing between WoW, FFXIV, Asian MMOs, or neardead/dead MMOs.

But that's only half of the truth. Only a handful of people who went to WoW early on were EQ players. For a lot of people WoW was their first MMO, or at least their first MMO with a focus on group content after moving from runescape or maplestory. It didn't matter that it took months to hit endgame, it didn't matter that half the specs had no place in raids, people had fun with everything being novel and the community around the game. Fast forward to the MMO boom that followed WoW and when these same people moved to different games and their entire perspective is different. Not necessarily in the sense that they will immediately compare everything to WoW but that almost nothing is novel anymore, and what is novel is usually lost among a ton of other aspects that became what many people today consider "MMO staples" and as a result it became much harder in general for these games to retain players. That plus the fact that new MMO players are becoming something of a dying breed. The people who started with WoW are mostly adults now and modern kids in middle and highschool aren't would much rather play LoL/CSGO/OW or something with an esports scene than an MMO.

will this bring back MMOs?

>Why did MMOs die?
>check every MMO I have installed
>all online
>check their websites
>all online

They're not dead you fucking retard, the fuck are you trying to say?

That image is at least a year old, get some damn practice you cunt.

What a generic subtitle.

No, nobody wants that kind of MMO anymore. Still psyched for it though. Looking forward to it for sure. It's my cup of tea.

>has an annoying squarespace website



WoW was my first MMO, and i was completely blown away by it

ive never even heard of MMOs before that. A fucking online fantasy world to explore, full of other people with their own unique characters and abilities, endless quests and spells and places to go to etc. etc. it was insane

now it's nothing special or new

My first MMO was Ragnarok Online so I wasn't a stranger to the genre, but WoW blew me away when it came out. I was already a huge fan of the Warcraft series and to see it in a huge open world with tons of other players was like a dream come true to me. Ragnarok Online holds a special place in my heart as my first MMO, but WoW was the first one that blew me away.

Will this bring back mmos?

It would be City Folk, but an actual city.

I remember old MMORPGs basically being interactive chat rooms I hung out in with friends after school.

I guess now I'm just no longer the audience for this shit. I just play singleplayer games now. All my mates are getting married and shit man. What am I doing with my life?

Sounds shitty mate. All my buddies are doing the same, but we still talk daily on discord and while we mostly deal with real life shit or play single player games we almost always make time to do some multiplayer shit together. Me and a buddy just played a shit ton of Rainbow Six Siege together like back when we played Counter Strike all night back in high school.

>richard garriott being involved in anything

Literally name a genre where this is not true.

Shit gameplay only salvageable if the community is good.

social shut ins, lack of community


Guilty. The only reason I log on to GW2 nowadays.

Theyre just bad games. the only thing that keeps people playing is the addiction mechanics. Which is downright dishonest tricking people into playing like that

ctrl F 'EVE'

you wound me bros

we're talking about MMOs not parallel universes

>MMOs died
>FFXIV is still fun as hell and has a pretty active community


>bring back mmos
Probably not because the mainstream audience for that kind of mmo is gone.

That's a good thing though because that game looks cool as fuck and the last thing we need is wowfags ruining it

*rehashes franchises*
*makes toaster consoles*
*denies third party support*
*hires SJWs into Western branches*
*cuts content*
*DMCA's let's plays*
*scraps proper Metroid game*
*makes Skyrim clone*
*creates physical DLC happy-meal toys*
*haemorrhages customers*
*loses core profit base so smartphones*
*goes bankrupt*

>new mmo comes out
>the "WoW is awful now" people flood into it looking for a new fix
>they all quit after 2 weeks because they actually crave the conformity of modern WoW or they never actually played WoW when it was good
>game's pop sinks and the devs either ruin it or it goes F2P
WoWfags need to just accept their addiction or just quit.

Nothing is ever going to recreate the feeling of your first mmo

They all tried to be a "WoW killer" instead of actually trying to be good.

I bet you play a Charr too

Human only, actually. But I'd rather fuck a charr than another god damn cabbage man.

constant patches that would slowly remove PvP because kids got upset

they didn't though..

Is Black Desert Online worth the $7?

Why don't you just do some fucking research on the game like a normal person instead of fishing for memes on this shithole board?

yes that was just one of the billion things that blew me away

entering orc burrows and human barracks and seeing what they're like on the inside, being eye level with footmen and grunts and all that

People realized they were just doing dumb grindy shit they do irl but with pretty colors and we're paying for the luxury. Now people get their grind fix while shitting at work with mobile games instead.

good taste user

I thought someone might have an opinion about it, but all I've found is that it's open ended and installs Xingcode on your computer.

Nothing about the actual gameplay, really.

Here, take this.
And never come back.

Don't you dare
Don't you dare give me hope for a fucking animal crossing mmo

Sylvari Mesmer master race

Two names: Blizzard and World of Warcraft.
Thing ain't helped by the blizzdrones whose entire life is to go around and talk shit about any other MMO or game in existence that aren't by Blizzard.

Wow is still massive, it's bigger than overwatch.

If you're asking why games like ffxiv have failed, well that's because they copied everything and offered nothing new. They copied wow (poorly) and of the stuff they didn't, they just ripped from gw2.

Honestly this content wise and price range its far better than WOW is at the present.

Yeah it's good for what it costs, it's blown the fuck up on steam.

Nah ff14 is doing really poorly, the shills here give a false impression but it's losing players really fast now. The cash shop is keeping it propped up.

It's at around 1/4 of the players it has at launch now I think, 635k at the 2nd month near launch and it's way down now.

mud.co.uk/richard/The Decline of MMOs.pdf

>Richard Allan Bartle (born 10 January 1960) is a British writer, professor and game researcher, best known for being the co-creator of MUD1 (an early MUD) and the author of the seminal Designing Virtual Worlds. He is one of the pioneers of the massively multiplayer online game industry.

Still because WoW
It blew up early on, got a stranglehold on the market once it settled in keeping players from migrating to other MMOs, other games quit deviating away from the WoW formula in attempts to win over who they could, none of it worked, and now you've got the groups who are burnt out on mmos in general and the groups who are far too invested in wow now to jump ship.