ITT: Fuck you i liked it


It was comfy

I pirated when it came out and I STILL haven't finished it

every month or so I boot it up, play another five minutes of the last case, then drop it again because it bores me out of my skull. Finished the first half, back in khura'in and had the initial shit go down, just can't fucking get back into it.

Only other game I had this issue with was Apollo, and even then it was only two big breaks rather than constant inability to play the damn thing. It just lacks continuous interesting characters, Bobby completely carried 5 for me and I liked all but case 2 there, though even that almost made me drop it.

I dunno man the series has kind of lost its spark for me.

Most of the games I like really. Nier Automata seems pretty controversial on here and I love it. Final Fantasy XIII is always my go to pick on these topics, usually

Any Platinum game really

Specifically Wonderful 101 for me

Actually beating the game and seeing myself go through past levels made me realize the reviewers calling this hard and bad to control are full of shit

The ONLY legit criticism is the gamepad segments

Shame you feel that way user, oh well it's not your cup of tea and i can understand that.
I thought the characters were great, especially Rayfa

>The ONLY legit criticism is the gamepad segments
Yeah those could've been scrapped and it would've only made the game better. I loved the controls though. I really didn't expect it to be as crazy of a game as it was when I went into it. I know Kamiya made it, but I think it may be more over the top than Bayonetta

Wonderful 101 is a culmination of everything Platinum at that point in time ever did rolled up to a Superhero game

They even had a fucking Metal Gear Rising Reference twice

The controls are great when you learn. Finding out combos you can do is great, even better when you porperly understand what the custom blocks do

I liked SoJ

Not as god tier as AAI2 but still up there right next to T&T, i would argue i like it better than T&T because it doesnt rely on reused characters for more than 1 case

Also this isnt really major but i really love that Case has Apollo taking charge the whole case, i was going into it expecting Phoenix to dominate it with a bit of Apollo in between, instead we got %100 Apollo

I loved the characters in it. Wonder Red in particular is a serious badass. I'd like to see Platinum make a Viewtiful Joe game. I think that might belong to Capcom still, though

>tfw getting Unite Charge


I liked the drawing, even if you had to do it a lot. Did you use the touchscreen or the right analog stick?

>tfw like AA 5
>universally hated inside and outside of Sup Forums
sometimes it's om to have shit taste

5 and AJ get far more hate than they deserve.
The same goes for the characters that were introduced in those games, like Athena.

She's not particularly offensive, but the hateboner over her is huge.

Everyone liked AA6

AA5 is nowhere near universally hated

you guys need to get into the AA threads more

>people hate SOJ
Since when?

The point of these threads is to post things most people don't like you faggot.

I got used to the right stick, it was surprisingly smooth

Just because the last AA thread had a lot of shitposters didn't mean people didn't enjoy SoJ OP

I will never get over how great this art looks in an actual frame.It's better than having the picture in full

It's like looking at footage of a 3DS game on an actual 3DS compared to a screenshot directly from a 3DS

I never knew understood the hate for Athena

I thought she was alright, even better when you actually use her
I feel people are just mad at the games handholding and blame it on Athena since she's with you most of the game


Yooka Laylee wasn't that bad

It's flawed definitely, but that not bad, I would say they did okay

>.It's better than having the picture in full

You've seen this picture in full somewhere?


Most of Sup Forums liked it. The people who don't like it are in the minority. Said minority are the people who are typically the only ones who still make threads about it.

I honestly liked it more than NL. It cut the bullshit and just became the dollhouse simulator it was so clear they wanted to make with NL.

There was a full picture of an almost complete version of the final product online at some point i remember, with alternate clothes

It was great but the frames picture was still prettier to look at

afaik there's only this

I thought fan reception of SoJ was good. What are you on about OP?

OP your choice is dumb, people like SoJ

Here's a better choice