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Wolves hunt in packs, Arisen.
>Houses everywhere
I love this game.
Daily reminder that warrior is best class and Jewtits is the worse Waifu
They're masterworks, all; you can't go wrong.
When this game came out I thought it was a shameless cash grab on the heels of Skyrim, but then I heard Into Free. Is this game worth checking out?
yes and no that's aelinore
Sequel when?
It's not much like Skyrim if that's what you're wondering.
There is a sequel it's an MMO:^)
aelinore is worst waifu by far
we kill ourselves in the end
Fucking spoilers man
It's the closest thing you'll find to a real-time old school d&d game. I mean that as a good thing.
The grappling and scaling mechanics are great and the paws certainly crow on you for something with no personality. Creature design is 10/10 and the DLC is GOAT.
Never since according to Sup Forums MH:Worlds will fail and bankrupt capcom
Pawns grow on you. not sure what I was thinking.
>Played it on PS3
>Played it on PC
Who else buying this for a third time when it releases on PS4?
Did you mean Magic Knight? Because I don't remember the Warrior having a stinger, perfect parry, high times or aerial rave skills. MK lets you turn the game into character action.
Why would I buy it again if I own it on the superior platform?
>tfw used japanese voices
>tfw can never be in on this meme
>not playing a sword & board fighter from start to finish
Mystic Knight = Assassin > Fighter > Bloody Knuckles > Vandal Ring & lifetime supply of Throwblast > Warrior
>fire up a new game
>"I wonder what I'll play this time."
>"No matter, I'll decide when I get to Gran Soren, I'll just take my first levels in Fighter as always."
>he doesn't start the game and go straight to bbi and pick a hybrid vocation from whatshername
wussy wussy gay pants
Nobody wants worst gains
Doesn't assassin have the highest damage gain of all the classes?
I did that once. I had to punch my way through the harpy valley and throw bandits and wolves off cliffs as a weaponless warrior.
An exception, it also has the worst stamina gains and low health gains.
It's $12 on steam right now. Is it worth it?
Well it's technically STR, so if you swap to a class that doesn't use STR for damage, you lose it.
>if you swap to a class that doesn't use STR for damage
Why would I want to be a loser?
Yes. It's slow to start but it is a genuinely good rpg.
I got witch girl as my Waifu. Nice jailbait.
Also last time I played this I was going through bitterblack isle, all was going well and suddenly there's some minotaur guy basically one-shotting me wtf
To use the single, strongest attack in the game. Holy Focused Bolt
Should I play as Bigman McHugesmash or should I play a waifu?
Should I make my pawn a loli?
I liked the base game, but bbi felt like a slog.
Make Dickass Thief, and no loli Pawn because they're undoubtedly shit.
You'll want/need maxed everfall gear for bbi.
They'll be fine with late MQ armors and dragon weapons
>mfw daimon kills my pawns with 4 health bars left
He's actually quite easy 1v1, like most of the game. Fewer pawns make enemies more predictable.
>can't use one outfit purely for cosmetic looks while getting the benefits of another outfit
Times are hard indeed
Daimon gets incredibly easy if you use the scrolls supplied earlier to fight him. Wait for him to start his blackhole attack, run into it, pop the holy aoe scroll right under him and then run away.
nah no point when i have it on pc
>Letting Pawns get sent to the Rift
I hope all your Pawn gifts get turned to Rocks
>Jewtits is the worse Waifu
So why did they change the theme song to a really gay one and make Into Free so fucking hard to find on youtube?
i'd feel less guilty if it didn't default their ratings to 3
When hiring a Pawn watch out for these red flags
>Child like body size
>Lack of clothing
>Mage vocation
>Guardian inclination
>Unusual skin tones
>Fighter with Shield Drum
same reason berserk armor isn't in the pc version
Thankfully physical appearance actually affects stats in dragon's dogma so not many people make lolipawns because the lolistats are shit
my friend found this out the hard way by making a dwarf pawn and he was the slowest cunt alive
Any good mods? Or are they all Sweetfx and cosmetic changes
I thought the assassin's stamina gains were alright though
Looks > stats
That's why my character's a shota
My disdain for loli or shota Pawns is because the people that make them typically don't know shit about inclinations and their bestiary knowledge is equally shit
mostly cosmetic outside of these 2
>being this salty about facts
Even if it didn't, capcom still wouldn't make a sequel
When matching surcoats, which style do you roll with?
Metal gauntlets and greaves?
Leather gloves and boots?
Leather gloves and metal greaves?
Metal gauntlets and leather boots?
Metal gauntlets and greaves with lewd clothing underneath.
Thinking of trying out Mystic Knight this time around, how important is it to pump up the magic stat? I am level 35 as an assassin to pump up STR, should I switch to Sorcerer to get some more Magick increase, or can I just switch to MK to get some magic and Def?
Disgusting, let the dragon destroy this world.
Why are all the hats shit looking in this game
does that allow the warrior to block/dodge with a 2h weapon?
Because the helms look better, and the best looking hats have flaps. Like Adept and Farseer
tfw fourth time buying but the 60 fps, mods smoother gameplay and look of the game make it much better, first time i play anything other than an assassi.
bretty gud
Quickly, post arisens!
Here's old pic of one of my Arisen
I want to do lewd things to her tummy
>tfw no proper sequel ever
I miss this game so much.
Akessa on pc when?
Playing dress-up is honestly one of my favorite parts of this game.
block yes if you equip a shield, dodge no. there's also mod to make an invisible shield on there somewhere
>complains about hats
>not capes
Literally unusable with all the fucking clipping.
can you equip both a shield and a 2h weapon?
nice, gotta give that a try some of these days
>Its all female Arisens
>no game like dragon's dogma
>with branching storylines and repercussions like new vegas
yeah you can equip every secondary weapon with a main one using that mod
The most fun Mystic Knight build is physical-focused with blocking and Abyssal Anguish, you only really NEED magick if you're going to be slapping balls on your Great Cannon all day.
The magick bonus on your shield is good enough if you make sure to keep up with new shields or upgrades.
I recommend Abyssal Anguish, an elemental Trance of your choice and a shield enchantment of your choice.
There's something I'm remembering that wolves do, but I can't seem to put my finger on it. Can someone help me out here? What do wolves do again?
Collect skulls?
Bear the head of a cock?
Show me the darkest Arisen
because greedy chinks?
here she is with the barrack's bike
Ok what the fuck
>romance mercedes
>give cloudwine, the ring, everything, I'm in
>go beat the wyrm today
>fucking Quina is there
Nice outfit.
Wolves prey in groups, if I'm not mistaken.
There is a specific point in mainquest when your waifu is decided.
Fug so I was too late? Damn it
Emissary goes well with anything
You have to speak with your waifu of choice just before entering the Greatwall to complete Deny Salvation. If the character has high affinity rosy cheeks AND spoken last, then that's your waifu.
Why do people want the she-goat anyway?
I'm making a fighter, what should my pawn be?
Another Fighter, go shieldwall.