Do we all here agree 2017 is the best year since 1998?

Do we all here agree 2017 is the best year since 1998?

You won't get an answer like that here, the default state is to cynically hate everything

It's an amazing year for games but I'm not sure if it beats every single year since 2008



>I'm not sure if it beats every single year since 2008
I can't find a single decent year from 2007 to 2016 with 5 good games
The closest I get is 2015 with 4 good games

Bloodborne and W3 the only good games

>No persona 5
Shit list


There's no REsident Evil 7 on that picture.

Fuck, I actually meant to write 1998 not 2008

>not including Metroid

>REsident Evil 7

Sure, if it'll shut you up.

Also, GR2 was better than Tales of Whatever.

I dunno about the best year but it certainly has been a damn good year so far

I only played one of these games

2017 has been a good year but most of the games in your pic are shit.

which one?

In most excited for an actual Mega Drive game this year

the only one coming out in 2017


yeah but that remake doesn't look promising

to each his own. from the 20 minutes of gameplay I saw, it looks great. buying it day one

no Switch version is the reason i'm boycotting this

*Mega Drive

>berseria, yakuza

don't forget about splatoon 2

Fair enough but as a company, you gotta understand it only makes sense for nintendo to do it that way. not even defending them. it just makes sense

Why did nioh give their Irish protagonist an English name?

It's above average. A solid 6/10.

It's one of the best years of the decade.
2015 and 2016 were very weak.

Both 3DS and Switch owners would buy Metroid
same reason Sony released a couple of games both on Vita and PS4

Why are you adding shit like Toukiden2 or Warriors AllStars but ignoring GravityRush2, Persona5, Tekken7, GGRev2 and RE7? (I mean RE7 is mediocre but you have Tales of Berseria in there so there's really no excuse)

But yes, I do agree that 2017 belongs to a top3 years in gaming of all time. At least Q1 2017 is for sure 100% the best quarter in gaming of all time, factually.

Yeah, that's my point

I forgot about Gravity Rush 2 but don't talk shit about Toukiden 2 because it's a great game

what's left for the rest of the year?
all I care about is DOS2.

you missed the surge, pleb

It's alright

Plenty of stuff but I guess that depends on the type of gamer you are. I'm guessing you're very old fashioned so maybe you'll like some of the remakes/re-imaginings this year has to offer

The only good games on there are Nioh, BotW, Prey and Hollow Knight.
Crash is a remaster and mario/sonic isn't even out yet.
HZD is dull as fuck.
Everything else is cringey waifu/weebshit.

Not by a long shot m8.


I'm going to post of my feet with Gravity Rush 2 box art if you reply to me next post

Samus Returns is the only game that matters this year

Pretty much. crash, mario, sonic in the same year. THE MASCOT TRIO back again is insane to think about, and so far all of them look promising, crash already topping charts.

Year of the platformer. Year of the japanese. 2018 looking to be almost, or even, potentially as good as this year. This year and the next are some great times from the rather boring early part of this gen.

Very decent lineup desu

>Toukiden 2

Eh, it's a rather average game with a very bare-bones implementation of a non-linear game world, and also has a poor endgame. It's still an improvement over the first and actually has a somewhat competent PC port, I guess.

Dont forget THE BEST PLATFORMER TO GRACE US is also coming this year. Year of the platformer indeed


Feels good to be a Sony bro in 2017 tbqh

not him but I'd rather Knack II than another kickstarter nostalgia bait or some Shovelware Knight expansion pack *Only 19,99+tax

Since 2007, absolutely. Since 1998, arguable but definitely more of a stretch.

>or some Shovelware Knight expansion pack *Only 19,99+tax
But all Shovel Knight DLC have been free for people who owned the game you fucking retard go kill yourself.

Remove Toukiden/Horizon and put fucking Persona 5 in.

Nope not even close.8th gen is shittiest gen since the Atari

The Japanese industry is dead and the west keeps pumping out generic open world garabge

yeah but still didn't stop them from selling those ''free'' DLCs for "only" 30 bucks on Switch and to raise the price up to PS4/PC/XBO owners

Horizon was a solid comfy time waster

Nier is garbage though

If you have really low standards then sure.

>Sonic Forces

>nintenbro are the biggest pics
>mario isn't even out yet
god I hate nintenbabs

Is Ys 8 any good?

The mods could be pretty good

Hey retard persona 5 came out in 2017 for the west.

Releasing games for dead consoles is nice and all but I hope they'll port this later on like they did with Pier Solar.

But sonegros are worst because you jump at every opportunity to shitpost/get baited you stupid faggot.

>replying to bait

Fuck I want the new Ys game

why did you include horizon? no one likes this game. you should swap that one with persona 5.

I'm playing The Oath in Felghana in the meantime

This year has been better than any single year of the 7th gen so far except maybe 2007. That said, the last few years preceding this were a goddamned dark age compared to the 7th gen as well so maybe this gen will be back and forth on a yearly basis?

>modern Falcom
>anything other than shit

Anyone know if Touhou Scarlet Curiosity is a decent time waster? It's like $8 in the current PSN sale and it at least looks like an adequate Naphistim Ys-style clone but I've heard mixed things about it.

Is Nier worth $42?

it's not a bad game at all. Malicious Fallen is also on sale

It's not a pendulum, it's just a slow start. Japbros needed to learn how to High Def game dev and now is when they're starting to release games that show they've got it figured out. They should be releasing more and varied shit instead of god damned pachinko machines and the West will have to step up their shit or get trampled. We're entering a new golden age, not a cycle of good and crap.

No, it's not even worth a pirate. Don't let the ultra-weebshits fool you into buying this shallow tumbl-tier pile of trash.

>We're entering a new golden age, not a cycle of good and crap.

I want to be that optimistic but I don't want to set myself up for dashed expectations either.

I see Malicious every once in a while and I think about it but it's not quite on my plate this go-around. Still, probably one day. Thanks, though.

>it's not even worth a pirate

Ending E salt is best salt.

>playing games for the story

Yeah, remember when Mario was on a Sony console? good times of the MASCOT TRIO.

This, absolutely this- Prey is one of the worst games of the year!
Gravity is really nice

>horizon zero white men

>no xenoblade 2
>no splatoon 2

Half Life 2
San Andreas
Halo 2
Ninja Gaiden
World of Warcraft
Metroid Prime 2
MGS3 Snake Eater
MGS Twin Snakes
Ratched & Clank Up Your Arsenal
Metroid Zero Mission
Pikmin 2
Paper Mario TTYD
Viewtiful Joe 2
Sly 2
Call of Duty United Offensive
Doom 3
Super Mario 64 DS
Katamari Damacy
Tales of Symphonia
Jak 3
Zelda Four Swords Adventure
Battlefield Vietnam
Unreal Tournament 2004
Far Cry
Final Fantasy XI
Hitman: Contracts
Metal Slug 3
Thief Deadly Shadows
The Chronicles of Riddick Escape From Butcher Bay
Front Mission 4
Burnout 3
The Sims 2
Everquest II
Star Wars Battlefront
Rome Total War
Shadow Hearts Covenant
Tony Hawk's Underground 2
Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne
Medal of Honor Pacific Assualt
Dead or Alive Ultimate
Counter Strike Source
Need for Speed Underground 2
Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines
Baten Kaitos Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean
Alien Hominid
Star Wars KOTOR 2
Garry's Mod
OP is a fag

Oh yeah, the DS and PSP were released that year.

Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow

>too three years for gaming of all time
So this is what it means to be underage.

>MGS3 Snake Eater
>MGS Twin Snakes
Snake eater 2004 is a bad game. The good version came out in 2006
Twin Snakes was good though

>Persona 5
It's alright but shits the bed half way through, sucks about the villain of the week format, a little too easy
>Tekken 7
Tekken 3 and 5 kick it's ass
Mediocre trash, Vesperia is better
>RE 7
YouTube bait Amnesia clone
I'll give you that one. Not a 10/10 but it at least feels like a fucking video game in a time when developers try to be as cinematic as they can.

These are all flavor of the month games rather than games that will have a lasting impact. With other years having games as prolific as FF VII, OOT, SM64, HL2, MAX PAYNE, GTA 3, QUAKE, DOOM, NINJA GAIDEN, DMC, RESIDENT EVIL 2 and so on 2017 doesn't hold a candle to Any year from 1983-2006. None of these games stand up to the greats of yesteryear but me saying that means nothing considering cuckchan is filled with underage reddit faggots from 2010 and up. Its shit like this that makes me consider going to 8ch.

>only played one of these games
it was BOTW
I hated it
been thinking of getting Hollow Knight or Nier though

2001 and 2005 were far better than this year IMHO. But with Persona 5, Zelda BoTW and soon Super Mario Odyssey, this year is easily the best we've had in the past decade.

>Toukiden 2
>Sonic Forces

Get that garbage out of my face. Replace it with P5, Gravity Rush 2, and Splatoon 2

So much fucking this. This site is beyond hope if people here think any of those meme games will have any lasting impact. Every single fucking game released this year so far was a fucking scam and that doesn't look to be stopping anytime soon.

>going to 8ch
Do it. It's what this shitty board should have been. It's where all the real gamers left after the mass GG censorship of 2014. Unlike the cucked username here, we have the balls to swallow the redpill and accept that the world has gone to shit.

>this year is easily the best we've had in the past decade.
Typical brainwashed denialous youngcuck can't get his head out his ass it seems. Maybe NeoGAF seems more your safe space?

Every single game on that list is utter shit.

Try again next year OP, maybe you can spark a bigger circlejerk.

Why bother getting those when you don't like fun, user?

>UbiMario 06
>NuFalcom trash
>Sonic: the $20 romhack ft. Sonic donut steel simulator
>Nier Tumblrmata
>Horizon Zero Cis White Male Shitlords
>Hollow Game
The absolute fucking state of youngcucks arguments that this year was good.

Both are shit Tumblr cringe. Don't bother

>when you don't like fun
Sounds like the exact type of person who eats up this trash.

So they're not good?

The game had been done for 2 years before release but they were waiting for Switch port.



I have a hard time justifying any list where you count localizations that technically took place before the listed year.

The only cringe is these shitty games and the people who like it.