Only Sony himself can BTFO himself again
Sony BTFO'ed by Sony
The launch price was lower, that's factor you shouldn't forget
The UK is Sony country. It's Sony's bitch.
Everyone and their dog had at least 2 PS2s and the PS4 is quickly approaching those numbers.
Great. We're going to get even more remasters now. Fuck new games am I right lads?? Funny we give the Switch grief for this when we're just as bad
>tfw UK and didn't buy either one and don't plan on it
both shit, Crash is a mediocre series
Knack and Crash are having a dance off.
>The UK is Sony country.
no. the uk is nintendo and xbox territory. the best selling console there is still the xbox 360 followed by the wii. xbox one and ps4 sales is like 55/45 in favor of ps4. they don't have single console allegiances like all the other retarded euro countries like germany who buys playstation solely out of brand loyalty.
Not a Crash fan but happy to see wacky cartoon games doing well.