ITT: Games with amazing endings

ITT: Games with amazing endings.

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"It just feels closer to haven."

pic not related, right?

Pic unrelated i assume?

Picture not related I guess?

Image not relevant, I gather?

ITT: gays with no taste.

installing mp3 right now, is it as good as the originals?

jpg inconsequential I reckon?

The imagery is unrelated to the text, am I correct?

irrelevant ass pic tho senpai?

It's alright but the constant interruptions in the game are fucking annoying. And by interruptions I mean small cutscenes that show that more enemies are coming. They do that for every single enemy reinforcement moment.

They made Max a complete degenerate. Seriously it feels like alcoholic dad simulator 2012.

Is Max Payne 1 the pinnacle of vidya kino?

They were all dead

>I had a dream of my wife's daughter. She wasn't white, but it was all right.
What did they mean by this?

The DLC, I mean

tied with Max Payne 2


Most cathartic moment in video game history.


Something can amaze without being good, right?

Max Payne 3 gets a lot of shit, but i feel like the ending was perfect. Max walking off into the sunset with a bag full of cash on the beach, finally being able to put the past behind him and move on from the tragedies that haunted his life for years.

Fuck you man, I was crying on this.

He put his past behind him at the end of 2 then proceeded to fuck his character up for 3. MP3 is an ok game but a shitty entry.

I like hitman contracts ending when you don't know who he's responding to.

FFVI had a great ending just for sheer density

LotP always makes me happy too but that's probably nostalgia

He is somewhat able to put his past behind with booze. But then something happened and he couldn't help himself.

It's Max's fault.