
>Huge variety in locations, every one changes the gameplay in creative ways. Bright forests, desert civilization, abandoned factory, cute village, there's never two places alike. Pepole in each place have a distinct culture.
>Filled with side quests. You can fucking farm and fish if you want to. You can get watermellons for your qt daughter.
>Genuinely funny dialogue makes the serious parts mean more.
>Did weird niche things that only Taro would do. Buzzard stuff like the VN in the forest

Nier Automata:
>Brown and bloom. Everywhere. Worse than gears of war, but funnily enough, the same people who complain about brown and grey, no color gloomy AAA games love this when it's the exact same.
>Everywhere is the same. Oh look, another aband one factory filled with the same easy to kill robots. Great.
>Shadow the Hedgehog tier story. No more whimsical adventure, there's nothing to protect because everything is already dead and rusting. One of the most cringe inducingly edgy games I've played in years.
>Creative weird gameplay ideas? Gone. You're either killing shit or avoiding red balls in a bullet hell.
>"Oh I see you're enjoying being able to see everything you want to. Lemme just randomly take cameta control away from you."
>Humor is gone

Defend this piece of shit. What is it you like about it? Hiw i this not one of the worse sequels to anything since Thief 2014? The only good things are the combat and the fact it's on PC.

You're dumb.

There is literally an equivalent location in each game intentionally.



>I didn't play Nier: Automata -- the post.

Sorry kid, I finished both games and the original Nier has nothing that is not improved upon in Automata.

Only idiot ass obsessed weebs defend this game OP.

>There is 1 poster in this thread.

But there’s only one factory in Automata

Summer goes in full swing, i see.

>Look at this place you remember! But it's filled with DEATH. Filthy fucking humans are gone and everything is rubble. No color. No cute little farms. Just PEW POOOW EXPLOSIONS!

It's edgy garbage.

Prove me wrong. What's so great about it?

This. The butt is good but that doesn't make a good game