4 million more on pc
8 million on ps4
4 million on xbone
You cannot refute this
4 million more on pc
8 million on ps4
4 million on xbone
You cannot refute this
Yeah the truth is really sad. But a containment game might be nice for the communities of other better games.
this game won't come out on the ps4 for a long time confirmed by the devs (at least 1 year xbox exclusivity till 2019). real fans would buy this on pc or get an xbox to play it.
Real fans might, normies will wait.
enjoy waiting 3 years
I already play it on pc. Even if the sonybros have to wait they'll buy it the second it's released like ARK or minecraft
50% of my friend list has been playing this non-stop. What's the appeal? It seems like another boring "open-world survival" shooter.
People live out their fantasy of killing everybodyelse and becoming no.1
who cares? its basically the new candy crush, a game for people that dont actually play video games
It's for the people who liked the PvP of DayZ
How much are they paying you to shill?
It won't sell well on consoles
I would love to buy this game if they weren't so fuckin Jewish and at least gave 10% off for the summer sale. I bet by the time I actually buy it no one will be playing anymore.
>implying the game needs shilling
fuck off
Every match is heavily influenced by RNG which is both addictive and it means even the worst players can win sometimes. I have a friend with a 0.2KD who's terrible at games and he has 4 wins already. He's good at hiding and that's about it.
buy it on a key reseller if you're that desperate for a couple bucks off
>Every match is heavily influenced by RNG which is both addictive and it means even the worst players can win sometimes
Pretty much this, although there is strategy a lot of it is gambling. Every action is a high stake gamble, every movement you make, risk reward between looting and hiding, even shooting at someone can be pretty risky as it now alerts everyone in the area.
The stakes get larger and larger the later in the game too.
Is the gunplay good in this game? H1z1 looked like shit
Bluehole can thank to all the streamers who shilled the game non-stop for them.
It's better than other open world survival games. No crafting, no other unnecessary shit, just pure killing and a much better presentation than the other games. If you look the idea of BATTLE ROYALE then try it, it's pretty damn fun.
I don't get why this is bad? Game looks neat.
It's not bad, although it does has its problems, but nothing that makes the game unplayable
We need a Gaming Industry Crash
So like most other games then? Why is Sup Forums having a meltdown over this game? I don't understand the memes surrounding it.
How the fuck can anyone play more than like 3 rounds before they get bored of it?
>It'll die in a few days
>a week
>a month
Why is Sup Forums always wrong?
It's a great game that isn't just FOTM
>early access streambait trash
No, thank you.
Every round turns out different. It takes a lot more than 3 rounds to feel repetitive, unless you just don't care about battle royale.
>What's the appeal?
>only 5 kills
at least i've won a game
Depends on your definition of good. PUBG takes a more realistic approach, which also means your aim is negatively affected by things like sway, random spread, not having gun attachments that improve accuracy etc. H1Z1 has more reliable gunplay and thus, a higher skill ceiling for gunplay.
>video game industry is thriving
>we need a crash
Literally because it's popular. Also Sup Forums has been burned by so many EA games I can understand their hate for this one. But they are failing to realize this one has real potential b/c the dev actually sticks to what he says. The game will be finished, whether Sup Forums likes it or not
So I just watched a few gameplay videos of full matches, and it seems to be a case of "sneak around for 20 minutes and If I see you first I win" gameplay. Not my thing but the game looks a lot better than Sup Forums makes it out to be.
This is exactly it.
stop hitting yourself
Does someone want to operate?
heh, incredible
>sneak around for 20 minutes and If I see you first I win
It's a bit more than that, and knowing when to hide and use the element of surprise is a much more tense game then you make it out to be.
>If people buy it then it's good
remember the ouya?
>negative reviews that complain about a few bugs and performance issues while clearly making it clear that the game itself is great
>IT SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!
The squad mode is much better than the solo
>remember this incredibly successful console that everyone except Sup Forums liked?
Yes I do
Not him. I watched videos and livestreams. It|s not only an ugly as fuck game, it's also boring like fuck. I mean you land and go from house to house to find some stupid things on the ground and it's everywhere.
The whole feeling of scavenging is nonexistence there.
The sounds are garbage the gunhandling/gunplay is terrible and has no feeling to it.
Yep, everyone loved it except Sup Forums because you guys are fucking wrong about everything. They got 9 M I L L I O N
Is this trash even worth 29 ?
Maybe big publishers didn't get in when H1Z1/Culling were out over a year ago, but this game is a bit too successful to not try to emulate.
>Not landing at the school and fighting 10 other fuckers for guns right at the start of the match
>join squad game
>all teammates die early
>manage to place 4th
>get less reward than 20th in solo
Maybe. The fact that it's 3rd person seems pretty stupid to me since it lets you corner peek without exposing yourself.
>i watched
>i know how it feels
First person would bring its own camping problems. I don't think there is a legit way to attack a building/stairs in first person only. You can't grenade every building, and its pretty easy to just run back and then camp the stairs again.
Then you have wheat field battles
oh yeah that's more accurate
I can judge it pretty well.
It's a shit game in a lot of aspects.
>people who can't afford the 30 dollar pricetag and are crying about it not being on sale have to try and convince themselves that the game is shit
you can make it first-person-only in custom games.
Even though I don't like the 'early access' model at least it's a simple video game with no liberal politics infesting it.
i read your posts and i can tell you're a shit human being
No FOV slider, and the realistic/inertia based movement feels SO fucking bad to move around in.
it still runs like shit on anything but a nasa computer and the servers can get laggy.
>friend bought the game for me
>pretend I like it so I don't hurt his feelings
>Sup Forums is actually full of high-functionning autists that are dying of stress in a video game
wow. thought people here weren't such pussies
I like the 3rd person. Yes, you can peek around corners. So can the enemy. You have to stalk people and others are stalking you. It creates a fun atmosphere.
Thank god. Finally.
trying too hard
Yeah I can't despute the fact that despite me not understanding the appeal at all, it'll sell millions.
Just like CoD, Battlefield, Elder Scrolls games, and tons of other shite in the industry. We've known for years now that good tastes don't have the buying power in the industry.
I bought thw game like 3 months ago it was terrible., I asked for a refund
blops 3 was fun.
can't speak for iw
Your opinion does not fucking matter. PUBG will sell 20 million.
toaster detected
runs fine on low most, high textures. solid 50 fps (i have vsync and a 48hz monitor)
>it's fine for me :^)
Nigga, things like memory leaks are STILL a thing in the game.
That's fine, it's a decent game.
I'm glad that people are enjoying games that use semi-realistic bullet physics instead of the usual hitscan garbage.
>a 1080 cant even maintain 60 fps with everything on very low,
but why
What can you do with those points?
You don't play games you watch other people, then act as if you know what it's like to play the game, you are underage scum, go back to twitch, faglord
Casuals love to eat shit and nobody can stop them
i wonder how common this is. none of my friends have experienced a memory leak crash yet.
also, at least they appear to be actively working on performance. last patch gave everyone a free 10-15 fps. there's still problem areas on the maps where looking in a particular direction will result in a 20fps hit, but it seems to be becoming less common.
there's some really wrong with how they're doing effects like smoke, explosions and blood spray tho - that the one setting i've had to move to low, because everytime i was getting shot my frame rate would drop to 5 fps. since moving it down everything's fine tho. it might be an amd only issue tho.
crates with cosmetics.
Why is it a TPS though instead of a FPS? It'sso fucking stupid and incentivises camping even more.
>you can only play one game
Go easy on him. His bitterness lies in not being able to afford more than one game every 6 months and he projects that onto others as well to feel better about himself.
>First person would bring its own camping problems. I don't think there is a legit way to attack a building/stairs in first person only
There is no worse cancer in a shooter like this or Arma where you can use a camera at the top of a building to watch everything while people below have no idea you're there.
That's the best part about first person is that to see you are also able to be seen.
my 970 is maintaining 60fps with the settings pretty high
are you sure your CPU isn't shit?
>survive multiple rifle bullets to the body
>die from jumping a little too quickly from the boat to the water
hate this fucking game
>you can use a camera at the top of a building to watch everything while people below have no idea you're there.
Why is that a problem though? You're the fool if you don't assume that someone might already be watching you as you move around. You have grenades, use them if you suspect something. Most players I kill have tons of gear on them they never utilize. They also often leave their cars nearby, which is why I always park somewhere in the woods before approaching a building and watch from a hill for a bit to see if I see movement anywhere.
The game is super casual and perfect streamer bait because of it. Let me know when it has proper first person and first person servers, but even then I've played the glory days of dayZ mod and this isn't much different.
Judging by this thread, I'd say the quitters are the casuals. They can't even handle a third person mode.
Why does the game look and run like shit? Are koreans only capable of doing copy pasted mmorpgs and mobile games with boobies?
>i judge fps by staring at the sky
Lmao, I think everyone in here can tell exactly what kind of faggot you are. Just don't bother posting here anymore.