That game what makes you realize that you are an old and jaded fagot who can't enjoy things anymore

>That game what makes you realize that you are an old and jaded fagot who can't enjoy things anymore

What is it name?

Breath of the Wild
I don't know if I'm jaded or I'm just really tired of everything I love having to be the hip new open world game.

>Breath of the Wild
that's a shit game


Pokémon Sun and Moon.
Pic related.

Dragon's Dogma. I didn't enjoy a second of it even though I bothered to complete it.

CoD, Battlefield, Counter-Strike and its trade fags, all MOBAS. Any console ever. Any MMO cashjewery ever.

You can still enjoy things. The issue isn't that, it's that you're not happy where you are in life right now. Once you fix that you'll be able to enjoy things again. Basically just work towards bettering yourself, boosting your personal, social value. Go back to school, get a job, learn a language, an instrument, anything. When you stop doing something productive that makes you feel good, you stop enjoying the rest.

t. knower

I just want to die but I don't have the balls to do it, so I'm trying to be dead inside.

Vidya can no longer remove the pain, like a junkie who can't find pleasure in drugs anymore

I know what you mean.
Playing Stellaris and getting that discovering new things -feel made me so happy

I am glad that vidya is still my gateway to escape from myself and my thoughts.

I don't think it's shit. It's just I expected a more traditional Zelda game. Not a completely different type of game.

Have you considered plastic model kits?

Either Gears of War 4 or Halo 5. Maybe Starcraft LotV.

The three latest installments in franchises that I've loved unconditionally for over a decade- didn't buy any of them. I don't care about their stories, I don't care about the derivative gameplay. I feel like they should have all ended and stayed dead after their third installments (in the case of the former 2) or just never existed in the first place (SC2).

There's also this though: I'm not sure if I despise these games because I genuinely think they're bad or if it's because I despise them for existing in a time where I'm not happy while simultaneously reminding me of a time where I was.

>bettering myself
don't know where to start
>social value
im an autist
>go back to school yada yada
no willpower

not (you) but tell me more about this. Buy model, glue it together, then admire you stupid plastic toy from a distance?

The fun is doing something new, trying new things our. You could change your attitude to begin with, faggot.

If you buy modern gunpla you don't even need glue. Just some clippers and a hobby knife.
I think it's extremely satisfying to turn a box of parts into a cool-looking model.

Seems a bit nerdy for me (yes, I know where I'm right now)

I tried to learn to play guitar, but I failed miserably

work/having to act like a normie

If you prefer a vidya option, play KSP. Building planes and rockets and trying to make them fly ia very satisfying. Like lego with physics for adults.

failed? you just didn't stick with it

failed? There no skill roof or bottom in guitar playing. You just stopped.

Btw I have a guitar too. I rarely if ever play it, because I'm too stupid and lazy to go search for advanced tutorials

The biggest mistake you can make when learning an instrument is thinking you will be able to play a full song within the first weeks.

You won't. I have taken piano lessons for a month now and I can really only play very short songs in full with two hands and ONE song in full with one hand. Give yourself a year.

Several games i played recently. Idk if they were bad or something. Those were Dying Light, Middle Earth - Shadow of Mordor, Far Cry Primal, Styx - Shards of Darkness, Mass Effect Andromeda, Dragon Age Inquisition, probably every MOBA, and some others I've probably forgotten.
Tfw the last game I enjoyed was The Witcher 3, but I still couldn't get into Blood and Wine expansion.

Btw I didn't finish either of these games... besides TW3

Oh I also forgot to mention. I enjoyed a good amount of hours of Fallout: New Vegas but I kind of quit after a while. I've never played it before, So I didn't finish that too.

>I enjoyed a good amount of hours of Fallout: New Vegas but I kind of quit after a while.

That happens to me with every single Bethesda game. Most recently F:NV