JANNU thread
Ascention pieces never
JANNU thread
Ascention pieces never
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>got 8 of my Dragon Tooths from playing the story
>spending all my AP since yesterday doing nothing but Thiers runs only gave me 4 more
When does Avenger get added to the FP rolls?
Zero Order, meaning likely April next year
damn that girl could make a awesome boss in a souls franchise
This is me trying to ascend Saber.
So who the fuck is this REGEND you fags keep talking about?
>he hasn't heard the tale of REGEND of France
Savior of France
>needing REGEND
I had Cu and Jannu wreck all the dragons. Cu really should be a 4* or something, because he's fucking amazing compared to the bulk of the cast.
He isn't necessary anymore, the meme was spawned during the JP release of the game. Players didn't have the same luxury in terms of Servants back then, and Orleans was significantly harder, meaning it was easy to wipe there unless you had a really good team. That's when people begun to discover just how strong Sasaki, a 1 star Servant that basically everyone had, was at dealing with dragons. He begun carrying people through Orleans, and people naturally took that to the extreme by 1v1ing pre-nerf Fafnir with him and winning because of Dodge and crits.
Is there a tier list with the 5 stars like this one? Or when i can get those tier lists in the first place?
Which Craft Essences should I use on Lancer Cu and Kiyohime?
Well, let's be fair his design is pretty good as far as FATE servants go.
Do CE's get increased effectiveness the moment I increase their level cap, or do I have to reach that level cap to see the card effect increase?
you have to increase their level cap 4 times using the same ce. No increase in any other way beside raw stats
>Herc at the top
>Lacelot, Redman, loli Redman, and the Pirate Booty are all excellent
>Stupid Cat in mid
>Atalante and Liz are meh
>boipussy is literally bottom of the barrel
Sometimes I wonder why they don't balance or buff servants. Herc is obviously downright absurd because he can counteract his weaknesses, while boipussy and others are absolutely useless (or have some tiny niche use).
So once I increase the level cap it has the increased effect?
Like for the low level CE's, I can have it at max limitbreak but still level 1, and it'll give me the capped effect?
I dont get how boypussy is that low though
3 quick. passive critical and quick buff. active star + critical buff. aoe np that also grants evade and stars. Being a rider he has natural magnet for c stars. How the hell do you place him so low ?
yes but you have to full 4 or it wont hapen
altera + altria + herc or waver + jeanne + liz?
Waver and Jeanne is fucking insane when you get them ascended, but Herc is also fantastic. I'd personally go with Waver and Jeanne.
I was excited for FGO, but 3 days of rerolling with nothing to show for it drained all my excitement for the game.
Back to playing FEH for me.
want a saber or something
I restarted the game 5 times because i keep changing idea on what i want. The game is my hell and the reroll is my paradise.
Thanks, but I was rolling for Jannu
No damage
You can't tickle pillars to death
same here
only 7 more though and then I can grind my last four pieces
>tfw someone gave me a Jannu + Atalante + Marie, along with Cu, 25% Buster CE, 80% NP CE, and a bunch of other good stuff
The only thing more I could have asked for was Herc, but I'll grab either him or Tamamo Maid from the 4* event.
I need someone to holy grail me on Jannu. Why do people want her so much?
she's cute
only ruler in the game, living immortal tank. For now she's god
Is it too late to get into this game, are the launch bonuses all gone?
What did you say about my wife
I think the only thing you missed is Saber Lily, if you create an account today you'll actually get alot of bonuses because of AX
you only lost like 7 crystals and you will get 20 if you log in the next 2 days in addition to the 42 normal bonus
How the fuck do I get the stuff to ascend her to 3? What the fuck are these golden pieces
Autism or whale? In any case gratz
grind 30ap mat dailies and they drop occasionally
you'll need them to ascend anyone past 2nd ascension
unless they've fixed it, astolfo has the lowest np gain in the game by far
I want to fucking roll. Events when?
>30ap mat dailies
What is a mat daily? I don't get the differences between the dailies
most likely complete disregard for his free quartz
She's like Vlad in that early on she's SSS rank to get, but she's very quickly outpaced later on. In JP right now they're both not great beyond Arts stall meme teams, but Jeanne's better since she got rid of her debuff on the NP, which US still has.
the ones with the hands drop xp cards to level up
the ones with the shadow servants drop mats for ascension and skill up
red = exp cards
green = material drops
Vault = QP
What do you need today? level a new character, increase their skills/ascend or QP(in game money) to pay for those increases?
>My love is the weakest 5 star in the game
I hate those tiers now
i should probably just use my jannu roll as an alt so i can use her as support in my altera + altria team, but for some reason it doesn't feel satisfactory unless they're all on one account
I gotchu
Thank you kindly
I need to ascend my Jannu, with the gold ascend pieces
What's the deal with Atalanta and Lancelot? Are they rarer than other 4 stars? I've only rolled them once.
You can't get them in the tutorial roll.
>Oedipus Complex and Jack are top tier
>Poop Lid and Papa Bones are at the bottom
I'm getting mixed amounts of like and disappointment here.
>Implying arts teams are bad
Waver + Tamamo no mae + Vlad is broken as fuck
I see, so it's just my luck since I'm sitting on single 5 star multiples at this point.
enjoy your 20+ turns battles
The issue with Jeanne is that even in the JP version, she's still fucking amazing at tanking, except no one wants a tank team. They'd much rather have a crazy "kill the enemies in one turn" team.
TL;DR: She's still great, but slow.
which teams archieve that? Since you need atleast 2 turns to charge your np i dont think it should be any arts team
It's a combo of Herc and some other things last I checked.
I do want to point out though that G/O actually allows you to have a lot of flexibility in team comp. A stall team of Jeanne and Cu for example can (slowly) go through pretty much anything, but people like to minmax and get it done fast.
>that Vlad/Sanson fight in Orleans
How are you supposed to get through it without a high level 5* carry? Fucking Vlad kills one person every two turns.
Savior of france + mashu + hans
spam mashu + hans NP to become a wall
let Regend handle the rest
>when you realize that Kiyohime actually did follow you back from France
mama always said to marry the first girl to ship herself to you in a box
And the one that would kill you if you said no
>Kiyohime was in my tutorial roll
Bullying Mashu
>Not a single Altera here
No love man
I didn't get her. I did get jannu though
How long does it take to refill 30 AP?
She's at the top of my list of servants I want. I regret not rerolling for her.
30 years
Post more good civilization
Oh shit Wavers that good, I just rolled him.
>want a specific waifu pair
>keep getting esports husbando dupes
that desire sensor meme is potent
Best bro
she's my only 5* servant so far. life is suffering
I wanted her really badly, but I ended up rolling Waver, Jeannu and Herc, which I just couldn't give up.
>Sitting on 120 quartz
Is there a release order list of servants out there?
What's happening
Why haven't the chaldea missions reset yet
Log out and back in
I'm glad as fuck that the 5* rooster is limited for now. I went for her because I wasn't that interested in neither Seibah nor Jannu and I find her in-game art kind of ugly, but she grew on me really fast, popsicle sword included.
15 mins, my man.
My CE fucking suck
I really dislike her in-game art, but her battle sprite and fan art are all top tier.
I've only used her from friend summons, but she's been pretty solid too, hoping I eventually roll her.
Want altria, martha and emiya?
pass: Douche
Is there one with every single servant ranked?
Scroll down a bit and you can find one for every * rating
Okay, don't quote me on this, but after countless rerolls I noticed a pattern. All my rolls seem to be mirrored For example, if one emulator gets 2 4* in the tutorial roll, they ALL do. Also, fuck my life, II actually thought this would be the one, but le sorry man.
This. I've been hoarding all this Archer exp to dump on him
I've had an effect where if I do single I get the same thing one right after the other I did three singles and got three lu bus I think it's a network issue