This is an RTS thread.
This is an RTS thread
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i NEED a new RTS and a good one
Universe at War should get a sequel.
You and me both. Been trying to find stuff during summer sale or just go back to SC2 after four years.
SC2 is a good game anons.
fuck you. Go join the 5 people in worst Korea that still play it.
that game is underrated as fuck, but so is much more its OST
Holy fuck it is so GOOD. And just some days ago I was listening to it and realized it's by Frank Klepacki itself so that explains a fuckton.
i own all parts of starcraft 2 special editions and every single rts ever made on steam and im looking forward to starcraft 1 HD coz theres nothing better
CoH1 is as good as you'll get for a "new" rts
No kidding.
The hierarchy theme is one of the best.
>This is an RTS thread.
>posts sc2 pic
this is insulting
Wait for any info on Iron Harvest
Cry until then
Answering the question now before we get someone asking "why rts ded?"
>Apm clickfest Koreans moved to SC2 and mobas
>Strategyfags went to Grand strategy games and 4x
>Base builder/economyfags went to City builders, management and colony games
As someone who has never played an RTS before, how did SC2 kill RTS's? I'm genuinely confused as to how I always hear on here that SC2 killed all RTS'S when it came out.
Also compstompers play tower defense and similar games
Not "kill", just suck up all attention until there is no base in other games.
Look at WoW for similar effect in MMOs
I do indeed enjoy the coop and the campaign gameplay, emphasis on the GAMEPLAY.
i really want to just go to sc2mapster and find any fan made campaign that might have ass gameplay but at least tries to keep the spirt of Starcraft.
Anyways, since it is an RTS i'll post some recommendations
>Fantasy RTS
-Armies of Exigo
-Heroes of anihilated empires
-Warlords battlecry 1-3
-Battle for middle earth 2 with the edain mod if you miss BFME1 building system
-Warcraft 3
-Brutal legend, yes it is an RTS just like sacrifice is
>Sci fi RTS
-Empire at war
-Universe at war
-C&C any, they kinda have interchangeable gameplay but are always fun
-Emperor battle of dune
-Dawn of War 1-2, 2 is divisive but if you enjoy the setting you'll enjoy 2
-HW1-2 and Cataclysm, the remaster is a mess, would suggest pirating it
-Sins of a solar empire Rebellion
-Supreme Commander Forged Alliance
And i think that's it, i also played
dragonshard (didn't like the gameplay but you could like it so just search some gameplay videos)
Kingdoms under fire a war of heroes (i'm a fanboy of the franchise but even then i can't honestly recommend it since it's a glitchy mess)
Atrox (for a blatant Starcraft it was neat, it had those siege bugs from starship troopers)
Total Anihilation Kingdoms (the top down perspective just turns me off the game)
Endwar (the game is really neat but strategic wise it is very simplistic)
That Blitzkried mod to.
where is the guy who posts that korean starcraft player (male)
Unpopular opinion time: Starcraft: Brood War is the real cancer that ruined the series, and SC2 was just an extension of everything wrong with it.
>useless piece of crap units like the valkyrie and devourer that are situational at best, wastes of resources at worst
>still haven't fixed the netcode to this day, resulting in massive lag spikes even when everyone is from a first world country
>online still plagued by retarded limitations, like sprite limits that prevent custom maps from being viable past a certain point
Everything people SC2 for, started in Brood War.
Everything people hated SC2 for*
I'm pretty sure that SC didn't ruin an entire genre, in only ruined itself.
Games like Sup Com and Planetary Annihilation are still fun games and don't have that competitive vibe about them.
SupCom is very bad
In what way?
What do you guys think of Offworld trading company? I think it's neat, sort of reminds me of the market building from AoE3.
>online still plagued by retarded limitations, like sprite limits that prevent custom maps from being viable past a certain point
thats the game engine itself, not the 'online'
Is Dawn of War 3 a good game?
Is Grey Goo a good game?
Is Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak a good game?
In every way
I was going to recommend this, recently got steam Workshop integration. Like, two or three weeks ago. Suddenly there's a whole bunch of extra maps to play, without having to go through the hassle of downloading them off third-party sites.
Dawn of War 3 appears to be a pretty bad game, like from what I heard, it's trying to be DoW 2 but appeal to both old players and new players, but failing at both.
No comment on Grey Goo.
Homeworld Deserts of Kharak is a pretty good game, I've been playing it lately and it's enjoyable. The campaign will kick your ass though. I haven't played any other Homeworld games and I'm not super into the lore or anything, but it's enjoyable so far.
They also manage to make something as bland as a endless desert really interesting
i was thinking of getting it but they spamming the jewdlc
That's a really valid argument, user. You've beaten me. You win.
Can someone give me hot pro tips for Homeworld?
I'm scared I'll fuck myself because of how the ships carry over from mission to mission
Right now I'm in mission 3 or 4 and I don't think I really comprehend the strategy outside of "mine all the stuff and wheb enemy guys show up click a bigger amount of your guys at them"
Is it too late to jump on the SC2 train?
I put way too much time into that shit
Is Heroes of Annihilated Empires any good?
What about Rise of Nations? What differentiates it from other rts games?
What makes it different from AOE2? Seems like just a skin for it desu
Very very very boring
Build the same factory three times and shit out wave after wave after wave at the enemy base so the do minimal chip damage until you win
And that's every single mission
Only difference between factions is the color
Unit variety is non existant
>but muh multiplay
it's the same shit
stop posting dumb webms of the triangles flying around where you can't even see the actual game
The worst game ever memed by Sup Forums
dumb weeb
Yeah CoH1 is goat. Pity that 2 is ass. It feels like a downgrade in nearly every aspect.
CoH1 had some good mods, omgmod, Eastern front, joint ops, there was a persistent battle one as well I forget the name.
WOLOLO and healing are done by separate units
Animal nursery auto generates food from tame animals
Barracks is more like AOE2's archery
Air units
Buildings have to be powered
What the fuck are you on, my friend?
Do you want to go pro? Then yes. If not, then you're fine.
what was that game called again?
Star wars bg? It basically was just an ao 2 skin.
If you want a good star wars rts get the star wars total conversion for Total annihilation
Barracks is more like AOE2's archery range*
I need to get back into RTS. I tried Crusader Stronghold HD again and it feels too slow now.
Fair enough. It's fun to shoot down enemy transports with my recreational railgun platform when the transports enter my personal airspace, thereby violating the NAP.
nice arguments
It's like a cross between civ and an rts game but
>Linear tech tree
>Involves just putting really point in enemy base and just building more units than them
>Too many nukes causes Everyone to lose, so "that guy" ruins games
Fun tho
Yes, I'm sure they are, user.
r8 my deck Sup Forumsros
What about Empire at War?
>This is an real time strategy thread.
he must really want those (You)s
>an are tee ess
Says you.
Literally Starcraft Remaster.
fuck you reggie
racially ambiguous twat
I've been saying this for a long time. RTS combined all the elements of the games you mentioned but doesn't do any of them as well as the specialized genres.
New Command and Conquer when? My beta invite key that I got from the Command and Conquer Ultimate Collection box for a new game is still unused
Do you want a C&C MOBA? Because that's what it'll be
don't be haitian on Reggie
Be sure to get Expanding Fronts if you get it
What RTS videogames you do consider good?
Should I get Impossible Creatures on the Steam sale?
I'm in a "blow money" kind of mood
Can't attach an image of tiger scorpion to this post because I bought a new phone
someone should make a pirate themed ArrTS haha
Haha this is funny haha did you come up with it yourself?
thanks :)
yes lol
Anyone know any decent mods for OpenRA?
failing that, most underrated CnC song;
>sells MCV to pump out extra units early and overrun you
Starcraft isn't new or good.
Is Open RA even finished yet? Are all the campaigns and missions across TD, RA, and Dune 2000 playable now?
It's a possibility, considering that generals two became a Facebook game or something
I meant himself. I think he's still human. And a man.
Heroes of anihilated empires scale is fucking great. I know everyone here (myself included) love the game for the skelly spam of thousands of resurrected skellies but imo the other races are just as interesting. Elves have a varied selection of units, the dwarves golems are retarded strong and fun to use, the ice guys have a mix of heavy hitters, spammable units and surprising ammount of siege options.
My biggest gripe with the game is some of the graphical glitches and glitches in general, if you order 2 dwarf tanks to move together they'll get stuck and perpetually move until you order one to stop and carefully pull them apart. There is also the Naval combat which, since the maps that support Naval combat are few (that's another problem, way too few maps) it is never worth it to build naval units, they are also very akcwkard to use since they are so slow and clunky.
The campaign has a generic storyline but it's a lot of fun to play it also implies the game is set in a future where modern humans just died off and left some of their old stuff forgotten in the world or something, it's really strange.
Overall i recommend it just for how engaging it is, i spent hours upon hours on the skirmish alone.
I think its mediocre. RA is full of insanely good tracks tho.
>Crush and remix
>Shut it
>Mud and remix
>Twin Cannon
>Chaos 2
like damn, I can hum all these tunes down to the last note. So fucking good.
they just dont make em like this anymore.
please respond
I have the desire to purchase an RTS video game
no its shit
get tiberium wars and kanes wrath
It's not bad, but Brood War is better and SC2 is still full of unbalanced bullshit and stupid mechanics.
Only people with good taste play Brood War, which explains why you don't like it and insult best Korea like a faggot.
Wings of Liberty was the best SC2
>There is also the Naval combat which, since the maps that support Naval combat are few (that's another problem, way too few maps) it is never worth it to build naval units, they are also very akcwkard to use since they are so slow and clunky.
naval units have basically never been done right in an RTS. in general they're just weird to balance since they rely completely on the map. either they're useless because they can't put pressure on the enemy if they're stuck in a pool, or they're ungodly important since you can isolate an enemy onto their islands and win by forcing them to turtle. blizz in particular just never included them in anything after WC2
broodlord infestor
you know it
Well i think they worked well enough in Supreme commander, but that's a game that had a good share of maps that had land and naval options. Also the Ships tech tree was complex enough, maybe not as big in variety as the land or air units but it was enough for me.
BMFE and HoaE did the same mistake
>Let's just make 3 units, some upgrades and call it a day
They are for all intents and purposes tacked on.
>In Helicopters
Where are your Spetznaz bro
>Wasting activation points on Helicopter supply units
You can never use them on the front lines because they'll get shot to shit
You only need 1 FOB unless you're planning to SMERCH shit
Delete the grad, it's fucking useless, delete Strela and replace it with Tunguska
Delete the T-62,T-64,PT-90
Get some cheap T-72s instead and some Guided missile T-80s
Get some infantry ground recon
Delete both Shturm and Norovs get like a TO-62 or something
Delete MI-4s and get 2 cards of MI24s and a card of Mi-28 or Ka-52
Delete the Mig-31s and get a SU-27 instead
There hasn't been a good RTS in years. I had great hopes for Gray Goo, though.
oh yeah and get infantry Strelas and Konkruses too
Why doesn't anyone ever talk about AOE in these threads? By far my favorite RTS and game series
Relic never made a good game
fuck them
I'm like a 4/10 on the single player on normal-tier of RTS games, and like 0/10 on multiplayer.
I've played a pretty good handful of RTS, but I always just feel like I'm absolute ass at them.I always feel like my strats are trash and my micro is garbage.
What's a semi-harder RTS ya boi can jump into that also isn't an ass game and can potentially help me bump up to a 5, or even a 6?
single and multiplay are different things
singleplay is learning how the robot works
multiplay is hunting the most dangerous game - another human being
AoE2 get shitposted here a lot for obvious reasons. you can usually get a pretty good thread going on /vr/ though
Yeah, that's why I'm more focused on just not sucking ass in single player, because I'll never have the tact for multiplayer.
Like, I've gone through SC2 and HotS on normal, but the WHOLE time was like, edge of seat.
Then I got the void one and then whooo I got my ass HANDED to me in the prologue.
what game
it's an RTS
just make a cube around your lads and click them on the other guys, you can do it