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Video Games #3827
Video Games
God of War Thread
Why was this so controversial?
What newcomers do you want to see for Smash 5?
Daily Witcher 3 argument thread
SMT thread
Have you ever been bullied in a videogame?
We're apparently getting swarmed by a bunch of mouthbreathing summerfags...
Why can't Skyrim levitate like Morrowind could?
ITT: Shitty vidya weapons
Will Sony ever make PSN avatars like Microsoft and Nintendo have done for their networks? We had Home but that got axed...
Sup Forums recommends it
Almost 11 years later
Hey guys, Just checking to see if you bought my Bad Ass game yet
This character
WTF? The princess has been captured yet again? What do you do?
Sleeping Dogs
How did the apes get to earth using old games?
What's your opinion on characters from Breath of the Wild?
No Assassins Creed in Japan
Hey Lois, I'm an Undertale now
I just got a new game in the mail bruh
SGDQ 2017
Main character fucking dies in the first minute
What are the quintessential "American" Games?
Mfw I'm 20 years old and my first system was a Gameboy Advance and my first console a PlayStation 2
It's America Day
What games make you happy?
Lol crash is hard
Humble Bundle
Just got Darkest Dungeon + DLC
Have you ever sped run a game?
All these years and still not a new RTS could top this
Sony steals xbox one x footage and photoshops ps4 buttons on it
Sup Forums says a game is bad
I don't get it guys, how the old games were supposed to work without state saves...
Well, who wins?
Find a flaw
Any game where you can join gangs and go gang shit ???
Star Fox 2
This shit is one of the most adrenaline pumping games I've played in a long time...
What up guys, thank you for having me, EA. If you guys don't know who I am...
Whatever happened to this thing? was it cancelled?
So... Anybody actually have one of these?
This looks... fun
Tfw turned into a singleplayer fag after browsing Sup Forums for years
Post top Americans in Vidya
Mario vs Crash
The best RPG ever created in the history of mankind is $2 on steam
Which anime series will Life is Strange 2 take its story from?
Evil Genius 2 announced for PC
Why don't you own a Switch ?
Is this actually a good game?
Best multiplayer shooter of console generation
Already dead
SGDQ 2017
Xenoblade X Thead
Skyrim Special Edition
Enemies can open doors
Just ordered a Switch with Arms and Puyo Puyo Tetris. Are there any must-have eshop games?
New Wolfenstein Game
I want to play classic Fallout
FFX Sphere Grid
DR Thread
Game involves waiting in traffic
Battlerite Arena Brawler
ITT: We call out names and if your name is called you must buy the game the poster suggests
Digital Devil Saga
Dark Souls saved us
Vidya haircuts thread
Harada just announced a patch that will reduce or get rid of input lag in tekken 7
Rate my princess maker 3 daughter
Doomfist soon bois
ITT: franchises where they peak at their first game
Just found this game on a bargain bin...
Describe the current climate of the video game industry in a single image
What am I missing?
When does this game get hard?
XCom 2
MC is edgy
One of these threads
Steam sale report and rate
Why are Sony and Microsoft prioritizing 4K over 60fps for their consoles?
ITT: Games that got popular years after release
Which games allow me to emotionally abuse women?
SGDQ 2017: The _____ of this genre
What was his name again, Sup Forums?
Which one of them is the iconic face of tf2?
Will we ever get another good Jurassic Park game?
Name 1 (One) (Un) (Uno) (Unu) video game that can compete with The Legend of Zelda™: Breath of the Wild for the...
Why do weapons break so fast
This is $20 brand new for the remainder of this week at all GameStop locations, along with a few other titles...
Has vidya ever inspired you to pick up a new hobby?
So can we ALL agree that Sean Schemmel is one and only true Goku? His voice is legendary...
ITT: We create genres by combining elements of two different games
Co-worker starts talking about video games and Sup Forums
Play online game for the first time
Comfy games
2k pc
What does Sup Forums think of the Dead Space trilogy?
Pitch me your perfect roster based on only the ORIGINAL Dragon Ball anime
Why Dark Souls 3 was so soulless and uninspired compared to every other game in the soulsborne series?
Disney and Final Fantasy crossover
So when are the Phantom Thieves coming to help me? I'm already 25 years old and a shut-in like Futaba...
What was her fucking problem?
Only one more week until all the poor assholes who pre ordered this discover the reason why no one talks about XII
What is the best online game for trolling underage fags?
Overwatch releases with no other content than multiplayer
League of Legends
Just got a PS4 and I can get 3 games, which ones should I get?
Exclusive event for gamer girls only ruined by internet trolls from Forocoches a.k.a Sup Forums wannabes
Why doesnt he just review games without the le angry gimmick...
Can we get a Void thread here?
Thoughts on the post-Naughty Dog Crash games?
Who is she sending all those selfies to?
Open pirated game
SGDQ 2017: zzzz hawk
Will Xenoblade Chronicles for Switch be playable without having played the first two?
I've been on a bit of an Alien hype recently, finished watching all the movies, including AVP and AVP:R...
E.Y.E. Divine Cybermancy
Still no release date
There are people who unironically think quick travel shouldn't be an option
Who ever said Dark Souls 3 has shitty weapon design can fuck right off
Sgdq thred
Why don't Japanese people care about realistic graphics in their games like westerners?
What game do cynical nihilists play?
I'm so fucking done with this game, multiplayer is fucking dead...
Most overrated games ever
ITT: Games that are overrated, overhyped, or just not as good as people say they are
I don't understand the appeal of older GTA games
ITT: Obscure vidya vaifus
Itt: casual filters
Metroid VS Castlevania
How would you fix Route B?
Party member turns on you during the final.boss
Main difference between old and New Wolfenstein and Doom
/ctt/ - Console-tan Tuesday
I'm gonna replay FF VII
Sgdq thred
Code Vein
Implying the only visual novels worth playing aren't detective ones
This is Sadayo Kawakami. Say something nice about her!
Give me navy games (no homo)
Rebellion announces Evil Genius 2
Trash trilogy confirmed completely butchered
Tell me about Leona
Translated game to English
Why did they do this? Why did they make the game look worse?
Is this the best the Tales of series has to offer? Did I fuck myself over by playing it first?
Character Customization
Post your favorite game and other anons judge your taste. Pic related for me...
High end raids from the two biggest MMOs out there
This game is for worst
Nu-Wolfenstein vs nu-Ninja Warrior?
Who was in the right here?
Stop stealing butter
R.i.p mega man
Western games don't have qt gi-
PC user
So is he a virgin?
So RE is a horror franchise again right?
So I have $150 to spend right now and the RX 480 4gb is within my price range. How's modern gaming for this card...
Xenoblade VS Zelda
Gamescom 2017
The fuck were they thinking when making these early tomb raider games?
This is niko,he is a cute cat boy,say something nice to him !
Is it a good boss design?
Bethesda's new RPG
SGDQ 2017: Sup Forums talks more about a fucking emote than the event thread
An early version of the SNES Rayman game has been released:
Lets praise this based uncucked man that defends the realm of nerds and gamers from sjws and nu-males!
With Pikmin and Metroid coming to the 3DS, every big Nintendo franchise besides Wario Ware has a game on it
What are some genuine issues you have with the remaster?
Your arms will permanently transform into an object you are touching in exactly 10 seconds...
Draw the last videogame character you played as
ITT: underrated gems
What kind of mental gymnastics does someone have to go through to even consider buying a PS4/Switch?
What a beauty
Gonna get Sims 3, what are the essential DLC?
Is the PSX responsible for every shitty trend in the industry?
What am I in for, lads?
Metroid Prime 4 is a collaborative effort between Nintendo studios, working to deliver 1080p 60fps high quality visuals...
The entire Nintendo NES library could fit on one 256 mb jump stick
Shit-tier games that are considered classics
He reloads after every shot
Hello ladies and gentlemen. This is the first in a series of five reviews I will be doing on Sup Forums - Video Games...
This game is fucking boring, Sup Forums. Does it ever get good?
Wake up
ITT shit games Sup Forums tricked you into playing
Switch Effect: Japan’s Console Market Went Up 14.8% In First 6 Months Of 2017
Artifically difficult
What are some good games my sister would enjoy? She only has a Switch and a PS4
Missing in this pic:
SGDQ 2017: say hello
West can't make waif-
What if she is? You'd still buy her game
User STILL hasn't gotten all his delta drops for the week yet
Is Alucard supposed to have fangs?
Video Game Developer
Gonzalo! Hey!
Why did Crash agree to help him?
Why is it okay when japan does it?!
Old men only
Finished first turn in omega raid
Liam gone
This is for the players
What exactly was this situation about?
Why is 2 always the best one?
When was the last time you played Minecraft?
Hironobu Sakaguchi ends best FF debate
Black Desert Online
Why can't you get Oxide on this game? Not even when you beat his time trials?
Is Sif the coolest boss in Dark Souls?
Anybody know what the story is with jontron?
The two best games of this year are fully playable on PC. What's the point of consoles anymore?
It's selling like hot cakes
So Sup Forums Are you ready to express yourself? What props/costumes are you willing to spend money on?
SGDQ 2017: Ohio americans
If Path of Exile is so much better than D3, why the fuck isn't it nearly as fun, and why does everything look like shit?
Play new hyped up MMO
This is general Man Chong
Rumour is this thing will be running x86, AMD new K6 mobile APU...
FighterZ Thread
Was it kino?
What does the N stand for
PUBG will sell 20 million
Etrian Odyssey thread explorers!
Any love for this game?
Those two are Velguirie and Laegrinna. They are the daughters of the devil
Vermin Fight Club
Return of the Party Van, part 2
Filename Thread
Art Contests
Bad game design thread
Name 1 (One) game that can compete
Found my old 3ds its running 7.1.0-14E and i want to homebrew it any idea how i would go about doing it...
Why don't console games have spliscreen multiplayer anymore?
Insufferable Game Developers
Why is morally okay to kill wolves in games but not dogs?
I'm playing bloodborne for the first time, I have been grinding to level up, have I goofed+
Releasing on Xbox and PC on Decemeber 8th
What is the general consensus on this game...
What are you playing on your PS4?
Why do people say this generation is bad? Because of the lack of exclusives?
Yeah, I'm thinking he's back
SGDQ 2017: Late night NEET hour
Want to play her game so badly
Things that trigger nu-Sup Forums
Are Murdoch Murdoch dare I say "our guys"
Did you play any fun video games today user?
Game gives two options
Name one worthwhile mod for Fallout 4. Something that adds value, not just minor tweaks. you can't
Risk of Rain
It is once again time for WoW xpac leaks with no supporting evidence. Haphazardously dumping what I know
Just purchased this. I have only ever played FF1 before
Coco is for
Old men only
How does the Switch's year 1 lineup stack up against the other consoles?
Thoughts on this game?
Why is the doll so ugly?
How many copies did this game sell? Is this the only Naughty Dog game (post-Crash) not reach one million copies sold...
Is it September yet
ITT: YouTubers that are confirmed Sup Forums posters
How open are you with your mom about your videogame hobby?
Where the fuck is his arms and legs and neck? Why frogs have such a shitty character design?
How accurate is this comparison?
When will /vp/ be deleted and merged back with Sup Forums? I wanted to discuss the upcoming games
What kind of fantasy races would you like to see more of and be able to play as in video games?
As far as dragon fights go this has yet to be topped
Any good VNs on Steam right now? Pic related
Why do millennials all look the same?
Well, Sup Forums?
Is it going to be a gimmicky mess?
Final Fantasy 7
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
What video games do girls play?
Vermin Fight Club
Sitting an an arcade cabinet
So is crash really back ?
What video games take place on an island?
So, the humans were already dead, the aliens were already dead...
Just got this today
Who the FUCK would want to play as the fuccboi instead of the robutt? Way to ruin a game Taro
Is it actually that great? $14.99 on Steam great?
Anyone hyped for this? you get to play as T1000'd Michelle Obama which is pretty cool
Morrowind thread
ITT: God tier character design
Hero, your will energy is low
I really liked the PSP as a portable emulator...
Name a better controller than this. You can't
In this thread we post the real heroes of the gaming industry. I'll start
Normally, he's dead
This game is fucking impossible
Arbitrary/redundant mechanics
She's been around over 30 years now and this is the first time I've ever found Peach attractive
WTF was Caesars Problem?
Gothic 2
Nobody makes the type of open world games that Bethesda makes
Playing DoTA 2
Why is everyone obsessed with this character? the designs in this game are so generic
Is there a single good game on this console?
Sup Forums plays - School Days #2
Dawn of War 3
ITT: games with huge decline in quality compared to its predecessor
Why don't videogamers just find a job?
SGDQ: Correct Edition
Be 29
Everyone post top 5 most played
Grimiore Heralds of the Winged Exemplar
Childhood is idolizing the OVA. Adulthood is realizing Underground makes the most sense
What is it about this character that attracted so many fat sweaty nergins to them?
ITT: Awful music that ruins games
The Metroid Prime 4 threads have already stopped
Invite family over for birthday dinner
Time Sup Forums fucking lied to you
Have you ever felt bullied in a single-player game, Sup Forums?
Commander Boreale - enemy forces in our perimeter
Does this mean MCH is fine
What are the best anime fighting games? 2d or 3d, doesn't matter
Vermin Fight Club
Say I wanted to play a 3D Sonic, which one?
Post a cancelled game you were actually interested in Sup Forums
So Disgaea is officially a dead series now right?
Have you ever bought a game for a girl?
BoTW thread
How is it?
What does a bandicoot need apples for?
Is it still shit?
SGDQ 2017
You beat her Inferno map, right?
Remember when we actually had decent game boxes?
What is the weirdest video game crossover?
The Switch will have no 3rd party exclusives in the futu-
What is it about Sonic that pulls every single autistic and adhd person to it? Is it the aesthetic? The lore (kek)...
Why are female protagonists so much better than male ones?
What do you want to see in a sequel?
When they get the mechanics almost perfect but the game is so lackluster it cuts off before you can really get to enjoy...
Alright Sup Forums, how do we save the Final Fantasy Franchise...
What videogames did you play today?
No Armored Core for the PS4
SGDQ 2017
>tfw you bought a $1000 piece of crap
ITT Fuck You, I Hated It
Sister attempts small talk every day about how hard her candy crush level was
Citizens of Berlin! A ring of steel surrounds your rotten city! We will crush all who still dare to resist the will of...
Comfy crash vibes, senpai
Do U.K sales even matter in the grand scheme of things or are they just used for clickbait?
Fight Knight
Should Activision port the N Sane Trilogy to PC?
I'm cringing so hard right now
What is the best Land Before Time vidya if there is one?
How bout we give the class meant for ambushing and spychecking at very close range the ability to set people on fire...
Final Fantasy VI Steam
"Lets play some Mario Party 5, user!"
Yes, I was in the chess club
Vermin Fight Club
GTA V sells millions of copies
I honestly hope this game is good
This is still the best game of the decade
What games are you gonna play on summer vacation, Sup Forums?
Would persona 5 be better if morgana looked like this?
There are people who unironically think quick traveling is a bad mechanic
If pillaging towns and having slaves wasn't frowned upon back in ancient times then why would it be considered an evil...
SGDQ 2017
People age
What's Sup Forums thoughts on this game?
Mobile Gaming Thread
You ever get mentally stuck on what game you want to play?
I noticed this was on sale in the Steam thing
ITT: Vidya girls you want to be bullied by
Miyazaki describes himself as a difficult child. “Unlike most kids in Japan, I didn’t have a dream,” he says...
Does Sup Forums play this? If so, post your teams
Sup Forums plays - School Days
Play online game
Why do people keep doing this?
Opinions Sup Forums?
1-3 ever Oasis
Why are princesses so much more common than princes in video games?
How successful will this game be?
Is this pure Vidya LudoKino?
How do you feel about the fact that Final Fantasy XV was a massive success and Square sees it as such?
Tekken failed
The true red pill
E3 2018
Who wore it better?
SGDQ 2017
Shiteater Midir
So mods did finally fix Fallout 4?
Xbox Project Scorpio vs. Nintendo Switch vs. PS4 Pro
Which Robotnik/Eggman was the best?
Do you alt +f4 rage quit Sup Forums?
Tfw bought a ps4 pro today
I'm starting a fire red moemon randomizer and I want you guys to play along. Its your job to name things...
Lone Wolf: Ghost of Syria suspended off twatter for having scary name
Types of games you've always wanted
Did you rike it?
Zelda Botw
Is Dr Cortex a human?
Game lets your character go barefoot
Alright fags post them and rate others
Boss has 5 health bars
How did HAL get away with making the Same Kirby game FOUR times?
Marvel VS Capcom I II & III
This is Bea. She's been having a hard time lately, maybe you can say something to cheer her up
Ricky, Bubbles and Julian have now replaced the playable character(s) of the last game you played. How do they fare?
Tell me who's the best companion in the fallout series, RIGHT NOW!
What's the point of playing video games?
SGDQ 2017
Why do people say that Unreal Engine 4 is a good engine?
So have xbots been enjoying their "games" this year? Still playing Halo wars 2?
Teaching Feeling
This is going to be better than Mania
Hey, Sup Forums. Do you go "Ouch!" or blurt out any other noises of agony when you get hit in games?
Are there any good scooby doo games?
You're at a bar with your girlfriend and suddenly THIS GUY comes over and slaps your girlfriend's ass. What do you do?
ITT: open-world done right
Steam Summer Sale Name Calling Thread
How does Suramar exist in WoW if it was said to be destroyed in Warcraft III?
Games require hours of training mode dedication
Anyone ever had one of these pieces of shit just up and stop working on them?
How are you enjoying SGDQ?
How did we go from this
ITT: Game franchises that suck
Anybody else been taking advantage of the deals?
Which Final Fantasy game had the best version Omega? And why was it V?
Oh fuck he's back
I got banned for getting on the roof. FUCK this game and FUCK the devs
Ay, user. So your mother tells me you've been playin' video games. Ain't you a lil too old for that shit?
Vermin Fight Club
Crash Souls
What video games did you play today?
Black character is called Castle
How did a weeb-filled, furry appealing...
Graphics thread
So byuu (bsnes author) is doing a "preservation project" where he dumps every ROM of SNES games that he buys or borrows...
Why is ASMR so popular among the gaming population?
Sup Forums approved walking simulators
Why do modern kids like lets plays so much?
How would you play vidya with your favorite video game girl? Would you play couch co-op, or maybe take turns...
About to play this game. What can I expect
Game forces you to make tough morality choices
SGDQ 2017
Welcome to cheat! The show that breaks video games like your daddy breaks promises
Why is she so perfect Sup Forumsros?
Are you picking up pic related? What are your dreams, hopes and expectations for the game?
Name a more realistic vidya villain
Having digital copies of your games
Does this game fall into your personal Top 10 favorite Games of all time?
ITT: Shit low testosterone gamer say, I will start
Why are LGBT characters in Japanese games generally more accepted by fans compared to LGBT characters in western...
I'm not feeling well, let's have a videogames thread
The world is in desperate need of games where you can be a GIANT FUCKING MONSTER
Just bought this game
The RTS genre is dea-
Game localized from japan to america
Name a bigger fucking waste of money
What video game lets me clean up my room and revive my father?
What are some games where I can really immerse myself in the world, interacting with people, objects, and environments...
This is a thread for 10/10 OSTs only
Dont mind me, i simply SFV lobby thread
SGDQ 2017
Top Games On Steam By Platime
Game has romance
RIP my logitech G500 mouse 2010-2017
Just finished MGS3 in the HD collection on Xbox, now I am gonna move on to MGS1, but I have to Emulate it
Stay positive
ITT: Unpopular (by Sup Forums standards) vidya opinions
What is Sup Forums's view on nude mods?
What country other than America is relevant in the Western video game industry?
Reused assets: The game
His companies died, his dream games failed...
ITT: Our guys
Did this game really deserve 2 movies and some animated comdedy shorts?
Can't beat mother brain should i give up??
What are some games that got a sequel nearly 18 years later?
Scummy shit angry jose did
SGDQ 2017
Why can't we shut up about this series, bros?
Why is 2 always the best one?
YS8 not coming to Switch
This is the current state of the Fate series
They put a Lynel on the great plateau for Master Mode. The absolute madmen
It's fun if you turn off your brain
If you don't have one of these you are not a true gamer
I like CRPGs. I hear great things about both and that they are brutally hard if you build wrong...
Just finished this. Can we talk about the best game of the year and one of the best games of all time?
Times good game devs fucked you over
Who else's dick has better taste in games than their head?
New desert map coming for Playerunknown's. Thoughts?
52 Stars, having a great time
What the fuck was his problem?
Games you finished with cheats/trainers
What's your top 5 TF2 maps?
This is an RTS thread
Is this the best anime related game ever made?
No mans sky
ITT: Casual filters
What went wrong? What happened to him?
Vermin Fight Club
SGDQ 2017
I've never played a Crash Bandicoot game before
This game is basically Dark Souls. Full of artificial difficulty and clunky controls
In a move surprising no one, Bayo and Bayo 2 heavily implied to be getting Switch ports
Is a gaming laptop worth it? what do you fags recommend?
Are we hitting a wall when it comes to graphics?
You didn't forget about me right Sup Forums?
Now that the dust has settled, what does Sup Forums think of this game?
You are sucked in the last video game that you have played, if you die in the game, you die in real life...
It's your job to pick additional 9 games for the SNES Mini in order to make it meet the 30 game count that the NES Mini...
Why is she such a fucking cunt?
Why do they call sex "woohoo" in Sims 4?
I am on the road crew
Realistically, how many Wii U ports do you think the Switch will see?
Is this game worth 20 dollars? I'm on the fence about buying it
What does Nintendo have against analogue triggers? This controller is so close to being actually perfect
Got Fable Anniversary on sale on Steam recently. I played it on Xbox when it first came out and loved it...
He's played a game for longer than 200 hours
Year you were born
SGDQ 2017
Princess Maker Thread
How is it
Try a free game on steam
Can someone tell me what the sound is when mario gets big
So, huh the new character in Battlerite dropped
What's your favorite controller?
Choose wisely
Literally runs worse than it did 10 years ago
Fallout 3 or New Vegas?
Trails of Cold Steel PC
Killing myself right now desu
Hi Sup Forums, I need help
"Thanks for the donation, user!"
The Girugamesh guy died irl
Why does The Witcher 3 constantly get shat on for having bad combat but games like New Vegas...
DQ thread
ITT: Games that came before their time
GTA VC Thread
Sister left her dragon dildo on the computer desk
You guys ever stopped going to Sup Forums for like a week?
Why do people like this mentally ill and deranged cow?
Post game you're currently playing
What's the Attack on Titan of video games?
Main Cameron
Atlus, when the fuck are you gonna release a Persona HD Collection?
Asian gamers
SGDQ 2017
Are there any games that let me kill cis -gender white males and promote diversity and multiculturalism?
Have you ever fallen for a scam before?
Dishonored: Death of the Outsider
The best RPG ever thread
Remember when WoW was fun?
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
Did you forget that today is monday, user? Why aren't you talking about Project Diva or Miku in general?
Persona 2 remake using Persona 5 engine when?
This is the coolest girl you'll ever meet
What did you save, user?
Why did they have to make Link so short? He's shorter that every NPC you meet that isn't a child...
Something I never got about GTA IV
Defend this
Why aren't translucent consoles a thing anymore? these things were aesthetic af
There are people on Sup Forums who bought a Wii U instead of a PS4
Why are leftists allowed to post here again?
I'm not a graphix fag but this shit looks so shit and even below Gamecube standards
Which games allow me to brew my own potions?
Survey time
This is a thread discussing the SJW takeover of gaming
SGDQ 2017
SGDQ 2017
Hollow Knight
Why hasn't the stylish action genre surpassed this yet?
What's the best Splinter Cell game?
Yes well done Sony well done Crash well done
Why the FUCK is a physical copy of this shit like $70+ when it came out last year?
Most Graphically Demanding PC Games
Is Fallout 4 a bad game or just a bad Fallout game?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...