Shut the fuck up Kimmundy, your beloved Miyazaki is a talentless hack and a literal roided up NPC invader is a better boss than this inbred child of Kalameet, Ancient Dragon, Sinh, and Godzilla Copyright Infringement.
Adding a zero onto the health counter is not good game design.
Giving attacks lingering hitboxes without rhyme or reason is not good game design.
Making a universally weak to lightning boss not actually weak to lightning is just lore inconsistency.
Locking away a covenant and one of the few actually interesting weapons behind what equates to a raid boss that will fuck you for actually bringing a raid party is not. Good Game design.
Tyler Ortiz
Anthony Mitchell
I beat Orphan of Kos, Ludwig, Laurence, and Gael on my first try, because they are all actually well-designed bosses.
Your argument could not be less valid, if it was an argument in the first place.
Nolan Morris
Oh man, this makes me wanna bust out my PS3 and replay DS2
Jackson Watson
Sinh was literally the only dragon fight in any souls game I had any semblance of fun with, since the biggest annoyance could be nullified with a shitload of repair powder and a knuckle ring.
Midir using his moves is an insult to the good game design in 2.
Landon Thompson
Those bosses are all very different from midr, don't know if that makes one better than another. I know that I wanted something with a bit of a learning curve by the time I got to it
Aiden Cooper
The difference between those bosses and every single dragon bossfight is that the camera actively tries to fuck you even if you unlock against dragons.
That, and you spend most of your time running after the fucking retard because apparently all dragons are hopped up on crack.
Michael Phillips
Thank god there's no reason to fight him unless you like his wep as a heavy dex user.
This fight was awful lmao
David Garcia
It's a dragon. They are supposed to be tough. And Midir is a good fight in a big heap of shit that is Dark Souls 3, but it's not Sinh-tier of good.
Asher Sanchez
But Midir is one of the easier "hard" bosses due to his huge predictability, so the only challenge is learning what he does aka gitting gud
Have you not seen how many stupid midir-bullying challenge vids exist?
Isaac Jones
How do you dodge the big fly-over flame attack without shield?
Blake Sanders
It sweeps to your right, so run to the left immediately and it'll miss you.
Ryder Foster
I wanted to get the church spear for pvp but I will probably just stick with my current setup or overlevel to fuck and bash his head in on NG with a lightning dslayer greatax.
Ancient was more fun for how fuckhuge and pompous it was desu
Midir is not tough.
Gael is tough.
The demon princes are tough.
Sinh is tough, Elana is tough.
Midir is a brick wall and you have a handheld chisel, because the brain damaged subhumans that balanced this boss had no other way to make it actually last any length of time against people who know how to play the game.
My problem is not being able or unable to beat him.
My problem is the fact that sometimes he just decided to fuck, and he fucks you, no matter how well positioned you are or how well you time your rolls.
I once had him spam the dark blast every time I got close to hit him, I shit you not.
Kevin Cook
yeah the boss is pretty shit
Brayden Baker
So was Midir's chamber the site of the First Flame and the first Pygmies?
Grayson Roberts
There are so many random caves in the middle of bumblefuck nowhere that it might have been.
Appropriate, considering what a soulless hollow the abortion of game design is.
Owen Mitchell
>My problem is the fact that sometimes he just decided to fuck, and he fucks you, no matter how well positioned you are or how well you time your rolls. His tells are pretty visible, he just has a lot of giant moves that are easily to get rekt by and it's hard to notice them when you're knee-deep in his asshole. Stay in front of the head and just back up if you don't recognize the combo.
>I once had him spam the dark blast every time I got close to hit him, I shit you not. Pretty obnoxious, but the AoE is really small straight in front of his head so you can back up a little then run in and get 1-2 hits in
Joshua Hernandez
Learn his moves, same as any other boss.
Logan Harris
>and Godzilla Copyright Infringement Japan doesn't have tyrannical copyright laws.
Ethan Hughes
>waah someone is criticizing muh dank sauce git gud
Fuck off
I can beat Midir just fine, one of my favorite pvp characters uses Frayed Blade.
In fact the entire reason I got into Dark Souls originally was because I kept getting told to "git gud" when I shat on bosses I thought looked garbage.
Levi Hughes did Gael actually eat all of humanity sans you, Shira, and weeaboo dual wield Ringed Knight guy?
Charles Wood
I believe so.
In my opinion by going to the future, killing everyone in the ringed city waste, and going back, you effectively almost double the actual size of the Dark Soul.
Since you now have the whole thing, but back in your time all the other pieces except for the one you started with are still there.
Also might I add that humans used to literally just come back to life when they died, and the undead curse is a curse on humans preventing them from reviving whenever wherever
Parker Myers
>Hit the head >Have more than 1800hp >Dont bring phantoms because unpredictable AoE >Run and hit tail when belly fire attack >Telegraphs his attacks for eons On newgame+ solo he took me 8 minutes tops, It really is just about getting good.
Jose Rodriguez
The fight is fucking boring
I could have killed him on my current playthrough hours ago if I kept trying but I get so fucking bored that I just let him kill me and go back to the sulyvahn fight pit for half an hour at a time.
Xavier Williams
is this from skyrim?
Connor Roberts
That right there is a screenshot from the Sunken Crown DLC for DS2.
To be honest, DS2 DLC for all its flaws makes DS3 DLC look like hot garbage, even the level design is the best in the souls series, shortcut porn and bosses.
Thomas Morris
But that's not Midir being bad design then
Thomas James
Cooper Diaz
I think I finally made it make sense in my head. If we say Gael discovered the Pygmy Lords at the same time you killed the last Lord of Cinder, then that means in the space of time you were travelling from Firelink Shrine to the Kiln, Gael was busy eating all of humanity. Like literally everyone. Up until you popped back into existence at Dreg Heap/ the Kiln where the only ones left were the humans within the Ringed City and the couple errant pilgrims shuffling around. Pop Filianore's illusion and you jump forward again, during which time Gael ate the last remaining humans in the world, leaving only one Pygmy Lord kind of alive, Shira, weeaboo Ringed Knight dude, and you.
The only thing that fucks this up is the sun. The world SHOULD be deep into the Age of Dark by the time you arrive in the Ashen Wastes but it's not and I can't make that make sense. And by the time the battle is over it's dark.
Robert Lewis
Yes it is.
Midir is the worst parts of all dragon bosses combined with a roided up health pool.
I did not even get bored at Ancient Dragon.
Aiden Nelson
Prove it post a webm
James Ortiz
I play on PS4 because my laptop is a toaster my dude
I can screenshot my frayed blade if you want though
Brandon Martinez
Where's the pussy?
Zachary Campbell
See here's the thing tho, Fun is subjective, You finding him boring doesnt make him a bad boss, Several people enjoyed his fight.
Josiah Green
There might very well be an entirely different source of light, like an illusion not powered by Filianore.
There is also the fact that in a pseudo-dark age when you usurp the flame to keep it in a constant near-faded state there is still plenty of sunlight.
Probably an illusion though, it seems that fake sunlight is the most common major illusion.
Literally every dragon in all of Souls is a more fun fight than Midir, even Kalameet if you go for the tail and Gough shooting him down is pretty cool
Even if you kill him the whole fight is anticlimactic because of how pathetic he becomes if you get a bit lucky and do your rolls and positioning right
Lucas Turner
He is the most telegraphed boss in the entire game. Only real downside is how you have to chase him every time.
Thomas Adams
Are people like this the reason why there are bonfires every 20 meters in DaS3?
Connor Gray
I never said he was extraordinarily hard or fast did I
His biggest strength is camera fuckery and running away to flamethrower you
Brody King
Again Fun is subjective, I for example loved his giant laser attacks, How showly and wild his attacks were coupled with his awesome music. You dont have to agree, But you have to understand that your personal experience with the boss is not the deciding factor on whether its a good boss or not.
Wyatt Perry
Yeah whenever I see people flame DS2 it's usually just the vanilla game being shit (fair enough) or the art style. The DLC is honestly the highlight of the game, DS3 has a way better vanilla game imo though, as DS2 bosses were for the most part forgettable as shit outside of DLC and maybe 1-2 bosses.
William Gutierrez
>insert brainless retard parroting matthewmatosis
David Bennett
>Looks up said "literal who" who I've never heard of >40min vid
Can you give me the run down kind sir :c
Joseph Russell
Basically Matthew's argument for DaS2's flaws is that it ignores the good things that made Dark Souls good like a single flowing environment and has way too much of an emphasis on multiple engagements when DaS is at its best during one on one fights. Also the plot and the way it tells its story is stupid
>Worse than any of this would be the Shrine of Winter which makes sense physically but not logically. You collect the souls of the 4 old ones or amass a million souls and all it does is circumvent a small pile of rubble. A small pile of rubble blocks the way into Drangleic Castle, so rather than climb over it your character kills 4 of the most powerful beings in existence. This world design shattered my suspension of disbelief so hard that it never recovered.
Samuel Kelly
Jack Fisher
>Sup Forums in charge of understanding game mechanics y'all dumb niggaz like overwatch n botw laffin hard here
Austin Ross
DaS2 is made worse by its DLC by the mere fact it extends the length of a shit game.
Chase James
DS1 environment wise was kind of a cluster fuck though what, is he blazed? Also every DS story is kinda shit if we're being real. Like I said though he's probably referring to vanilla only, which I'm not gonna lie, pve wise and environment wise is really bad compared to DeS, DS and DS3.
Cameron Torres
Well yeah he was only talking about the vanilla game. He didn't touch on the DLC's at all. But yeah he basically complained about how enemies aggro in clumps and how jank the map could get sometimes. Not counting the infamous Earthen Peak to Iron Keep transition, he also mentioned how based on the position of the stairs in Heide's, No Man's Wharf should be below sea level. Just shit like that.
Some of it I agree with, some of it I don't. Some of it I think is him being pedantic. Like he also complains about the bloody overlay on boss intros. That's minuscule.
Elijah Sanders
Midir is a long boss fight not a hard one, if you can't beat him you are retarded. Simple as that No question that its a shit fight but its in no way a hard one.
Adam Foster
Some of that sounds silly in a fantasy game. Really grasping on straws at points, like really the stars?
Christopher Wilson
Kalameet is sinh but perfect, why would you have more fun with the bargain bin version?