Translated game to English

>Translated game to English
>Honorifics like -sama or -kun are left in

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Whats the problem?

Why is it allowed for western made games but not translated games?

That's why I couldn't finish Persona 5. I felt like I was listening to weeb waps conversing and made me cringe.

San is just like saying mr or miss, either use that or drop it completely it's not that difficult for translators, just most of the one on games are weebs

Hai, Mr.user-san. wakarimashita.

>Translated game to English
>No option for Japanese voices

should've gotten the Japanese voicepack DLC. you know its just a matter of time

I'm waiting on this game to be at least 50 or maybe 40% off to buy it, looks so good.

Its a great game. but I highly recommend you use the Japanese VO. the English VA weren't good.

Its worth full price imo.

>no option for jp voice
>have to waste time undubbing it

THAT is the reason why I always play Persona with Japanese dub. No one should suffer hearing "Jamal-senpai" in English speech.

Except Persona never does something as dumb as what you just wrote, Hai and Wakarimashita would be translated, and "Mr.user-san" is you literally saying "Mr.Mr.user", which again is retarded.
Persona would leave it as user-san.

Neck yourself.

>they translated sama as Lady

How else would you do it?

Ms. or Mrs.

That's my point. No matter how you do it it will always sound off.

>Translated game to English
>No consistency in using honorifics because it was translated by 3 different people

This is why you don't translate it, you will always have people arguing whether it should be Lady or Mrs.
That's why honorifics and ONLY honorifics should be left intact, translate everything else.

it's the closest equivalent

the real challenge is how to translate 俺様, 俺、僕、あたし

>Lady Ann
Every fucking time

If they weren't you'd bitch about "MUH CENSORSHIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", admit it

Censorship is ok unless muh lewd fan service gets removed

That already happened with Drakengard 3

>removing sexy outfits equals to removing shit that doesn't make sense to people everywhere except japan

>going to spill your guts with a sword
>"better wrap my the sword in a cloth so I don't cut my hand!"

>That's why honorifics and ONLY honorifics should be left intact, translate everything else.

Non-weebs have no idea what those fucking honorifics mean. Translate everything. If the closest translation is no honorific then so be it, there are other ways to communicate the level of respect and status between two parties than by having honorifics everywhere.

>no honorific
This should be done more
Even if the translation is technically correct for example "mister" for -san, that doesn't mean it works in English
Nips may call their classmate "last name-san" in weeb media, it would still sound completely retarded and off if two teenagers called each other mr. Miller and mr. Smith


>translated game to English
>dub only
Fucking XSEED.

Unironically one of my favorite thing about the Persona dubs and I don't like how they cut back on it in P5

Name 3 (THREE) game besides Persona that does this.

It makes perfect sense in the context of Morgana's character.

>the dubbed version has more charisma than the original

>translate game into japanese
>honorfiics like Mr and Mrs are left in
literally unplayable

Found tumblr

Found the Sup Forumscuck that screams REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE SJW TUMBLR REDDIT ANITA JOOS as soon as someone has a opinion that differ from his

anita is has been irrelevant for more than a year you fucking faggot
now tell me why is it wrong to enjoy skimpy clothing in a videogame and

I can't even remember the last time I saw an English honorific in a western game outside of those used to signify a credential, e.g. Dr., President, etc. We just aren't as socially stuck up as the nips.

I actually thought it fit well enough

>learn a different language
>main interest in doing so is to watch mediocre cartoons and masturbate to porn games

Who the fuck did this

>learn language
>get enjoyment from it, and not to say, go through a nice learning experience which promotes discipline
>apparently there is something wrong with this

mads a gentleman he doesn't show ugly gestures

Yup, the walking dead guy looks stupid as fuck. He's like 50 years old and acting like a preteen

>Non-weebs have no idea what those fucking honorifics mean
Why not learn something about another language then?

I like his campaign for boconcept (furniture store)

makes me think about life
what is a man life in current day and age

You're just gay and like to look at his photoshots

>not being gay for Mads
Lol what a loser

I'm not. I'm used to only care about girls. Girls life, girl beauty, everything girl related.
Just can't be gay. But also not falling for the trans trend.
I gay man once told me it's important to compare, observe other men. I don't know but it seems important to achieve girlfriend.