Old men only

ITT: Complain about how time is leaving you behind and nothing caters to you anymore

i don't like :
in-game cosmetic items
Steam and its steamworks drm
online only multiplayer
no co-op vs bots
no LAN or dedicated servers options
8bit pixelated shit because i had enough since the late 80s
moba shit
games made famous because e-celebs

I have more also believe me SJW doesn't trigger me as hard as above reasons.

i gotta agree i had enough 8bit shit in the 80s. I like cosmetic items though as long as i can slut out my avatar.

8 bit has nothing to do with nostalgia its to do with effort for visuals are 2hard4indies

I've been spending all my time replaying games from 1995-2003 since so much time has passed I don't remember the majority of them.

I'm planning on replaying a ton of games from that era until I start to forget them again and just replay the same old good games until I die.

t. 30 year old

>no LAN or dedicated servers options
A thousand times this

The problem, in my case at least, aren't the games. The problem is me.

It's not that the games have somehow profoundly changed to the point where they'd be unplayable. I find playing most old games that I never got around to playing back when they released equally uninteresting. The problem, really, is just that I've played too many games over the years.

When I look at most games I automatically think "oh this reminds me of Game X", or "this is like Game Y with some Game Z elements". The former is 99% of the time a bad thing as I tend to feel like I've already been there and done that, while the latter may in some cases be good because it makes me think it's a novel concept. The best games, though, are games that just genuinely make me go like "oh that's cool", but that's increasingly rare given how many games I've played in the past.

That said, I hate the story memes. I don't want fucking WORDSWORDSWORDSWORDS with shitty gameplay. I can't bring myself to give a shit about many modern RPGs because I, by default, don't fucking care about the stories. I only start caring about the story once I'm given a good game and find myself enjoying it. Makes me want to find out more about the world. On the other hand, when I start a new game with no expectations, getting hit by wall of text after wall of text about generic fantasy world's lore is really fucking off-putting.

TL;DR I've just played too many games, making most new games feel too similar to shit I've already seen

What about Oldfags that don't feel like that?

I mean i'm currently playing the shit out of Total Warhammer, Shadow Tactics and the Witcher 3 and absolutely loving them.

The new Hitman is fucking amazing and i'd go as far to say it even tops Blood Money.

Racing Games are the best they've ever been.

Shit like Pillars of Eternity and Divinity Original Sin 1/2 aren't quite up to Baldur's Gate 2, Arcanum etc standard, but they're still pretty fucking good.

About the only games I wish hadn't died in the ass are the Thief and Splinter Cell series.......oh and i'd kill for a Jagged Alliance game that came even close to 2 + 1.13.

>no splitscreen vs or co-op
>8bit "indie" trash
>e-celeb trash
>always online
>episodic games
>early access
>streamer "culture"


Now that I have the money to buy any video games I could ever want, 99% of video games have turned into DLC, DRM, social media, cosmetic circus and political agenda ridden bullshit.
I can't be bothered to seek out the 1% that aren't like that.

It some kind of fucking conspiracy against me I tell you.

I miss reading the descriptions on new TF2 hats.

You want to be a bit more specific, or happy just being a faggot?

Have you tried dragons dogma yet?

Always online and DLC are the most irritating things ever.
But let me ask something different, what is it that you really enjoy in video games today comparing to pre-2000 era?

Everything is better than in my youth:
We have Titanfall, BotW, gay people can merry eachother too and fascism is dead or limited to retards.

I second this post completely.

Fucking agreed. The only people who like these "harmless" cosmetics are those who were raised on them. It's a cancerous business practice.

Esports were a mistake.


There has always existed Expansion packs.

>when the first post is also the best post

>golden age of RTS games long over
why do i even bother anymore

Whats wrong with cosmetics? We are talking visual customization right, how can this be bad?

What's the point of this picture or did the images just get swapped with Sup Forums shit? Is it supposed to make the fags go all "wow I guess I'll stop being gay now that I know these shocking statistics"?

Everything was better in my youth :
We didn't have faggots like around.

It's meant to trigger fags like you obviously.

>expansion packs
>an extension on original game containing new story, missions, races, ways to play the game
>mostly cosmetics or single character/missions, rarely more

don't know what you're talking about - i always find myself one or two good titles per year, that i could play for hours

I'd get it triggering someone if it was something to do with lifestyle choices or whatever but it's about sexuality. No one's going to turn gay or stop being gay or develop a fat fetish because a graph on the Internet says they should.

What really bothers me, beyond the shady business practices, is how utterly boring and homogenized the majority of AAA games are. It's like developers get given a checklist of what's currently 'in' in terms of game mechanics and just work their way down. It feels like a product rather than the creative output of a group of people. Japan fares much better in this regard, but the west is largely terrible for it.

There are still some gooduns though, I've been playing Dishonored and that feels like a throwback to a better time.

indie devs don't put any effort into games PERIOD

I'm more concerned about the shit gameplay that every indie game has

There's nothing wrong with cosmetics in the same way there's nothing wrong with an iphone. What's wrong is that rampart consumerism has allowed apple to sell their shit at three times the value - same with video games, normies throwing money at the screen has allowed companies to focus on paid cosmetics instead of actual game elements.

I sure hope pic is fucking unrelated

Just a matter of guilty by association my little snowflake.

incredibly open spaces with better than ever graphics - if done right, open world games are tons of fun to explore

i dont care for online anything anymore. i played mmos for 13 years and that pretty much used up any patience and will i had to play multiplayer games for a lifetime. i shifted to single player games and the odd co-op game from time to time. i never felt like nothing catered to me though as there there's lots of good single player games coming out year after year. like everyone else said its said the dlc is so shitty that's nothing on the level of what used to be called expansions except for the rare thing like witcher 3 and dishonored dlc, those actually felt well worth it and added more than just some shitty 5 minute mission and a weapon pack.

>with better than ever graphics
They've stagnated since 2007 though.

My taste never changed. And I was an arcade gamer from the very beginning. So I've been feeling like gaming was turning to shit even since I was young, because for me arcades were the best and most ideal form of gaming, so as soon as gaming started moving away from that I saw games as getting worse.

So for me this has nothing to do with age and everything to just not caring for the direction of the industry.

>indie devs don't put any effort into games PERIOD


hey, even good things in life have always their downsides - you either be a miserable little man, unhappy about smallest things or you can be happy with being alive and try to find joys however you can

Sorry, but my snowflakiness is that I have a fat fetish.

It just baffles me some literal mongoloid actually posted that image in a completely unrelated thread without it having anything to do with the discussion. Evidently for retarded reasons, too.

that's not even close to the same thing

Look at a game like TF2. Constantly downgraded to give more graphical room to the cosmetics. Not only that, but it's a shitty way of leeching money from customers for the worst kind of filler content. If anything, this shit should just be unlockable through in-game play. Without the crate gambling, credit card purchases. Those kinds of games aren't even made to be good, really, they're made to move digital boxes into your nonexistent inventory for real world money.

read the question i answered

Or maybe you should shut the fuck up trying to bait in here with your hippie bullshit.
Same goes for

I partially agree. Details below. I'm 29 btw.

>in-game cosmetic items
It's a great way to monetize a game in a manner that doesn't disrupt the game itself. As long as you're careful about the cosmetics you release, there's little risk of hurting the game's aesthetics either.

But DLC is literally the same thing as an expansion pack, and if done right are perfectly acceptable. Do you really not expansion packs?

>Steam and its steamworks drm
Can't disagree there. Steam is fucking cancer. As an alternative service it might have been useful, but the fact you are forced to use it makes it bad. Not to mention it's a very heavy, ugly, clunky piece of software that feels like having a boat anchor attached to my game's library.

>online only multiplayer
name 65536 that do this

>no co-op vs bots
Generally pointless for most game genres outside of practicing the absolute most beginner tactics. Most developers see no reason to invest the time. It's good in strategy games, if done right, but only because it's damn near impossible to consistently find new near-skilled human opponents.

>no LAN or dedicated servers options

>8bit pixelated shit because i had enough since the late 80s
Some games do a great job, others it just feels like a half-assed excuse for graphics. Besides if you're really such an 80s gamer you'll know graphics are the least important part about a game. Only normieshits care about that.

>moba shit
DotA is good, everything else is bad.

>games made famous because e-celebs
name 4294967296 games that do this


>what is it that you really enjoy in video games today comparing to pre-2000 era?
It is so much easier to pirate games.

Nigger, I'm not the one posting Sup Forums graphs here.

you are a pathetic excuse for a human being - get outside once in a while

Alright, seems plausible - they've still stagnated though.

Question for old people. How do you deal with growing old? Your looks beginning to fade and you grow weaker.


All the kids born after Doom came out should just leave this board forever

And if you feel that way, I know of a $60 tf2 ass mod you can go play where you don't have to worry about trading or aim or becoming good.
You're also a reddit-spacing nigger who couldn't post an image on an imageboard to save his non-life.


>don't want the thread derailed by Sup Forums and anti-Sup Forums
>reeeeeeeeeee fuck off and let me deraaaaaaaaaail

they'll leap further when new technology comes out

this is what Sup Forums does to people

Last night I was thinking how every publisher/developer I used to love has now turned to absolute shit. I could not think of a single one that has improved the quality of their games since the mid 2000's.

>no LAN or dedicated servers options

>DLC is literally the same thing as an expansion pack

no it's not and you know it

literally no one thinks this

Subnautica is still an early access title though.
Another thing which irritates me the most: people cannot wait for a game to be fully functional. Instead we are shown bits and pieces from an unfinished product and, once we play it, overwhelmingly boring and disappointing (FTL remains the sole example of promised content done right).

Stop pre-ordering and getting early access products, this is why beta testers are not hired anymore. We make gaming companies save money and time while they should invest in it.

your brain is poisoned with bullshit
dude, seriously, turn pc off and go have a breath of fresh air

no one cares faggot

For me it's the sense of never having anything be complete, like I'm missing out on stuff. With expansions you still bought the game and then bought game the expansion, and there was a sense of finality and confidence in you purchase, and you can just enjoy. Now, it's constant updates with often dramatic re-balancing from day to day, and I can't bring myself to play till they stop coming, it almost feels like I'm wasting time, sometimes I wait years to play a game because the devs won't call it quits (indies are pretty much the only ones guilty of this).

Yeah, been there done that syndrome wears on you, because it takes away the "wonder" of a lot of games. Forcing you to rely on mechanics or story or whatever, which sometimes isn't enough. Especially annoying in this era of low budget "retro" indies that are all about referencing/re-purposing games of old and the generic AAA that's desperately trying to please everyone until it's grey mush.

I'm playing Hollow Knight and it's one of the few games in recent memory to give me 'that feeling' - good enough to get excited about, rather than just something that passively eats time (ie. most games). Gaming isn't dead yet

DD is another great example of this kind of game, at least for me.

Who the hell on Sup Forums ever had good looks or strength?

i agree about early access being bullshit that both discourages devs to finish the product and spoils the first hand experience for the players for their own money, but in case of Subnautica it has 100% of all the content i need right now

that's a big gun

I hate how gameplay has been left behind. Graphics is the only selling point for most developers - and graphics are just icing on the cake.
I hate how games have become a million dollar industry instead of a niche hobby it once was - I miss the cool concepts of Total Annihilation, Dune and Dungeon Keeper - we'll probably never see things like that again.
Innovation is clearly dead now, all we get is more of the same - with a different skin.

I've been spacing out my sentences for clarity before reddit existed, child.

The only difference is that expansion packs came in a physical box that you bought in a store and installed off of CDs, which thwarted developers from spamming its playerbase with new expansion packs. As a result, devs rarely made more than one or two major expansion packs to their game. DLC allows developers to easily spam micro-sized paid updates due to how convenient it is.

Example: Binding of Isaac, where the DLC actually feels like full proper expansion packs and not little nickle-n-dime DLC packs.

Growing weaker really only comes with inactivity. Yes, you will lose some strength, but not as much as you think. I still jog and work out throughout the week, because I don't want to become crippled from laziness. As for looks. Well, I'm currently battling that. Losing my hair. It was destined through genetics, I knew one day I'd have a huge bald spot on the back of my head. Now I know I probably should go shaved head, but I still am apprehensive about committing to it.

Hourly reminder that if you haven't been diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome you're basically a casual who wasted all of his best years and you belong in a gas chamber.

I think you'd like a game like Darkest Dungeon.

There is no closure yet and some areas are still in development (void bits between zones). And you cannot scan a zone to map it permanently as in Minecraft for instance. You must rely on Google search and user content to navigate in the game.

>list 3 games - mostly RTS
>I bet you'd like this turn-based base
I don't think so user.

>I've been reddit-spacing before reddit existed
Then please return. No one here is 50 years old, and everyone can read single space just fine.

like i said - i'm fine with that and i don't need no google search for mapping the area

>I hate how games have become a million dollar industry

lol wut?

Carmack & Co were literal millionaires just from Doom alone.

Tim Schafer literally used the millions he made making goofy point and click adventure games to start his own company.

Peter Molyneux bought a fucking castle with the money Populous made him.

The games industry has always been insanely lucrative.

for me that was Divinity:OS enhanced edition.

It was so good it honestly floored me, it was like every complaint I've ever had about an RPG was just not present.

I played it co-op with a friend online on the 2nd hardest difficulty (the one just below the one with permadeath) having never played a divinity (or even turn based RPG before) and we were getting our arses kicked every fight, which forced us to stop and talk for a bit, think of a different approach to the fight and actually strategize, bouncing actual IDEAS off each other about what to do instead of just doing the one thing the game designers have planned for you to do like a AAA game.

I would class it as among my 5 favourite games of all time and it's from the 2010s.

So there totally IS hope left.

Return where? You didn't specify a location. Also if you meant reddit, that's impossible, because I've never been there before. You can't return somewhere you've never been.

Things do cater to me, I'm just not that interested anymore as I have real life concerns and alcohol makes me happier than video games do now

Contemplate suicide my man

why can't developers and publishers just be happy with making some niche games? you don't need to spend a zillion dollars on marketing and smoke and mirror awards shows to sell a new silent hunter, flight sim, or a nice complex strategy game whether its war, building, or whatever. it's okay to make really complex games that don't cater to everyone and sell less than 50k copies. you don't need to spend money on cgi cutscenes either, just give me replayability.

>haha I've never been to reddit even though I space like them and need to draw attention to myself as a le ebin oldfag







McKill yourself, nigger.

And how much did it cost to make any of those games?

remember to tell /r/dankmemes all about your adventure here

That's not reddit spacing, you idiot

>Example: Binding of Isaac, where the DLC actually feels like full proper expansion packs

Bad example.

Will do fampathichi :^)

>look mom I'm trolling those stupid reddit (((jews))) on Sup Forums LMFAO watch this im gonna say nigger again that'll really make 'em mad!! I can't wait to show these epic screencaps to Daniel on snapchat tomorrow his sides are gonna be in orbit ROFL

choose one and stay there:

Fucking tons.

Doom sure as fuck wasn't made on the cheap, they literally rented out a fuck huge mansion for them to all work in.

Most of the shit Schafer worked on was created at the Skywalker Ranch, again, not fucking cheap.

And Peter Molyneux raised a TON of venture capital for his first games.

All you faggots who think all the classics were just made by some literal who's in a garage are fucking delusional.

video game journalism went to shit and I can't understand how or why it happened

It was never good. It was always shilling. All those old magazines served but one purpose, to shill products to your young mind. G4 tv as well. It's pathetic seeing nostalgia threads over that trash.

>Not realising he's falseflagging

>still reddit spacing
What's so hard about hitting enter once to start a new line instead of twice? Can't break old reddit kike habits maybe?


video game journalism never existed in the first place. even in the old days magazines were just catalogs, they just never took themselves quite as seriously. what you really miss is chessyness of old shows and magazines.

trying to play jrpgs as a middle aged man is suffering
the story is centered on teenagers, friendship and idealism that allows no compromise, and you feel yourself sympathizing more with the enemy adult characters