Crash Souls

Why is this game so hard Sup Forums?

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sage for furfag shit

I heard that the ledges are less forgiving than the original game. I think it's because they prevented it from looking like Crash was floating in the air at the end of a ledge in the remake.

Also apparently the jump height is lower?


Go away feminist

What if you were to give this game to, say, twenty... intelligent people i mean, what would that do? Let's face it what would it do?

>one wumpa run
Upgrade your wumpa flask user, no wonder you're having so much trouble

So tired of this. Even if that is you, I don't care what shade of brown you are. Wow, minorities play video games. They also breathe air too, guess I should freak about that too, huh guys?

the only thing hard about this game is the strain on your fucking eyes looking at the motion blur when the camera slightly moves. Is there any way to turn that shit off?

i know you're just baiting for racist replies

Not really. Because of how bigger Crash looks compared to the original, it only looked like his jump is lower.

Because you've been being babied by modern games being way too easy to the point where when an actual video game like soulsborne comes around everyone hails it as the most challenging game "ever"

Looks more like Majula, the best hub.

Level geometry (and some enemies, for whatever reason) use full 1:1 polygon collision instead of hitboxes/collision models and there's some kind of bogus slope limit for the player so you slide off if you're at even the slightest angle.

Jump height is only lower in Crash 1. You have to hold jumps super long just for it to trigger a high jump, and the penalty is an even shittier low jump than the original.

You have a Bleach wallpaper, so you already fail at life.

Playing crash 2. But the time trials from the first one are haunting me. Should i plat the firat game?

Anyone else really hates what they did to the world design in the second game?
In the first game you could always see important landmarks on the distance and the levels actually followed a thematic progression as you ascended towards the castle

However they decided to drop this for the second game, added warping from the start and there is no internal consistency for the levels, with seemingly random environments

>Best hub
Fuck off, faggot.

>There are people on this board right now that don't think Majula is the best hub
Neck yourself nigger

What makes it the best hub, fampai?

Only the first game is hard I would say and it's even more ball crushingly hard if you want to 100% it.

It's a shitty town

>muh comfy

That will be his reply

firelink from ds1 you mongo

The coastal noises and sunset lighting.

this thread is the dark souls of shitposting

Today Sup Forums made me proud.

Didn't realise Sup Forums was full of faggots now