New Wolfenstein Game

What are your expectations, hopes, and wishes for Wolfenstein: The New Colossus, Sup Forums? You are going to buy it right? What did you think of our trailer?

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I think it will be a competent fps rpg like the new order.

I also think its pushing an agenda


More niggers and communists are the good guys.

>Nazis are bad

Very controversial!

You think they will move the gameplay closer to DOOM after that game's success? In comparison I felt TNO was super slow.

lol FUCK Donald trump guys :)


kill yourself, and before that, go outside

>Nazi's and KKK coexisting
>Stronk black females

You don't have to agree, or admit that you are wrong. Just stop posting.

With the addition of that armoured suit maybe.. maybe.

>Buy my game if you hate Donald Drumpff, user

>You are not playing a role in this game

Let me play as a nazi and save the world from commies and sassy afro women.

Or remove the commie faggot from the game and make the black grill thicc and more similar to rihanna.

Also give her ancient shamanic powers.

>We will never have an actual nice discussion about wolfenstein thanks to 8ch and swarmfront newfags who just read Turner Diaries

I don't care, there are niggers in it. But being realistic I would expect a modern FPS cinematic experience without anything new.
This is how modern FPS are handled and we cannot expect something different unless the developers care more about gameplay than storytelling.

Ever think that YOU are the problem that is killing gaming?

I'm convinced that the vast majority of replies in these threads is just kiddies falseflagging

go being a progressive faggot somewhere else, Leaf.

>nazis make moon base
>"ok sure"
>nazis make a deal with the KKK

>14 replies
>9 posters

It's usually pretty consistent. It's something people care about.

>woah, why do people have a problem with my jewish commie agenda????

>everyone misses an obvious Toddpost.
Nice edit tho m8.

Thanks I saw the thread earlier and was inspired to start up gimp and make something

>Germany will yet again get censored versions of the game.
Guess I'll have to pirate the uncensored version again then.

>99% of the plaent is fine with this game and killing Nazis apart from one very specific board on this website

Wow I wonder who could be behind this

>Nazi's didn't have plans to make moon base

It's at least accurate to their asperations

As for the klan, shaming the US for slavery and KKK was part of the Nazi propaganda strategy. For them to imply this group would have not been wiped out as a terrorist cell is complete shit


how long have you been using gimp, that pic looks well done, nice job


on and off since around 2009

It goes directly against what Nazis were about.
Or do you think that Nazis were just nasty racists that hated all non whites?
There are two groups the nazis hated.
Commies, and the jews.

>I also think its pushing an agenda
Go back to Sup Forums
Fuck off

Or move to a free country?


I expect it will be cracked in a week.

>nazis having a moonbase in 1960, having robots, implanting human minds into machines, all of the bombastic shit in Wolfenstein
>it all checks out
>the idea that nazis may have changed their tune if they needed a slightly sympathetic group to help in their conquering of America

unbelievable, really.

why would you do that user?

The game is complete fiction, that can go both ways for our arguments.

But the KKK would have been dealt with without a doubt.

I'm planning to get a student visa then move to the States and go from there. Trump might be shit a president and your politics shit but at least your vidya is not censored;Also that travel ban

Don't put words into my mouth cunt.
>>the idea that nazis may have changed their tune if they needed a slightly sympathetic group to help in their conquering of America
Do we even know that this is the reason they work with the KKK in the new wolfenstein?

Though, given that Wolfenstein games have the most ridiculous, caricature like portrayals of nazis I don't think that they bother explaining it at all.
Not that those games should have realistic portrayals of nazis. The whole games are built around the propaganda caricatures of the Nazis that allies created and that's ok. That's a big part of the fun.
Nobody should really take any offense to how nazis are portrayed in Wolfenstein games, regardless of a political side one might be on, because the portrayal of nazis in this game series has never been even close to reality.

They had mecha cyborg hitler in the series for fuck's sake.

Yes Howie, the first was a great game so I'll probably buy the second.

Still not buying Fallout 4 though

>What are your expectations?
Lots of Sup Forums butthurt over black and commie protagonists and dead nazis.

>paying 60 for a 10 hour game
Maybe when it goes on sale for 20.

brutally murdering a gay nazi like the first one

It's fiction, right. So why is it unbelievable that the KKK sided with nazi germany? Is it, perhaps, that it strikes a nerve, and makes your politics seem uncomfortably close to their's?

Ich bin Ami, der jetzt in Deutschland wohnt
Bleib hier, Brudi. Besser, Videospielen zu piraten, als 50+ Stunden/Woche zu arbeiten nur eine Familie und 'ne Wohnung zu haben, ehrlich gesagt.

Sorry Oberstürmführer, I'll do better at representing your argument for why the KKK siding with the Nazis is less believable than a Nazi moonbase and laser rifles.

>Nobody should really take any offense to how nazis are portrayed in Wolfenstein games

And yet here we are, eh?

When did Todd Howard become a Nazi?

I think it looks great aside from the afroed sassy black girl. Too generic unless she's just a really minor character.

>boohoo the only reason discussions are never nice is because of pol and 8ch and stromfornt boohoo these discussions are so nice with just us and none of those problematic white cis scum transphobic blackophobe transracist heteronorm sexphobe shitposters ;(

I don't mind killing Nazis, RTCW was my GOTY 2001, I just don't like niggers and women telling me what needs to be done in my shooters about killing nazis.

>Sorry Oberstürmführer, I'll do better at representing your argument for why the KKK siding with the Nazis is less believable than a Nazi moonbase and laser rifles.

The former is a shift in the core ideology, the later just development of technology and civilizational capacities. At least in theory.

Though, given that in Wolfenstein, nazis don't really have any ideology besides "lol evil", and all their tech was made by magic jews, I guess the whole point is moot anyways.

less bullet sponge enemies
more ammo to make dual wielding worth it

I hope you fuckfaces realize the KKK despised Nazi Germany and Nazi ideals. The KKK is a white supremacist and AMERICAN nationalist group.

If anything they would be the first to fight if Nazis took over.

>The former is a shift in the core ideology

>alliances with groups they may not fully agree with is a shift in the core ideology of a government that allied with Imperial Japan, Mussolini, and all sorts of right wing extremist movements in Eastern Europe

Yeah, all those nigger/jew/sjw bait threads that reach 500+ replies in 30 minutes, and have 12 threads up at any time? pure coincidence!

Good point.
I mean, Hitler did ally with fucking commies out of necessity as well with Molotv-Ribbentrop pact.

>strawberry milkshake
nazis truly are an unabiding evil

what's a good book about the history of the klan and also the eugenics movements in pre-war america

Ich habe schon seit einiger Zeit zu verlassen. Ich habe alles gesehen, was es in Deutschland zu sehen und haben sich ziemlich langweilig, ehrlich zu sein

I feel bad for Germans having to be attributed to that once asshole, and that awful time.

Has there even been a single famous leader of Germany that wasn't a huge cunt? From Frederic to Wilhelm to Hitler to Merkel, they're all mean assholes who'd curbstomp babies to get their way. Meanwhile, plenty of english, russian, iberian and french leaders weren't know as rampaging dicks but by other virtues they had

Hitler wasn't a bad guy at all. Nor were the Fredericks. Nor was Otto.

I were refering to Wilhelm II who actually was a prick. Also spesificially refering to Frederick the Great. He was a great leader for Germany, but also a tremendious asshole who wrote alliances only to break them and murder everyone when people were drunk on celebration. At the time, every leader considered him an utter piece of lying shit, though they did respect his brilliance.
>Hitler wasn't a bad guy at all
>Not a word on Merkel
Oh right, that's where you're comming from. Nevermind

>Und nach Amerika zuziehen hilft damit nicht. In Amerika zu wohnen ist nicht so anders, AUßER die scheißlange Arbeitszeit, teure Krankenversicherung, die nicht funktionierende Politik, usw. usw.

Ich könnte zwar voreingenommen sein - aber Amerika ist nur besser als Europa, wenn man reich ist. Wenn du ein normaler Mensch bist, bleib einfach hier. Kann öfter Urlaub machen (zum Beispiel, meine Mutter hat nur zwei Wochen pro Jahr als Urlaubstage, und mein Vater auch), muss nicht überall mit 'nem Auto fahren, kann in einer Stadt wohnen ohne tausende pro Monat in der Miete zu verloren - solange Europa stabil ist, soll man hier bleiben, mMn.

I feel bad for germans for what the allies did to them. Germans are going to become a minority in their own damn homeland in 50 years because of what the Allies did.
Hitler was a hero of German people and truly loved them.

t. triggered Sup Forumsfags

I hope they make stealth entirely optional this time.

>implying the nazis would ever let a hambeast exist

fucking retards man holy shit i thought they were supposed to be real nazis not fucking pretend ones

who the fuck wants to shoot at pretend nazis?

might as well just go join hezbollah and fuck up israelis desu