There are people who unironically think quick traveling is a bad mechanic

>there are people who unironically think quick traveling is a bad mechanic

Wew, lads.

It's only a good thing because of shitty map design and oversized open worlds
If people knew how to design a proper map quick travelling wouldnt be so important to people

The "no quick traveling" allowed crowd actually wants you to manually travel in the world. They say it's 'realistic' or the 'only way to explore'.

Yes but they also want the worlds to be fun to travel. What's the problem with that?

>being so autistic you actually desire a fun walking simulator

>walking simulator
Games have life simulation nowadays you know

Kill yourself, OP. Walking simulator is nothing but a mechanic born out of bad game design.

>chooses to play a open world game that have focus on exploration and dynamic world events


May as well let the game play itself.


>he thinks walking from Leywaiin to Anvil is about exploring the world

No. Unacceptable. Games such as Oblivion have so much shit spread out that no quick travel mechanic would translate into a waste of time. In Skyrim you already have to walk somewhere before you can quick travel. I can't see why you'd object to such a system.

Why are you playing open world games if you hate the biggest aspect of them?

What a sad shame that you can't even imagine a world worth travelling

Call of duty
>hold a key ( right mouse button )
>go slower
>aim gets better
>screen obscured a bit

>hold a key ( shift )
>go slower
>aim gets better
>screen gets obscured a bit

Having to walk every time you want to go somewhere is just nuts.

>comparing walking to iron sights

You're the type of guy to argue against quick travel, aren't you?

Then stick to more linear games

It's a waste of time because the world is boring and devoid of challenge, add good life simulation systems that generate fun unique events and traversal related challenges and the trips will be part of the game instead of filler between the actual game. STALKER has the former, especially if you mod it. The weird random events you run into are half the fun.

its literally the same mechanic with no functional difference

>comparing walking to iron sights
They're the same except walking doesn't obscure most of the screen when you're trying to shoot stuff.

Yet its ok for DOOM to have iron sights REEEEEE

I mean, I prefer walking around to quick travel in Persona 5 only when I really feel like taking in the environment. I recently took a trip back to Japan, and it really feels homely there; I quite miss the city there (parents are Japanese).

When I want to optimize playtime, I use quick travel. Usually when I have like an hour or so to kill or something.

You mean nu-Doom?

Absolutely not, you don't get a small zoom and the accuracy system is built differently.

not all games zoom when you ironsights, and the accuracy system is literally the same but stronger

if your gameworld is so bland and shit that you need to be able to skip seeing it all the time your game is shit

Original DOOM is iron sight 100% of the time REEEEEEEEE

Good job user, you put it better than I ever could.

>small zoom
so what?

and the "accuracy" system is retarded shit with so advanced mouse drag recoil compensation

>have 1 hour to play per day
>can't do a quest on another city because autists don't want quick travel

Ye, naw.

Morrowind did it right

>start traveling by foot
>organically encounter some cool random event on your travels and complete it within an hour
>have a memorable experience
>save and finish the quest you originally got tomorrow

it must suck being a bethesda baby and only knowing what shit games are

>be literally a wage slave

I've never gotten the anti-iron sights crowd in "realistic" shooters. When you're shooting, bringing the gun all the way to your face and looking down your sights while moving slower dramatically increases accuracy.

Silt Striders routes were too convoluted. But a system of quick travel mainly between major cities, villages and settlements would be interesting.

But I just can't agree with the people who insist on saying quick travel is necessary just because maps are boring. Even if we could have a dynamic environment quick travel would still be extremely useful.

It must suck getting angry at something that's completely optional.

people complain it slows down the gameplay and makes it harder to return fire

Quick Travel should have adopted an Oregon Trail style mechanic rather than being just a magical teleport. Waiting in place has better mechanics in Elder Scrolls games than Quick Travel.

>expecting a game to throw you "cool random event" left and right

You don't want a game, you want a dream.

Shit. This is actually a pretty nice idea. I had never thought of it in this way.

>being angry
>never given bethesda a single cent

feels extremely good

enjoy your fully and realistically modeled horse anus and vagina with seams fixed though

Close, but thats not it either
The players movement sucks dick. Prototype is open world.
Never once did I feel like I needed to fast travel anywhere

In a good game quick traveling is not necessary because manual traveling is fun. If you need to put in a mechanic that allows you to skip playing the game it is probably a shit game.

>being mad about something you literally got free

Have you guys played Shadow of Mordor? It has some of the best quick travel I have seen.
It is there, but not needed. The map is big enough to have it, but just small enough to not need it.

They should probably play different games that aren't aiming to mimmick 20th century gun mechanics. There are tons of FPS that have gun systems that don't revolve around iron sights, but calling for hip firing to be as accurate as aiming down the sights in a game modeled on modern firearms is just fucking stupid.

Fucking play Q3A if you want an ultra fast paced shooter. Oh wait, that's right. Kids these days can't handle it.

Games such as Prototype or Mirror's Edge are restricted to a small area and are heavily movement oriented. It would make no sense (or even a way to do so!) for a game such as The Witcher to try and mimic 'cool' movement mechanics.

What's more pathetic?
Sup Forums trying to discuss fighting games or Sup Forums trying to discuss shooters?


>t. csgo "comp" player

Its more game mechanics than anything isnt it
Even with something as backtrack heavy as Metroid Prime its still not too terrible since they keep you active with platforming/enemies you need to fight to proceed or quickly navigate around/hunt for new items
In an RPG or whatever AAA open world trash you're usually just walking around and occasionally using basic shooter controls

Sup Forums somehow turning a thread about quick travel into a thread about shooters.

t. Silver

>t salty op

I don't even play counter strike. You faggots are sickeningly autistic about some shitty shooter game that was originally a mod.

What would you suggest, though? I can't see how your ideas could fit into a Skyrim/Witcher type of game.

>i don't play the game but hate it with a passion for some reason


Yeah, like Zelda: BotW

Ride horse or flying creature

How is riding a horse any different from walking? I mean, you would go faster but that's it. Same with a flying creature.

And the quick travel makes sense because you're an undead monster that literally teleports to those locations.

I like how Rockstar does quick traveling, but funny enough traveling normally in those games is fun or easy enough that I don't bother with it.
Elder Scrolls worlds are boring and slow to get around, but quick traveling by going into a menu suspends my immersion.
BOTW quick traveling is absurd as you can become immaterial the instant before an enemy deals a fatal hit, for example.

I don't really get this argument since CS:GO is the second slowest FPS after RO2.

Not that guy, just throwing some thoughts out there. An open world like The Wind Waker but with actual sailing mechanics would work. Land masses being small enough that you don't feel the need for fast travel on them and sailing mechanics detailed enough, and with a proper risk/reward system so the player is actually engaged.

The real question is how to make traveling engaging. "High intensity" games a la Prototype, GTA, Mirror's edge, etc. are easily because movement is a core gameplay mechanic and is fun, but movement in typical RPGs is fairly standard.

What can be done?

you exemplify modern gamers, lazy, brainless idiots who need everything spoonfed to them

you are everything wrong with gaming today

Fast travel ruined Skyrim. Why the fuck are wagons even in the game?

I like quick travel, i barely use it in most games tho, but sometimes i just dont want to walk forever to do get somewhere far (its a game fuckers), most games do have issues with pacing, map design and all of that, maybe make the worlds easier to explore, better landmarks, and signs that will keep you oriented would make more people ignore the quick travels, its your choice to use it but if theres no landmarks, etc you are basically going to be forced to quick travel and use more waypoints, etc.

for the noquicktravel faggots.

Morrowind did quick travel perfectly.

Almsivi Intervention teleported you to the nearest Tribunal temple
Divine Intervention teleported you to the nearest Imperial temple

Mark and Recall would let you teleport to a chosen location at any point.

Someone who plays pen and paper games here. When Skyrim came out I bought a beer stein, a bunch of candles, and a leather journal. Dimmed the lights and wrote a back story for my character. Tried to use the in game quest instructions as little as possible. Instead I wrote down names of towns people and information they passed me. I refused to use quick travel, though I would use the carriage system. And within the first two days came a mod that disabled the radar compass. Tried to use all the modern shit as little as possible. It's just the way I preferred to experience the game. Though there are times when you must use the radar to find question objectives. Townspeople give vague instructions and I don't have time to search through every cave from here to Thousand Needles.

Autism speaks.

Same reason there is food even though you don't need to eat, beds even though you don't need to sleep, deer to hunt even though it makes no money at all, etc., etc.; roleplaying.

1. make movement fun.rewrading enough in and of itself that it actually encouraged players to use it
2. design better maps, get creative with routes and interconnectivity

It's not necessary when you can run or fly at the speed of sound, like Morrowind. Too bad they took all the fun out for Oblivion and Skyrim.

God tier:
Interconnected world that is well-designed enough to not need fast travel.
High tier:
Interconnected world that requires you to jump through a few hoops to unlock specific fast travel points, and said fast travel is contextualized within the game's lore.
Shit tier:
"Open world" that lets you fast travel anywhere with little to no effort.

>All teleportation spells require decent Mysticism levels
>they can fail
>they cost a decent amount of magicka
>every other build needs to either do the slow-ass "I got shit in my pants" jog to wherever they want to go or pay the Silt Strider
Much like a lot of things Morrowind did, it was flawed. Good thing Oblivion got it right.

It's the best way to discover side content, retard.

Cannon fodder speaks.

You can use potions and scrolls, faggot.