One of these threads

One of these threads


X > 4




pretty good taste, I forgot to add jungle beat. If 64's on there, Jungle Beat should be too. Very underrated. Guess I have to update the chart.



Needs updating but I really can't be arsed

R3 was gr8 tho

Completely reasonable


wtf is this fucking 2008



fug, I forgot to include 7


Yeah mk7 is somewhat forgettable. That ,must be why the community for it is pretty much non-existent.

I don't get the lukewarm reactions to DKC3, it's great.

Really? I didn't know halo 2 remastered was so wel received. That and halo 5 multiplayer. I thought halo 3 was the last good game.

this is making me angry

>Reach not being jerked off
Good. Also
>4's campaign
>anything but generic sci fi garbage

Halo 5 MP is well recieved because it's at its core a very solid shooter. Though it is not a good Halo game. Take that as you may.

The H2A campaign is god tier, i would dare to say it's the best campaign in the whole series period. The multiplayer is also fantastic and it's only sin was being part of the TMCC abortion. If H2A was released as a working standalone game, it would've been GOTY.


People use way too many of the high tier facial expressions. There should be like one of those used per series.


>PW and V are good

Maybe people really liked most of the games they played.

>series can't be overall good

You'll have a fit if anyone does this for kirby games

A link Between Worlds was great though.

>no mvdk1
trash list

>meme arrows

it really wasnt

piss easy, ugly as sin, a LTTP reskin nobody wanted, and a boring gimmick power

V is garbage and so are you

wtf is mvdk1

Did I hurt your autism, user? Calm the fuck down. People are allowed to have different opinions.

People are also allowed to be judged for their different opinions. People are also allowed to fight over the internet over those opinions.

This is how God intends it, and there shall be no other way.

more bruvs

It really wasn't. I can't remember a single thing about it and I only played it a couple of years ago