Why are Sony and Microsoft prioritizing 4K over 60fps for their consoles?

Why are Sony and Microsoft prioritizing 4K over 60fps for their consoles?

because 60 fps is a shit meme by PClosers.

>Being this retarded

Simply turn a PC game from capped 60 to 30 and turn your character model. Something so simple can show you why 60 FPS is great.

60fps won't get you to buy a new, overpriced TV set you don't need.

Because you can't "fake" 60 FPS. Plain and simple. On the other hands there's a shitton of ways to fake your way out to 4K, like what they will use. Checkerboard, upscale, "dynamic" resolution whatever you name it.

Also "muh resolution" is an easier concept to grasp for the console monkeys. Remember, they still consider 30 FPS "cinematic".

60 fps makes it look fake as fuck. Like The Hobbit

framerates dont sell, graphics do

To sell 4K TVs

It's what normies want. Normiebux are what keep the industries working.

4k is an easier sell to the unwashed masses. You don't think Sony/MS actually care about games and gamers, do you? Whoever controls the casual audience wins. See ps2, 360, and ps4 and who really drove the sales. Wii as well. Your favorite console selling the most only means that non-"gamers" latched onto it.

Would COD be as popular if it didn't run at 60fps?

I've got an iphone, found out I can change the video recording quality the other day, it was on 4K 30 FPS, changed it to 1080 60 FPS, fucking night and day difference, FPS > Resolution.

Because games look "better" on 4k and its much easier to sell a product that looks good than just say that it runs smoothly.
Why the fuck do you think companies are so obsessed with making their games look good than run well?

It's a game vs a motion picture. Completely different.

Because they realized that 60 FPS is a dumb meme only e-sport wannabe autists care about, where as 4k superiority is evident to pretty much anyone.

This. Looks like a cheap soap opera or something that's obviously a game.

Sony because it sells their shitty tvs nobody wants, microshit because they need to keep up with the competition.

cause they want to shove their shit with a fantastic resolution


The first one can be achieved, the second cannot, as it is only an mutant offspring which comes once in every 100 games at the cost of many sacrifices. Thus is the life of a console.

People like you keep the rest of us down

>a cheap soap opera
This is, literally, what looks like at 30 fps

Nintendo because... Oh wait, they can't do either!

60 fps is too gamey.

This gif is fucked, that's not 60fps at all

but 120+fps will

>2D .gif

>The real world blurs like hell and looks choppy when you simply turn

I'm sorry you have a head injury.

1. You can fake 4K
2. You can't tell the difference between 1080p and 4k on a tv from even 3ft away
3. 60 FPS is more difficult to do
4. FPS drops on 60fps are extremely noticeable
5. High FPS requires more thorough testing to make sure the game can run smoothly, which 4K doesn't demand

4K on consoles is purely a gimmick feature, whereas 60fps requires hard work and it's noticeable if you can't achieve it.

Go watch a film, then turn on your average shitty Brittish soap opera. It looks all plastic and unnaturally sped up because it's emulating real life. It looks bad. That's how 60fps gaming looks like.
Doesn't matter if it's more ''responsive'' or not. It feels and looks like shit and takes twice the amount of resources to run.

>60fps gaming

Yes you have brain damage.

Stop talking shit. The British use PAL for tv, which runs at 25 fps. A film runs at 24 fps.
You don't even know what you're talking about

When I was playing Nioh, it had the stats for movie mode and action mode and it was something like 90% action mode. The overwhelming majority of players prefer fps over res

Those soap operas run at 48fps though. PAL is 50Hz.

Because american love conspicuously consuming for roo wide tvs

Is this a new meme?

Splatoon, Mario Kart 8D, Arms and Mario Odyssey are 60fps. The first three are confirmed 1080p too, we will have to wait to see if Mario too.

Whoa. That's... retro.

because they're fucking retarded and riding hype trains and other crap

Microsoft and Sony's "4k solutions" aren't even real 4k. Its either 3k upscaled, that fake 4k shit, or its some dynamic resolution crap

Yeah, but imagine playing Nier Automata at 900p in consoles, kek. PC is the way to go with multiplats.

That's just the refresh rate of the screen user, not really different frames being displayed.

Nier Automata could never run on the Switch at anything higher than 720p 25fps.

Sony makes televisions, 4k gives them more shekels than pushing for 60 fps and microsoft is just trying to keep up.

>Buying switch for multiplats when there is PC.
Kek, you but the switch for Nintendo exclusives, like Metroid Prime 4 or Splatoon. Which more often than not are 60fps.

>He bought a Switch
We have a live one!


Frames per second is harder to sell.

Yeah, I have a Switch, a gaming PC, a PS3 and a 3DS. What a time to be alive, I can play all I want.