They put a Lynel on the great plateau for Master Mode. The absolute madmen

They put a Lynel on the great plateau for Master Mode. The absolute madmen

Are all the weapons, combined, that you find in the great plateau enough to deal 5k damage? I Honestly think not.

you can get much stronger weapons on the floating platforms they added

who would win:
a single 14 dmg sword vs a fucking lynel

Bombs would win.

This doesn't seem all that difficult, just more tedious. The weapons on the great plateau aren't strong or durable enough to kill him. With the health regen, it's basically impossible

it would literally take at least 30 minutes

scrubs, the lot of you. You just need 1 decentish weapon from one of those platforms, then ride the lynel's back to hit it (which, for some reason, doesn't use up any weapon durability). Also use your fucking bows and stasis ability.

Only 30?

Stasis only locks enemies when you upgrade it, how the fuck are you going to upgrade it when you haven't left the great plateau

I really hope they fix the weapon problem, probably the biggest issue with BotW for me it's that you usually are better off avoiding combat to keep your weapons from breaking, I would much rather if you could just fuck the Lynels without issue.

Also is there any word on removing flurry rush and parrying for Hard mode? If they do then I'm playing the shit out of it.

If you make it so you can mount him often and thus not waste durability, and cheese him with stasis trees and bombs, I'm sure there's more than enough stuff on the plateau to kill him

>you guys are scrubs for not knowing how to exploit a bug

get off your high horse you fucking fag

>stasis ability
>without upgrading

Love those guys who think they know shit but then they don't.

>paying for Hard mode

ayyyyy lmao

It's literally not a bug, it's a feature, to reward orchestrating mounting occasions.

Wtf. Weapons aren't even a factor later on. I throw more weapons away than I break.

>weapon problem
You could try stealth, bombs, arrows, and such.

>keep weapons from breaking
But why. Weapons are a dime a fucking dozen. Hell, there even exists mechanics to repair ones you like.

They are still in. Only changes are the platforms everywhere, all enemies ranked up, and health regen.

By the time your bombs are both off of cooldown, HP regen has already started on this guardian

>bombs and stealth against Lynels


Well fuck, that sounds lazy as fuck

Lynels aren't even hard though. Shit they're probably the easiest since you can flurry rush your way though everything.

It's literally just Nintendo front loading the plateau again to get everyone who plays the game to discuss it. You can easily avoid it if you want.

So far the master mode seems like it COULD be really cool but

>regenerating health for all enemies

WHY nintendo, WHY? I'm just a guy with a stick, how am I supposed to chip away at groups of enemies if they keep brushing it off?

It is lazy. I'm not even sure if silver Hinox are a thing, I've just been seeing a lot more blacks. And none of the new armors can be dyed or upgraded and don't have new fun effects. Hopefully the second part is actually good because at the moment the sword trial is the only worthwhile addition.

True. I fight them for their loot but they are a bit annoying just because it takes a minute to beat them.

Focus one
Use stealth
Cheese bodies of water
Abuse Ice and Electricity
Eat food

Enemies start being irrelevant again once weapons with 20+ damage start getting dropped.

>easily avoid

Maybe you're right, but that remains to be seen

Just avoid things. I have the master sword already and haven't beaten a beast.

Really? So no David Jr outfit? That's the most disappointing thing I've heard all day.

I legitimately forgot, I haven't got the DLC yet.

You can get to the stasis shrine from the mountain and use food instead of getting the doublet from the old man. You arent forced to go near the lunes.

>not using stasis on a log to fire it at the lynel

Couldn't you just parry the laser beam?

It's funny, that's how I got to that shrine in my original playthrough. I didn't know there was a cold doublet.

not with a boko shield

>Maybe you're right, but
you literally don't have to go anywhere the lynels are

I'm pretty sure you can use any shield

have you even played the game?
parrying doesn't reduce durability

Yes with a boko shield. Shields don't take damage on perfect parries. You can parry Guardian lasers with a pot lid

How do you even get weapons off the floating platforms

I tried shooting the balloons but my arrows wouldn't go that far

If you mean the one off of the Plateau, I only got it after getting the paraglider by sniping it off mid-air gliding down

When your mom mounted my dick last night it was also more than enough for her

>isekai mmo where people are trapped in a game and if you die in the game you die in real life
Why does Japan love this trope so much? That's terrifying!

Yeah it was actually outside the plateau. Even if I brought it down I guess I couldn't get anything off it yet

Does shield durability even matter? If I fuck up parrying a laser it's gonna break whether it's a savage lynel shield or a generic iron shield.

hows the new divine beast? Is there a single enemy that takes more than one attack to kill this time? The 4 in the main game are laughable Puzzelda BS fests with zero challenge or replay value

yes it matters
pot lid will break with one fuck up
master shield can take many fuck ups

>fucking up a laser parry


I meant hylian shield, i'm tired