How is it?
How is it?
Other urls found in this thread:
Its fun
I like it
Story is just above throwaway, graphics are bland but serviceable, combat is top-notch, the enemy variety is second to none, and it actually gets dark at night. 8/10
its great until you realize the armor system ruins it
It's actually not as good as I had expected. Only 6 hours in but the combat feels stale and the world super boring. Maybe magic archer just sucks, but I'm really not feeling it.
Generic garbage
>combat is top-notch
attacks are either too weak to do anything or so strong they pwn your opponent instantly.
Real dudes do mystic knight
Stats go up based on vocation, so if you get 40 levels in warrior and switch to mage, yeah it's gonna be weak
That's how I was at first. Dropped it around the time I reached Gran Soren, then decided to pick it back up a few weeks later to give it another try. It gets so much better later on.
Real men go sorcerer
Il berserker your ass you white beard staff wagler book worm fire ball spamming thunder summoner windblower loser
Forgot to add: one of the best character creators
>Played Assassin first playthrough
>Kind of tapered off at DA content due to not really liking the playstyle as much as I wanted
>Now half kind of want to do another playthrough but cant decide if I should do Ranger or a magic class like Mystic Knight or Magic Archer
Magic Archer > Magic Knight > Sorcerer > Warrior > everything else > Mage
It's an enjoyable play. Not ground breaking, but pretty fun. The 'wandering miniboss' thing is pretty cool as it rewarded my exploration with this big beasts to kill that dropped good shit.
Was it worth full price on launch? Fuck noooooo. But for the 12 burgerdollars it's going for on the sale I'd say it's a great game for that much.
Real dudes just don't pick mystic archer. Makes it too easy.
It's on my 9x9
does magic archer suck?
or do you suck with magic archer?
Try warrior or assassin for a while or something
All combat is built under the assumption that you're a team of 4 similarly leveled characters and it can feel a bit strange only doing 1/4 of the total damage. But once you get further and really understand how to fight various enemies it becomes a lot less thwacking away and a lot more technical stuff. The thing about dragon's dogma is, barring humans and goblins, just about every single enemy in the game is a "puzzle boss"
its the best game ever
Warrior > Magick Archer > Mystic Knight > Sorcerer = Assassin > Strider > Fighter = Ranger > Mage
If you're planning to tackle Bitterblack at some point, any of the hybrid classes do really well.
Hell, it feels like BBI was designed specifically as a Magick Archer playground.
True, but trivializing BBI with that class is fun but undeniably gay. Once the training wheels are off with MA/MK I'd take the plunge with a non-hybrid.
I guess I might try a Magick Archer next play through, is it as fun as Ranger can be at times with the stupid shit like Endecad Shot and shotgun headshotting stuff?
I currently have my loli pawn as a mage for them heals, should I git gud and switch her to another class or do I stick with it?
With the sheer bullshit BBI can throw at you, I think it's fair game really.
I personally had the most fun with Fighter. Perfect Shielding, Hindsight Slashing, and simple sword play made everything feel like an actual fight. Except Living Armors, fuck them.
Boss niggas go two handed. It's an ACTION RPG where you can jump on the back of cyclops and stab their eye, yet you chose to stand a far from enemies, hidden in the safety of your NPCs and throw your gay glow sticks at enemies like some prancing fairy faggot.
Geez user, come on.
Magick Archer has shit much, much more lethal and spectacular than anything Ranger has.
Assassin playthrough
no pawns
Has anyone tried this?
It's more situational, but it can really wreck things given the right circumstance.
I'll let you experiment with it's interesting stuff, but suffice it to say, Ricochet Hunter sucks in Gransys, but it basically becomes a win button in BBI.
Yep. The skills it gets for being alone got nerfed hard though so it's not as hilariously broken.
My brother has done it successfully through vanilla and BBI post-nerf
bbi post daimon is perfection
Loli waifu dressup sim
Maybe it depend on your playstyle, but pawn can get good if you both goes for similar playstyle as they can start mimick the way you play.
>Loli waifu dressup sim
>Wife watches me play
>Have to explain why I'm being followed by a loli in a string bikini
>Having a waifu and a wife
Look at this player
>One loli
>Not a full party.
Base game is amazing despite vast and mostly empty world
Bitterblack Isle is fucking goat x-tier amazing
>Story is just above throwaway
somebody hasnt finished the game
FUN was definitely had. If my backlog weren't so steep, I'd roll another (better) character and kick ass in Bitterblack Isle.
>tfw Berserk license expired so no True Guts and Griffith suits
Why are you still here reading this thread? Buy that shit and start playing
Mystic Knight made my xbox crash.
Shit was tight
Kept you waiting, huh!
>New game, lvl 38
>Install World Difficulty mod
>Try going off road
>Get rekt almost instantly
Now the game's hints and tips feel so wise.
Just about to start this shit for the first time, what mods would you fags recommend? Other than the 4k nekkid mods, naturally.
Mod the original title screen music back in
id post a link but its on reddit and would make people unreasonably mad
Doesn't hold up.
Even though it looks like shit, how do you feel about a possible dragons dogma character getting in MvCI?
>remember anons talking about berserk armor when it was ps3 exclusive
>decide to make a guts clone
>armor was removed but thats ok it was only mid tier from what i understand
>warrior vocation only gets 3 skills
>ended the game as an assassin thats swole with what look like butter knives comparitively
Niggas like to shit on Mystick Knight who use Greater Cannons, but stacking sigils and using hallowed feints, turning your GCs into holy gatling guns, is fucking prime. Of course Abyssal Anguish and sky rapture or whatever it's called is guaranteed fun too.
This game is like Devil May Cry and Dark Souls combining without fast travel.
It's alright.
Sorcerer is the spell nukage class of choice, yea? Or should I go with the ass sassin for phat deeppsss?
it has fast travel just in a minorly convulted way that isnt bad imo
you get enough warp crystals to get everywhere fairly quick if you space them correctly
sorcerer you mostly sit on your ass pressing a button and waiting for the cast to finish. assassin's more engaging
>without fast travel
But that's not entirely true. At first there is a lot of running back and forth but did you forget about portcrystals and ferrystones? Also everyone gets an eternal ferrystone on pc version.
Don't necessarily mind that, I'd imagine sorcerer has more AoE potential - or is that not a thing / irrelevant in DDAD?
Unless assassin gets gear that looks far superior to sorc stuff (caster gear in some games is complete dogshit), I'll likely pick the sorc as I'm usually wont to do.
alway give people pawns a counterfit ferry stone before the DA DLC came out on ps3
Masterful Kill infinite timeframe. Bug or not?
is the ps4/xbox port a remaster or just a port?
>you'll have hours of fun playing this amazing new game!! Click here to download now!!
Desperately need a sequel.
Heres your sequel.
>just buy the game because of the summer sale
>oh the pawns have a guild
>oh there's some spiders and bats
>oh undead but fire 1shots them so whatever
>tfw cyclops
>tfw cthulhu tentacle monster
Got it on sale, haven't started yet.
Anything I should know beforehand?
>my webm
>Start game
>Can finally explore around
>Go exploring in the starting area
>Easy enemies
>Easy bandits
>Suddenly that 1 fucking bandit leader that fucks up your entire squad
I'm not sure if that's a wake up call or just bullshit.
Goblins hunt in packs!
what's happening here, what does he use to make the GK do that? did he riposte something?
>loli waifu dressup sim
please elaborate
>tfw cthulhu tentacle monster
It's been a few years, but I think I cheesed that fight out as an archer by managing to push it over the edge to its death in that giant spiral starcase
Or maybe that was something else. The game kind of runs together.
>play the game to perfection
>play BBI to perfection
>create the perfect archer sisters one for arisen, one for pawn
>their stats are fined tuned to the max
>grind out favorite looking gear / dragonforge etc after looting them for a zillion hours
>one BBI run to finish the last piece of clothing for main character (she wears an ugly hijab with better stats for BBI speedruns) but have to go somewhere
>turn console on next time
>savegame is lost
>now your arisen will forever appear shit in someones elses endgame
>the cool ying-yang super sisters you wanted from the moment you finished your first run will never be a thing
Four years passed but it still hurts
Blessed Riposte.
Yes. Alternatively you can do great cannon + strides thousand kisses for a machine gun like effect
Its like m'y favorite game of the decade
The only game i finished like 5 Time
DD2 soon plz
The game let the players make pretty much any sort of character humanely possible, bar toddlers.
You can make a loli/shota wielding a greatsword if that's your thing.
You can play dress up even with hired pawns.
Of course, other players will get the items, either it be a jester outfit or a thong.
Would you fuck your pawn?
>4k nekkid mods
one of the best "medieval fantasy" RPGs on the market
I basically made my pawn Inuyasha
so yes
I expected really cool stuff, but then I got total utter shit.
>Shit overworld
>The big beasts are actually everywhere, doesnt feel unique at all when you go every 50m and you get another fucking cyclops or chimera or whatever
>If you like to collect all in your way, give up already
>Shit fetch side quests (and main story was pretty meh for these few hours i played)
>You cant abandon mission, e.g. i had to take and throw from a cliff fucking person i had to escort
I would probably play a bit more if there wouldnt be so many issues with the game. It had cool premise tho, I hope they will fix all the issues on the next DD.
>game releases on Xbox 360/PS3
>highly acclaimed
>cult following
>gets ported to PC
>PC players shit on it
no one has shat on it in this thread though
>the item IDs are hardcoded to crash the game instantly if obtained in any manner
>no model replacement possible as formats between PC and console builds of the game are different enough to not work
I liked it on pc, but I can understand why many pc players don't like it. It's incredibly flawed. From the characters, to the quests, to the world, to the level and gear dependent combat. The only reason I liked it, is because I actually enjoy grinding BBI and the story was serviceable in the end to make up for it's early crappiness.
It's the kind of game that you play as a kid and get crazy nostalgia glasses for. Also it has waifus.
next gen consoles get the port from the pc version
Yeah, fetch quests are always shit. Stick to kill-quests.
Those are mostly valid complaints but there's not a word about combat in there, or progression. They'd be the two main points of a ARPG, wouldn't you think?
>PC players shit on it
>>[User reviews: Very Positive]
Yeah, tots.
That mod is gonna be so fucking good when 1.0 comes out, I'm definitely gonna do a new playthrough when it drops