Just got this today

Just got this today.

What am I in for?

Other urls found in this thread:


Disappointment and garbage.

>pussy hand

your cat is obese. take better care of your pets you fucking trash human.

Wait a minute. . .

that hand. . .

somethings off

Frustration since your small kitty paws can't possibly use a controller properly

clip your nails you disgusting sack of shit

dont you mean "pawperly"

This, i play a lot of cod and this one is not the worst but its one of the bad ones. All the future games are complete shit.
Should have got Blops 2 was the last enjoyable COD.

Stupid cat

Dab emotes, RNG loot crates, unbalanced super abilities, horribly unbalanced weapons which include post release supply drop guns, frequent latency because Activision still refuses to implant dedicated servers in a multi billion dollar franchise, lack of new game modes, a retarded campaign that has nothing to do with the previous titles except for one single name drop, and a disappointing zombies mode with one excellent map.

Should have just went with IW. Campaign's better, Zombies is decent, and the multiplayer's more balanced and supported weekly with the cost of shitty latency.

>dirty mixed breed paw

We're all one race. The feline race.

Unsatisfying garbage. Shitty maps, movement mechanics and every gun feels like shit. Should've bought Titanfall 2 instead.

Also "furrustration"

>unironic cawadooty discussion on Sup Forums
guess all the cod kids are old enough to post here now



The present is doggly, get with the times grandpa


does this still have a ""decently" active playerbase

i missed the boat by two years want to play some arcade fps

although i already have titanfall 2


you'll encounter the same 20-30 players
If you have titan fall 2 i would definetly stay away from this.

Oh whats next? doggardly?

BO3 was the last CoD game that I genuinely enjoyed, it's a good one as far as recent CoD games go

Cats stealing our women, and now our games

Thanks jews............

shut up duck

someone post the one with the black guys hand for Sup Forums please

>Best Zombies
>Most of the good maps from BO1/2 are remade for MP

Come on now user.

Don't make me get my fellow birb friend to attack you.

That excellent map has to be Kino,
Origins and Der Eisendrache, right?

cod > dark souls

Are you going to buy Elvira's map Sup Forums?

Jesus fuck


>there are cats posting on Sup Forums right meow

t. baddie

The sad thing is thats only a thing because of Rugarell the resident black sony shitposter.

Not him but Der Eisendrache was the only good bo3 map.

Well yeah, but the older maps being in BO3 vastly improves it.

I want to fuck that cat

I thought that fuck moved to 8ch@n

OP, are you aware that you're a cat?

Yes I was referring to DE. The other DLC are shit except for the remastered old maps.

Don't you love 90 minute long EEs with no payoff and shit WWs?

IW did zombies so much better than BO3 did, even with the pointless cameos

I unironically enjoy the movie themed Zombie maps

It's a fantastic theme and I'm glad we're back to actual icons after Kevin Smith.

RitR legitimately had me concerned for IW's DLC after buying the season pass.

>More limited soundtrack
>Easier Easter Egg
>Easier WWs
>Less satisfying traps

Rave sucks though. The 80's and 70's maps are the only good ones until

I just want to appoint how good this memes is.

Yeah, It's just the only poster I'd got saved.

It'd be an interesting theme if the Slasher was actually a persistent map element beyond "Don't use Rave Vision after Scene 10"

dont patronise me jim

Fuck outta here with that shit. Der Eisendrache is like knock off Origins with less than half the features and a shitty attempt to mooch off it's popularity.

Gorod Krovi > Zetsubou > Shadows > Der Eisendrache > Revalations

Another future fps.

As if we don't have enough of those.


Revelations is knock off Origins, and doesn't even have the staffs.

It's also the closest to a Mob of the Dead remake we're going to get.

>Revelations is knock off Origins
Outside of how to get power going it's nothing like Origins

>not Vampira

>people actually think Der Eisendrache is the best bo3 map
>they couldn't understand steampunk Shi No Numa
>they were too casual for ZnS and Gorod Krovi
>they're dempseyfags

Its also just a boring as fuck map with little to no substance unlike shuffle, and the EE is piss easy.

DE is the easiest to get high rounds on outside of REV

It's the final DLC map, leaves more story questions than answers, has a bizarrely specific Pack-a-punch route and attempts to fuck with fans after the previous DLC maps, it's basically the same as Origins was in BO2.
I mean, GK is bullshit when it comes to the EE Or maybe I'm just shit, but I think it's got the best atmosphere of the BO3 maps.

Shuffle is the best so far, definitely.
>No static defense bullshit like ZiS
>Not insanely easy like RitR

>Der Eisendrache > Shadows > everything else

>It's also the closest to a Mob of the Dead remake
Its no where near the perfection known as Mob


But black ops 2 is a future game user

All I mean is the Mob section and how the timeline has no reason to revisit it unlike Der Riese.

They're going to rewrite everything for the next game anyways so who cares about that

I'd still fuck her.

>>Revelations is knock off Origins
>Literally has a Origins Giant in it
>Literally has the Panzer mk 2 in it
>Literally has 4 quest based wonder weapons
Der Eisendrache was clearly based off Origins, Revelations took themes from EVERY map, it's not a knock off of anything.

Fun for an hour.

Mobs brief appearance tied in pretty neatly at the end though

Reminder that this was the ending to a hyped up, complex, and engaging Zombies story line over the course of several titles by Treyarch themselves

>Der Eisendrache
>better than anything
Yeah, neck yourself any day now.

>not perfect
neck yourself too.

GK has a pretty simple EE

Christ I haven't kept up with the story.

What happened to all of them being psychopathic Allied and Axis soldiers? Now they're heroes?

Why Activision won't make a standalone Zombies game with all campaigns from COD, again?

Alternate timeline, they wrote themselves into a hole when they blew up the earth anyway

Reminder that knowing Blundell and all the shit we haven't figured out yet, there's a deep meaning to this. Remember that shit he said aboutt he timeline thing? How we're reading it wrong and we're also seeing it through Richtofens eyes, not everyone else's?

Though, I don't know what you'd expect from the ending anyways. Remember they aren't real characters, they are just the imagination of two children, don't expect them to break into reality, they were never going to break their cycle as Zombies never ends. That's the point.

>they are just the imagination of two children
I don't think that's the case anymore

>First Pam Grier
>Now Elvira
Infinity Ward are really putting in work for that.

Mob makes perfect sense where it's at currently, all I mean is that we could have The Giant as well as Der Riese because it's the fracture where Richtofen kills himself.
There's no reason for that to be the case because while Primis do visit and refer to it in GK, there's nothing to imply they weren't just at the Lab beneath Alcatraz.
I don't mind that ending, it works well as a whole time-loop, but it's just as much of a fuck you as the Origins ending initially was.
It does, but it's the steps with the Valkyrie, etc. that fucks me over pretty consistently.
Alternate timelines, several universes, eldritch horrors, god-like figures and having to kill other selves.

And what about the BO2 cast? Did they return?

>shuts down DE
>defends MOTD being called perfect
>simply not liking both
So this is the taste of Summer

There's five children there now, there was only Sam and Eddie in the Origins ending, I believe.

At the end of Revelations there's young versions of Primis, and Sam.

>No Home Alone style map with the Kids fighting the Zombies.

>dead mexicans and experimentation
>misadventures and meme shit
>killing zombies
>go to space
>blow up the earth
>alternate time:
>save the fucking world
>blow up the moon instead
>become saviors
>looked at like gods yet forever trapped in an endless cycle
sounds like the good life if you ask me

Crazy how much the plot grew from 4 looks in Shi No Numa to that.

>It does, but it's the steps with the Valkyrie, etc. that fucks me over pretty consistently.
Use Undead Man Walking
They're in the comics, siding with Maxis is canon. They're put on ice, so the only thing from BO2 we encounter is a small section of Buried in Revelations and the Ray Gun Mk. II in Zombie Chronicles Maps

Yeah, do you know about the Easter Egg in Shi No?

I'll take a mixed breed over some fugly smashed-face inbred pedigree cat any day.

Snowball is that you!1!!?? Wtf?!

The meteor that crashed outside or the radio transmission from Porter?

Shave your hand, you hairy ass gorilla

>Use Undead Man Walking
>He uses mega gums


Enjoy the read.

Nah, there's another one when you're Richtofen and find his diary, he does some evil laugh.

>not using mega gums
It's like you don't know how to have fun in pubs

>not cool cats

You're the asshole who drops as soon as he loses a Perkaholic, right?

>he doesn't have fun by limiting himself to only quick revive and no killing
be creative, I bet you dashboard after going down with a percuckolic

I remember him laughing maniacally in one of the houses. Don't know that triggered it.

Wow. You know people like to shit on CoD but the plot for zombies is very good.

No, megas don't matter to me, but pubs are terrible without them

Surely a co-op zombies game mode isn't this fucking complex.

I love it, and think it's great, but it's easy to generalize and make shit of.
>overly convoluted story
>fan-fic tier writing
>wave-based gameplay
>literal repetitiveness
>no end goal
>12 year olds mowntin deww

Regardless, don't expect someone who doesn't like Cod to positively praise Zombies, they don't see a difference.