Just ordered a Switch with Arms and Puyo Puyo Tetris. Are there any must-have eshop games?
Just ordered a Switch with Arms and Puyo Puyo Tetris. Are there any must-have eshop games?
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I Am Setsuna is eshop only in North America. It's a great RPG, though you can easily import a physical copy for a bit more and it will play in English. The Neo Geo ports are pretty good if not a bit overpriced. Shovel Knight is the same as it's always been.
I really liked Mr. Shifty and Graceful Explosion Machine. Both are VERY short, but they're such fun experiences that I didn't mind too much.
Blaster Master
Cancel arms, its only fun if you like fighting games and only if you are good. I bought it and the novelty of ARMS is fun for the first 5 hours or so but then it becomes unfun unless you are really good. I had a wii u and pirated BoTW so I didnt buy it. But I never played Mario Kart 8 so MK8Deluxe is fun if you never played it on the wii u.
>Cancel arms, its only fun if you like fighting games and only if you are good
I like fighting games (actual fighting games not smash) and was doing pretty decent online and I thought it was boring as shit.
>actual fighting games not smash
Snipper clips is very fun. Blaster matter is too
>actual fighting games not smash
You almost had it.
Well I have a Wii U, so I don't want MK8 and BotW unless I sell my Wii U copies. I love fighting games but I don't consider myself good at them, I mostly just play them with my brother.
Fast RMX, an F-Zero like racer at 1080p/60fps that no one knows about. It's that game that convinced me the Switch can do stuff. I love the game even though it kicks my ass 70% of the time.
Blaster Master Zero is a true successor to the original Blaster Master. Incredibly fun with great music. Only downside is that it's piss easy.
Thumper if you haven't played it already. Not really a must have, but it's a fun, blood pumping rhythm game.
Snake Pass is surprisingly comfy. Last I checked, it doesn't run the best on Switch, but I found it to be playable at least.
Shantae 1/2 Genie Hero. Not as good as Pirates Curse and available on everything else including Wii U, but it's a solid title with some jammin' music.
Voez if you're into weeb rhythm games that only use the touchscreen. Was pretty addictive when I was still playing it.
IAS Asia release plays in english?!?
nice, didn´t know that.
I wish they would just fucking come out with virtual console already for fuuuuuucks saaaaaake
No and you ordered 2x shit games
Totally not sexual at all
Arms is shit
Still sonyfags btfo
Binding of Isaac
Bomberman is £21 in Africa lol
You can change your countries region, buy from a eshop then change back.
Woah...so this is the power of being region free
>children and autists throwing hissy fits when people don't take their party game seriously enough
that's some sweet projection you got there
send all of it back and build a PC
You'll make the price difference back in a couple years of not having to rent online access and paying 0-10% as much for games, and nobody can push a button and make it stop working if they don't like what you do with it
>Cancel everything
>You will never have fun
How to spot a Sonyfag trying to undermine sales.
>come into thread because I've been looking for a reason to pull the trigger on a Switch
>people recommending ports and steam games
The fuck guys
Well if you recommend Odyssey, Splatoon 2 or Prime 4 you get a spew of "NOT OUT YET XD"
PS4 owners get the same replies when they put unreleased games on their lists, stop acting like you're a victim
>only mention arms
You okay there bud?
This, all the """good""" games aren't out yet. Even the OP knows this, thats why he said eshop games.
Well no shit what retard recommends buying a console for unreleased games
PS4 fanboys did for like 2 years.
Samefag. No one mention sony at all. Get your consolewar shit out of here.
I'm OP and I know that the ""good"" games aren't out yet, but I want to play Splatoon 2 when it releases, and I have the money so I figured I'd buy one now. I wanted to know if there were any solid eshop titles that I should pick up, but it's just descended into consolewar shitposting.
Kamiko is fun.
Amazing dedication
you sound triggered, 12 isn't even a lot.
>eight times in one day
>posted 10 times in a single day
Do you also get mad at these daily shill threads?
Of course you don't, fanboy.
He also posted it here You can tell he's editing the image so he can post it multiple times at once without getting the duplicate file error.
Yes. You're still a shitposting console warrior, and a pretty pathetic one at that.
>defending blatant shitpost
please go back
You are mad as fuck.
How old are you?
How mad are you?
Not at all. Now answer my question.
>bought the Switch at launch day with Zelda
>got halfway through Zelda and stopped playing since April
>still seeing nothing but shovelware and remakes mostly on the horizon
>not really sure about Mario Odyssey
>not really sure about the already outdated Tegra GPU
I'm starting to lose faith in the Switch.
>Not at all
Kamiko is a fun little cheap game. Only $5, but would be a lot better with multiplayer
Can you post a timestamped pic of your Switch? No particular reason, just curious.
>u mad!!!!
I remember when everyone knew this meme was only posted ironically
Buy mario kingdom rabbits. Unironically one of the better games.
It was literally advertised as a Mario and Zelda machine. What made you have faith at all
I remember when you weren't mad, oh wait no I don't.
buy gonner and shovel knight if you like plataforming
the summer is real
The buttmad is real
There was supposed to be some good third-party support coming the Switch's way.
All I see are shitty old indies and Skyrim. Why in the fuck do I want to play Skyrim again.
how could anyone be this mad?
stop talking to yourself like that. People won't respect you if you don't respect yourself first
>n-no u
Holy shit you're so mad right now
>being this buttblasted
>n-no u
>being constipated with all of that anal-anger
>n-no u
It's tons of fun couch multi player
all me
fucking faggots git gud. ARMS is fucking awesome. It has such a nice learning curve. It is fucking hard but you get better and better at it. There is only one reason not to own it, and this is when you never play multiplayer. This is an only multiplayer game coop or online doesn't really matter, but i found 2 coop online the best. Hope others will have as much fun as i had with it.
Fucking idiot. Should've bought a new GPU with that money.
Coop online is awesome. My girlfriend even likes it and she is grandma tier when it comes to vidya.
Gunvolt is pretty good, also no reason not to play Zelda unless you did on wii u. Its goty 2000-2017.
>the people in this thread who can't handle someone simply saying they bought a switch
this is getting pathetic
I already have a GTX 970 meme edition.
I played GTAV for about a few months before not playing anything else. Thinking about selling it all soon.
The only thing that keeps me entertained is my Xbox One, it's a far superior console. Of course, everybody on Sup Forums has a PS4 and will try their damndest to disqualify my system for not having Souls-trash and weeb RPGs.
So much salt grinding in their ass cheeks.
As an idort, Nintendo really did just wake up out of nowhere and BTFO the entire competition. And their line up looks terrifying too.
the only person in this thread who actually has fun with her switch
The bone is loyal, user. Waiting for the new Crackdown myself.
>Xbox One, it's a far superior console.
No fucking way
>need an app just to play DVDs
>Scalebound cancelled
>Low quality controllers that still need AAs
>Worst and absolutely SLOWEST dashboard in the history of ever
My Xbone pisses me off so goddamn much. I'm glad they're finally putting their exclusives on PC, even though the windows store is still also shit. Downloading Gears 4 was a fucking trip.
Snipperclips is the only eShop must-have.
What is the original for this comic anyhow? I had one where he was watching TV and fantasized having a girlfriend and it made me lose my shit, but I lost it.
yeah i had the same situation. Played with someone who had no idea and it was fucking awesome. Later played with a fucking pro, and it was also fucking awesome. It is awesome how nintendo managed to do it. And if you play ranked you know there is absolutely no bullshit and it all depends on you and not some random luck or some other people.
>expecting third-party support on a nintendo console
Why would you buy a nintendo console for games not made by nintendo
I don't understand
>Not at all
Confirmed 200% mad as fuck.
>need an app just to play DVDs
Yeah, download the blu-ray app and you're good to go. Why is that such a fucking hardship that it's not preinstalled for you? You have an internet connection.
>Scalebound cancelled
Literally what game? I only heard about it when some weebs complained about it being cancelled. Looked like a Final Fantasy ripoff anyway.
>Low quality controllers that still need AAs
First, stop forcefully whipping the control sticks, that causes the notorious stick-drift.
Second, buy yourself some rechargeable 2500mAh Duracells. I'd rather deal with that than a lithium battery that requires a screwdriver to access.
>Worst and absolutely SLOWEST dashboard in the history of ever
Works fine for me...?
>Literally what game? I only heard about it when some weebs complained about it being cancelled. Looked like a Final Fantasy ripoff anyway.
How to Invalidate Your Entire Post 101
Puyo Puyo Tetris is a good choice. It's a really great modern take combining two classic games for this generation.
I love the idea of Puyo Puyo but I just suck so fucking badly at it. I've been playing Tetris since the gameboy so it just feels like second nature at this point. Though, whenever I play online and the dude picks Puyos, I usually get raped.
Mighty Gunvolt Burst.
It's $10 and it's good ol' Mega Man action.
Forget everything you heard about MIghty No 9, this game is actually good
If anything, Mighty Gunvolt Burst is a last-ditch effort to save Mighty No. 9.
If it is, mission complete, I am thoroughly enjoying the game.
Setusna is trash fuck what you heard.
Get this and metal slugs
I don't think Inticreates particularly cares about saving MN9. I think they just took the IP and ran with it, since they could use it for free.
And yes MGB is great
Well, if they save it they could soft or hard reboot it AND make bucks as a brother franchise to Gunvolt.
ringo waifu
Well they're doing a good job. It's criminal that this game isn't making more waves
What are they spying on? Me playing video games? Damn dude, scary.