Tekken failed

>Tekken failed
>Injustass failed
>Goober Gear failed
>Mortal Kombat failed
>Blazeblue failed
>KOF never stood a fucking chance
>Smash isn't a fighting game
>Neither is Pokken
>DBZ is next

Hail to the king.

people still play sfv?

More people play it than whatever piece of shit dead kusoge you like.

Tekken's doing fine hombre

>People unironically cockride this game
It's hilarious because even the pros that play it don't actually enjoy it

Tekken is only relevant because it contains a Capcom guest character, that is a fact.

>Tekken failed

what dimension do you live in

>Broken online
>Insane input delay
>Jewish DLC policies
>Shit newcomers
>Lacking content and characters
>Idolshit and mandrama shilling
It's shit

Don't be salty the cast is garbage
I don't run capcom, not my fault

>no mention of marvel whatsoever

despite what you say, you're still the primary laughing stock of the fgc
>b-but people are still playing these games
for shameless shillbux at this point

Marvel is just going to reinforce Capcom's strangehold on the genre. Face it, no other company will ever come close to being as dominant as Capcom, they created fightans as we know it. All of your dead gay anime shit wouldn't exist if they didn't have Street Fighter and Marvel to rip off.

reeeeeeeeeeaaaaaalllly superb bait you got there

You just described SFV

>they created fightans as we know it
So? SFV is a disaster that they're not backing down from, and MvCI looks even worse.

It stays on top, while being a bad and unfun game. Congrats I guess.

>Shot newcomers
>Rashid and Laura
Aquire taste my good sir.

Wow, if Tekken's online is what you call 'broken', I don't wanna imagine the foul word you use to describe SFV's online.

The Sup Forums one where you just say shit and expect people to roll with it and take whatever bait you figure you're trying to present. I was actually pretty impressed that it managed to rack up 1,000 registrants for EVO. That's gonna be a big tournament and possibly require it's own stream at least for 2017.

Of course it's outpaced by Smash Wii U and SFV but good thing I don't see the world in zero sum terms and think everything has to be pitted against everything else somehow when it's all at the same tournament. Same schedule, overlapping streams, it'll be EVO as usual. More people doesn't necessarily mean a better tournament anyway so much as potentially more scrubs to knock out and bigger pools of them.


wtf who cares just play what you want.

nobody plays tekken for akuma

How is Pokken not a fighter?

>get to ultra gold as vega, tired of grinding out wins with him and want to try a new
>get matched with other gold players in casual while playing a character i've never used before and lose all motivation to play the game

>Neither is Pokken

This is objectively incorrect though, pokken is really no more different from SFV, KoF, or MK/Injustice are from each other. Unlike Smash, it shares all the same gameplay systems, mechanics, and fundamentals as them: meter, attack heights, multiple attack buttons, the same neutral/advantage/disadvantage states, cancels out the ass, crossups, resets, oki/wakeup play, footsies, setups/baits, making reads, etc.

It's litterally all there. The only stuff that's different is there's 6, not 3 attack heights, the heights matter for punishing other attacks on reaction (say, a low slide going under a high hit) rather then it punishing certain block heights; grabs being beaten by attacks rathher then grab teching existing, and the phase shift system.

If anything Pokken does a fucking better job of the "accessable for newcomers without sacrificing depth" thing SFV tried to do, i'd outright say pokken has a higher skill ceiling then SFV by a decent margin.

It's published by nintendo so they automatically assume it's casualshit

nice b8, m8

honestly no one gives a shit about Akuma

>Tekken failed
I don't even have the sales numbers but i ehard he netcode was garbage
>Injustass failed
it sold like water everywhere mate, the playerbase might die in a month or so but NRS makes big buck out of it, so the franchise is safe for a while.
>Goober Gear failed
it was destined to fail due to been way too complicated.
>Mortal Kombat failed
same as injustice
>Blazeblue failed
never played blaz blue but i'll assume it has the same problems as GG
>KOF never stood a fucking chance
this is true, the game looks like garbage even after the updates.
>Smash isn't a fighting game
not sure about this one but i don't mind smash at evo, the community i garbage though.
>Neither is Pokken
isn't it a 3d fighter though?
>DBZ is next
it might sell well due to having reconizable characters and if arsys doesn't fuck up the gameplay by filling it with shiloads of mechanics than it might stand a chance.

MvsC:I will sell regardless on how good or bad the game is due to brand recognition alone, just like SF5.

>get to ultra gold as vega
how can you stand playing a character that is 400% free to jump on

because he has the fastest walk speed?

>Evo Brackets released today.
>In the same first pool as Floe and Infiltration.

Welp, not making it past round 1.

His appearance in the story is cool, but I can't think of anyone that actually plays him.

>gets shitted on by normies and pros alike
>dead playerbase
>dead on twitch
>number one game with most participants evo game
No. Seriously. What the fuck?


muh ryu

I at least understand the retarded accusations about smash not being a fighting game, but i cant fathom how anyone thinks Pokken isnt. It was literally made to be a competitive arcade fighting game.

the jump-ins aren't as bad as having to block 10+ hits in a row in the corner before you have a chance to get out

>Tekken still way more popular outside of NA
>Injustice/MKX sold way more than SFV ever will

I'm not sure what there is to be proud of. Doing better than anime? lmao

I still haven't seen a single akuma player online

>Tekken Master actually playing Tekken at Evo
What the fuck

Isn't Ryu the worst character in the game?

SFV and KOF are the only real fighting games in that list. The rest is terrible weeaboo, casual and party games.

Just gonna leave this here.

nope, still alex

It is shitted, but people who play street fighter 5+years cant just drop it like that. And it has 50% fewer people than previous year. I bet evo 2018 will drop even lower, maybee on GG level

Ryu's a meme because Capcom admitted they overnerfed him but he's still bad

he's street fighter, user
why do you think people play street fighter and not new games with different characters?

>Main Alex in every game he's been in

This is true suffering

tekken is more popular than sfv at the moment

Ripoffs of shaheen and katarina

currently I don't think there's a single other characters who gets blown up by neutral jumps as much as him. it would really help if non-ex knee didn't trade with literally any button your opponent presses or if he had his spiral as an air throw a la gief's air spd

>isn't it a 3d fighter though?

It's actually way, way closer to traditional 2d fighters. The vast majority of the gameplay takes place in duel phase, which is a traditional 2d fighting game; the switch to 3d is pretty much just an anti infinite mechanic with a forced return to neutral; and it switches back to duel phase/2d once a single solid hit connects

>tfw ST and vampire savior player

you faggots think YOUR games are dead?

>MvsC:I will sell regardless on how good or bad the game is due to brand recognition alone, just like SF5.
Well it's not enough, Disney wants that casual market and thanks to all that bad press (thanks Ike) is not going to meet expectations.

ST always has a side tournament at EVO and it's streamed 90% of the time.

>neither is Pokken
What the flying fuck
I get that smash doesn't use typical fighting game mechanics, but now you are just reaching because it's nintendo

So I haven't played SFV in a while. Why don't I have any missions any more? Did Capcom decide to quit letting you earn fight money? I thought they were supposed to be adding more than before.

Sorry user MVC3 is back in town
You lose


>expecting gimmicky fotm games to stand against a platform designed to stand the test of time

Holy fuck lol

>Tekken failed
Compared to SF5 nah dawg
> SF5 Block mechanic is just button smashing instead of actual skill blocking now everyone is Daigo

the evo side tourney isn't really a major anymore

it's all about combobreaker and canada cup

I like Street Fighter 5 the most out of the mentioned games, but you have to admit that it sold like shit. I am worried about the series future with those sales levels.

You are also forgetting how objectively awful the launch was. They did patch it up eventually, but by the time they did people already heard bad stuff about it.

>SF5 Block mechanic is just button smashing instead of actual skill blocking
u wot


Street Fighter and Marvel both ripped off Darkstalkers.

It's impossible for capcom to create a bad woman character so Laura doesn't count.
Rashid, Fang and the others are hot shit though.

In other words Guilty Gear is the fucking king, SFV fucked up the most.

Also, Tekken 7 is great tho?

Floe is bad, shame about Infil tho